info Overview
Name - What is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s full name?

Syllia Juliana Caphaxath

Role - What is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s role in your story?

Noble of Myrin

Other names - What other aliases does Syllia Juliana Caphaxath go by?


Gender - What is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s gender?


Age - How old is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ?

6' 3"

Hair Color - What color is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Syllia Juliana Caphaxath style their hair?


Eye Color - What is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s eye color?


Race - What is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s race?

Wild Elf

Linked Races

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ?

Juliana's silly and slutty, at least she use to be. When she was an assassin, when she wasn't off killing someone for money she would be sleeping with some random guy she had met at a bar. That all changed though when she met Dimira. Since then she's reshaped her attitude and stopped being so slutty, and instead, takes her relationship with her now wife seriously and holds it above all else.

groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s birthday?

March 6th 1360

Background - What is Syllia Juliana Caphaxath ’s background?

Syllia was born to an elven clan in Avenant. She was always extremely gifted, she was smarter than everyone else in her clan, and her parents couldn't be more proud. One day, she started seeing weird paranormal visions of weird people. A bald human, a elf with extremely long hair, and even alien races that she had never seen. Then one faithful day, Syllia had the worst migraine of her life, hell, of probably anyone's life. When her parents went to investigate what happened, Syllia accidentally snapped both of their necks. Traumatized by the occurrence, she blamed what happened on a adult her parents didn't like out of pure fear. That clan member ended up being hanged and Syllia ended up running away, her clan marks fading as she ran and ran and ran.

One day, Syllia ran into a man trekking the forest, named Jonathan. Jonathan decided to take her in out of pity alone. Over the next couple of years, Syllia would learn to hone her psionic skills and since Jonathan was a member of an secret Assassin's guild, he helped Syllia hone those skills in his own twisted way. Eventually Syllia honed her psionic skills into two blades that formed on each hand, and those knives didn't leave any marks. After much training, Syllia changed her name to Juliana and became a hired assassin.

For a while she was rather successful given how her knives don't leave any marks, however nobody is perfect and mistakes were made. While Juliana was invading a noble's home his kid stopped her and asked her why she was about to kill her father. Juliana completely froze, which gave the nobleman just enough time to ring the alarm and get her arrested. After Juliana was arrested, she was shipped to the Blackport Holding Facility where she would spend an unspecified time imprisoned before being released. Indris Kibeth-Fang had stroked a deal with the prison and freed Juliana, on the condition that she joined the adventuring guild.

Through a series of events Juliana met Dimira Walker, and the two fell in love. At the time she had no way of knowing Dimira was Indris' baby sister, but that just made the feelings all the more real. After serving some more time with the adventurers and helping them to once again take down the evil force as it emerged into the world, the two became married and Juliana became a noble of Myrin.

Shortly after they were wed Juliana decided she wanted a child of her own, unaware when she discussed this with Dimira that her wife was able to change her gender at will. Dimira offered that she could become an incubus if Juliana was willing to bear the child, and once the agreement was struck things moved fast. Juliana was pregnant shortly thereafter, but had to remain as such for almost two years because the natural elven gestation period is that long and being half succubus did not help that any. Still she did eventually give birth to a daughter she and Dimira decided to name Naivara Walker.

After the birth Juliana retired from adventuring, and the pair moved back in with Dimira's mother to be closer to her and get at least a little bit away from Indris. Naja was at least more hospitable, happy to have at least one of her daughters closer to home and considering Juliana a third daughter and treat her as such.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

A character belonging to Jackson, a player who went through this world as part of a D&D campaign. Uploaded here and used with his permission.

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