info Overview
Name - What is Orla Kullman’s full name?

Orla Kullman

Role - What is Orla Kullman’s role in your story?

RP character

Other names - What other aliases does Orla Kullman go by?

The Press

Gender - What is Orla Kullman’s gender?


Age - How old is Orla Kullman?

"Umm. . . I lost count"

(See education for reasoning)

accessibility_new Looks
Weight - How much does Orla Kullman weigh?


Height - How tall is Orla Kullman?


Hair Color - What color is Orla Kullman’s hair?

Purplish-black with a tint of burgundy in it.

Hair Style - How does Orla Kullman style their hair?

It is in two braids. The braids are pinned so that they hang like loops at the sides of her head. She has messy bangs that go across her forehead and two especially long parts if her hair that reaches past her shoulders. On part of her bangs, she has hairpins that make a sideways 'XII' pattern.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Orla Kullman have?


Eye Color - What is Orla Kullman’s eye color?

Dark blue (it is most like sapphire blue)

Race - What is Orla Kullman’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white (kind of an Alabaster colour)

Body Type

She may look very petite, but she is quite muscular. She has very defined arm and leg muscles. Although, she is quite skinny and short, which adds to her childish appearance.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Orla Kullman have?

Freckles across her face and a constantly pink tint in her cheeks.

Clothes (Style)

She wears whatever will get her an advantage in a battle. But usually, she wears a traditional Chinese shirt (look it up if you don't know what one looks like) that hugs her tight around the body and silk shorts. With this, she usually wears some type of boots.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Orla Kullman have?

Despite her sweet and childlike appearance, she's not very sweet at all. If you don't do something right, she'll yell at you to tell you how to do it, then do it herself. She is typically like this to strangers and people she does not like. Now, if she likes you, she'll be kinder to you and will match up with her cute appearance. She'll get quieter and smile more at you.

Motivations - What motivates Orla Kullman most?

Killing the Demon King

Flaws - What flaws does Orla Kullman have?

She has no magic unlike the rest of her comrades. She is a bit too quick to jump the gun on things she is instructed to do. She is rude to people she does not know, despite if they are nice or not.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Orla Kullman have?

She was taught that demons were all foul creatures that deserved to be brutally murdered.

Talents - What talents does Orla Kullman have?

Killing demons. Close-up combat. Juggling.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Orla Kullman have?

Killing demons. Training to get better. Trying to see if she has some hidden magical ability.

Personality type - What personality type is Orla Kullman?

ESTJ-T (hardworking traditionalists, eager to take charge in organizing projects and people. Orderly, rule-abiding, and conscientious)

Source: › personality-type › ESTJ



Magical Abilities


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Orla Kullman practice?


Politics - What politics does Orla Kullman have?


Occupation - What is Orla Kullman’s occupation?

Demon Slayer.

Favorite color - What is Orla Kullman’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Orla Kullman’s favorite food?

Smoked Turkey legs

Favorite possession - What is Orla Kullman’s favorite possession?

Her hammer

Favorite weapon - What is Orla Kullman’s favorite weapon?

Her Hammer

Favorite animal - What is Orla Kullman’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Orla Kullman have?

Second-in-command of the Elite Forces.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Orla Kullman’s birthday?

Unknown Date

Education - What is Orla Kullman’s level of education?

Since Orla never went to school, most of what she knows was taught to her by her late parents and the first in command of the Elite Forces. She knows how to group things in tens, but cannot count in ones past the number ten. She can read and write in English, but has no clue what order that the English alphabet goes in.

Background - What is Orla Kullman’s background?

She joined in the fight against the Demon King about two years ago. She was taught that demons were all foul creatures that deserved to be brutally murdered. So, as was taught, she (before officially joining the fight) went around killing demons. She became known as The Press due to the fact that she kills most demons by crushing their heads. She was soon recruited into the fight against the Demon King and is the second-in-command of the Elite Forces.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Orla Kullman have?

A pet salamander name Killia

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Milky on

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