info Overview
Name - What is Ran Ouka’s full name?

Ran Ouka



Virtue and Sin


Sexual Orientation


Age - How old is Ran Ouka?


Gender - What is Ran Ouka’s gender?


face Looks *Use picture as reference*
Weight - How much does Ran Ouka weigh?

120 lb

Height - How tall is Ran Ouka?

6.3 ft

Hair Color - What color is Ran Ouka’s hair?

Light Pink

Hair Style - How does Ran Ouka style their hair?

Long straight, Curly Bangs

Body Type


Eye Color - What is Ran Ouka’s eye color?

Light blue

Race & Ethnicity


Skin Tone


android Species
fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Ran Ouka most?

Keeping the soulmate system in place
Keeping order
Appeasing God


Stoic, Refined, Vindictive, Smart, Selfish, Ambitious, Watashi

A stern woman.

The majority of her thoughts are sterile and unimportant to her.
In spite of her concern for the students' safety, she doesn't see the point of the current peace negotiations. She would rather they die than be imprisoned by a demon. Her temper can flare up at any time.
With a refined air of malice, she carries herself. In response to criticism of her motives, she emphasizes her focus on the task at hand. Everything is secondary to structure.

The relationship between her and Minato is at best distant since she views her as a tool to destroy the system. Ran is ambitious for herself and her family, believing that only a strong foundation will enable her to reach her goals.

As a member of the "Happy Souls" Generation, she considers the soulmate system to be absolute, especially since red strings bind the world together. She views any flaw in the system as a personal failure.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ran Ouka have?

Soulmate "Rebels"- She deems them selfish for working against nature and basically killing themselves for hedonism

Asexuals- Considers asexuality to be a reaction to loneliness or trauma.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ran Ouka have?

Tea making
Growing plants


Being cheated
Being used


"As fate dictated"

3d_rotation Mannerisms

Making decisions for oneself instead of seeking the advice of others
Taking initiative
Relating to people in a respectful manner
Applying stereotypes to a person or group without personally knowing them
Choosing what’s easiest
Reluctance to embrace new strategies or methods
Telling one’s charges what they want to hear to spare them anxiety
Finding it difficult to ask for help out of a reluctance to appear weak


Pressing the lips tight to keep from smiling
Difficulty staying still
Taking deep, calming breaths
Bouncing lightly in place
Averting the face
A relaxed posture
Smiling, grinning
Fingers loosely clasped in one’s lap


Subdued personality
A negative outlook
A desire to be alone
Difficulty engaging in conversation
Melancholy, gloomy
Shunning other people who are not of like mind
Inability to focus on the needs of others


Snarky commentary designed to take away from someone else's good mood
Tilting the chin downward so one can look “down” on someone
A pinched mouth and sour expression
A direct stare that lacks warmth
Speaking matter-of-factly
A tightness in one’s eyes
A mouth that curls with dislike, sneering
Spitting at someone or in their direction
Reaching out to throttle, hit, or cause pain
Shoving people aside to reach the enemy
Initiating hateful gossip, setting the enemy up, starting rumors
Wrenching an enemy’s arm to stop them from leaving
A dark mood that no one can reach through or dispel
Rash decisions, impaired judgment
Irrational thoughts, taking risks to get even
A desire to carry out a vendetta
Single-minded focus on how to destroy another


An inability to connect with others due to a lack of trust
Always seeing the worst-case scenario
Negative thought patterns
Feeling watched or followed
The belief that everyone else is deluded
Adhering to superstitious beliefs to stay safe
Jumping to the defensive
Verbally attacking any perceived opponents
Heartbeat racing, nearly exploding
Dizziness, weakness in the legs and knees
A loosening of the bladder


Averting or lowering one’s gaze
Turning away
Shifting about
Chin dipping to the chest, adopting a slumped posture
Reacting defensively


Open palms
Moving closer, into another’s personal space
Forming a steeple with hands and pressing them to lips
Offering praise for others
An emotion-rich voice


Preoccupation with the object’s scent
Focusing on the object’s most desirable qualities
Tuning out distractions in order to fixate on the object or want
A desire to erase all distance
A need to touch and explore
Obsessive thoughts


Asking someone to repeat the news out of disbelief
Laying a splayed out hand against one’s chest
Needing to sit or be supported
Asking a barrage of questions to try and work toward understanding
Stopping what one was doing mid-task
A pained expression, with eyes that cloud or focus inward
Brows that pull together and down

groups Social

Peace and quiet
Raindrop Cake
Romantic Gestures
Sakura blossom


Over Emotional People

Relationship Status


Reputation Stats


Favorite weapon - What is Ran Ouka’s favorite weapon?


date_range History
Background - What is Ran Ouka’s background?

(Perfect Sheltered Life)

(Slowly Drifting Apart)



device_hub Family
flare Magic
volume_up Voice
healing Mental
local_hospital Physical
account_balance Morals
edit Notes
folder_open Events
Character chevron_right Friends link linked Ran Ouka

Character chevron_right Mothers link linked Ran Ouka

This character was created by Ravencraft on

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