info Overview
Name - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s full name?

Keith Wyatt Bierce

Role - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s role in your story?

Background Character

Other names - What other aliases does Keith Wyatt Bierce go by?


Gender - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s gender?


Age - How old is Keith Wyatt Bierce?


accessibility_new Looks
Weight - How much does Keith Wyatt Bierce weigh?


Height - How tall is Keith Wyatt Bierce?


Hair Color - What color is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Keith Wyatt Bierce style their hair?

Short, straight, and slicked against his neck

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?

Light stubble

Eye Color - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s eye color?

Dull Green

Race - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s race?


Skin Tone


Body Type

Lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?


Clothes (Style)

He almost always wears a suit and tie. He wears a watch on his right wrist. On his left ring finger, he wears his engagement and wedding ring. He wears black dress shoes. He wears silver cufflinks and he also wears a black fedora with a white stripe around it. He wears rectangular glasses with black rims.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?

He tends to glare at people when he wants to be left alone. He'll pinch the bridge of his nose when he's irritated.

Motivations - What motivates Keith Wyatt Bierce most?

To find his lost dog and daughter.

Flaws - What flaws does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?

He doesn't listen very well when upset, he pushes people away a lot.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?


Talents - What talents does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?

He's good at filing paperwork?

Hobbies - What hobbies does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?

Reading(when he has the free time)

Personality type - What personality type is Keith Wyatt Bierce?




Magical Abilities


groups Social
Religion - What religion does Keith Wyatt Bierce practice?


Politics - What politics does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?


Occupation - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s occupation?

Government Worker

Favorite color - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s favorite food?

Greek Yogurt.

Favorite possession - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s favorite possession?

His rings

Favorite weapon - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s favorite weapon?

His pocket knife.

Favorite animal - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?

Governor of Virginia

date_range History
Birthday - When is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s birthday?

June 4 1987

Education - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s level of education?


Background - What is Keith Wyatt Bierce’s background?

He went on a trip with his daughter, dog, and wife. Soon after their arrival, his daughter and dog went missing. After a couple days of searching and grief, his wife fell sick and he needed to take care of her.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Keith Wyatt Bierce have?

Golden Retriever, Bonica. He does not have a very strong relationship with Bonica.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

His wife is dead(he's a widow.)

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Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Keith Wyatt Bierce

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