info Overview
Name - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s full name?

Theo Lucas Ashton

Role - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s role in your story?

Prince of AGPM

Other names - What other aliases does Theo Lucas Ashton go by?


Gender - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s gender?




Age - How old is Theo Lucas Ashton?

17 (about to be 18 when he died)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Theo Lucas Ashton weigh?


Height - How tall is Theo Lucas Ashton?


Hair Color - What color is Theo Lucas Ashton’s hair?

Dirty Blonde (mostly blonde)

Hair Style - How does Theo Lucas Ashton style their hair?

long curly pompadour

Nose shape

Sharp with that little bump in the middle

Face shape

Oval mixed with a diamond (stunning jawline)

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Theo Lucas Ashton have?


Eye Color - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s eye color?

Gray with gradually appearing subtle black specks (eventually turns his eye color black when he and Ade fall completely in love)

Race - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Slim, lean, and muscular

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Theo Lucas Ashton have?

Sharply and stunning jawline

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Theo Lucas Ashton have?

Interestingly charming Italian accent.
Looks at things deeply and really analyzes them/it.
Takes elegant strides when he walks
Loves eye contact
Often has his hands either clasped in front of him or behind him
Blinks slowly and rarely.
Doesn't speak unnecessarily
When he's nervous he holds unnecessary eye contact with hardly any blinking

Motivations - What motivates Theo Lucas Ashton most?

Aims to make everyone happy and to win over Ade

Flaws - What flaws does Theo Lucas Ashton have?

Falls too fast for Ade.
Not the best at criticizing or giving bad news.
Not intellectually smart.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Theo Lucas Ashton have?

Black people cannot be elegant appreciate the "finer things". (this shows when he gives ballroom dance lessons to Ade and as he continues to interact with him)

Talents - What talents does Theo Lucas Ashton have?

Unconsciously charming
Good singer
Great speaker (speeches and things like that)
Great dancer (especially ballroom)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Theo Lucas Ashton have?

Dancing (mainly ballroom)
Ade gets him into soccer
Listening to music
Appreciating classical/old things

Personality type - What personality type is Theo Lucas Ashton?

Self-conscious about his body
Romantic (falls in love faster than Ade does)
Can seem patronizing
Really good English (proper-ish and a little old)
Gets defensive if he feels attacked
Really observant
Moderately competitive


Unknowingly the key to the ticking time bomb that is the realm's destruction

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Theo Lucas Ashton practice?

Strong morals, though

Occupation - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s favorite color?

Black (loves how any color looks good with it, and how clean it is)

Favorite food - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s favorite food?

Italian (unconsciously, due to his Italian roots)

Favorite possession - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s favorite possession?

His crown (Loves how the black gems and the silver frame compliment each other)

Favorite animal - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s favorite animal?

the Eagle (Loves how majestic and authoritative they carry themselves)

Job - What job does Theo Lucas Ashton have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Theo Lucas Ashton’s birthday?

March 31st, [year to be determined, but some time A.D]
(doesn't age, frozen at 17)

Education - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s level of education?

Late highschool (if that even existed in the A.D)

Background - What is Theo Lucas Ashton’s background?

On Earth, he lived in a medium neighborhood in Rome, Italy. He and his friends loved to skip school and explore. He distanced himself from older people because he was discovering who he was and who he liked (turned out to be males).

When he died and God told him that he couldn't enter heaven, Theo questioned why, which is how he handed Prince of AGPM (more info in AGPM description). Theo wasn’t the first gay to stand up to God, he just wanted him to be the Prince and not any gay before.

Died: sometime A.D. He died young. He was dubbed Prince a few ten years after Jesus went back into heaven. He said he liked men once in his town, and in return, he was stoned to death. Died at 17, about to be 18

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Theo Lucas Ashton have?


shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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This character was created by RaelenTM_writes on

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