info Overview
Name - What is Tharian Thorne ’s full name?

Tharian Thorne

Other names - What other aliases does Tharian Thorne go by?


Role - What is Tharian Thorne ’s role in your story?

Main. Mercenary.

Age - How old is Tharian Thorne ?


Gender - What is Tharian Thorne ’s gender?


face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Tharian Thorne have?


Hair Style - How does Tharian Thorne style their hair?

Its long, past his shoulders

Hair Color - What color is Tharian Thorne ’s hair?


Height - How tall is Tharian Thorne ?


Weight - How much does Tharian Thorne weigh?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Tharian Thorne have?

Burn mark across his thigh from the Kitsune

Body Type

He has a fit build although he appears small

Skin Tone

Pale asf

Race - What is Tharian Thorne ’s race?

Dark + Light Elven

Eye Color - What is Tharian Thorne ’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Prejudices - What prejudices does Tharian Thorne have?

Hates humans because of his old adopted ones.



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Tharian Thorne have?

He is polite to people who deserve it although he has a chip on his shoulder and is a cruel person to anyone who crosses him and what he needs to get done.

Motivations - What motivates Tharian Thorne most?

His sister is still at home with abusive parents.

Flaws - What flaws does Tharian Thorne have?

He has bipolar disorder. Tharian would do anything for his sister. He has physical limits.

Talents - What talents does Tharian Thorne have?

Harnesses the light and dark powers of magic, he can dislocate his thumbs and put them back with no pain, hes a good swordsman, great thief, great assassin, he is good with words.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Tharian Thorne have?

Likes to be a mercenary. Doesn't really have time for anything else.

Personality type - What personality type is Tharian Thorne ?

He is a nice person, and polite too but because of his jobs he's a dick. Tharian suffers from bipolar disorder.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Tharian Thorne ’s favorite food?

Potato soup

Favorite animal - What is Tharian Thorne ’s favorite animal?

His Kitsune

Favorite weapon - What is Tharian Thorne ’s favorite weapon?

Sword or magic

Favorite possession - What is Tharian Thorne ’s favorite possession?

Either his necklace or ring

Favorite color - What is Tharian Thorne ’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Tharian Thorne ’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Tharian Thorne have?

He doesn't care for the law, he's on his own as far as he is concerned.

Religion - What religion does Tharian Thorne practice?

He practices Dark and Light magic.

Job - What job does Tharian Thorne have?


info History
Background - What is Tharian Thorne ’s background?

Tharian Thorne was eleven when he found out about his powers, and exactly what they meant for him. He decided to run away from his abusive and drunken father, strict mother, and his little sister; planning to come back for her of course. He ran away to a school for people like him, with powers. While he was there he learned about how all of the powers came to be, and about his real family. His real family was made up of strong and powerful elven people on both the light and dark side. His parents were the most famed and glorious warriors on both sides, his mother was a strong and fierce general with light side and father was a relentless and fearsome general leader with the darkness. Other family members were scattered in the ranks all over on both sides. His parents supposedly both just disappeared while everyone just assumed their death. Tharian was sent to live with the humans by the light council, in fear of him learning of his powers and destroying everything. He took “magic” school for three years and learned what was supposed to take about ten years to achieve and fully understood. He decided to go off on his own. Now he does jobs for both light and dark sides with a fake name Rouge. He plans to get enough money so he can travel to Norgolor to send his little sister there so she may grow up with the Fae people in peace without war or any evil. Tharian wants her to be raised by the Fae so she does not have to suffer the evil of humans or the evil of war. The Fae believe in peace and never get involved in anything dark.

Education - What is Tharian Thorne ’s level of education?

He has finished primary school and advanced magic. He knows a lot about killing people, torture, and the ways of the streets. Plans to take college classes.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Tharian Thorne have?

Not really a pet but Kitsune

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by Jack on

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