info Overview
Name - What is Tempest Daniels’s full name?

Tempest Daniels

Role - What is Tempest Daniels’s role in your story?

Is the Co-Leader of an organization called Haven

Other names - What other aliases does Tempest Daniels go by?

Tempy, GamingHybrid (online) Daniel when he wants to blend into humans

Gender - What is Tempest Daniels’s gender?


Age - How old is Tempest Daniels?

19 (adaptable can go as low as 16)

face Looks
Weight - How much does Tempest Daniels weigh?

120 pounds

Height - How tall is Tempest Daniels?


Hair Color - What color is Tempest Daniels’s hair?

Blonde/ Dark Blue

Hair Style - How does Tempest Daniels style their hair?

Spiky, long, unkept

Eye Color - What is Tempest Daniels’s eye color?

Electric blue

Race - What is Tempest Daniels’s race?

Human, Anthro hybrid

Skin Tone

lightly tanned in human form

Body Type

thin and almost scrawny in human form, lean in anthro

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Tempest Daniels have?

Scar over left eye that can be hidden with light magic. He cannot see with this eye though.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Tempest Daniels have?

Gentle and calm when neutral with around a person, a little loud and energetic around the best of friends.

Motivations - What motivates Tempest Daniels most?

To finally see the day of peace between Angels, shadows, monsters and humans.

Flaws - What flaws does Tempest Daniels have?

Too trusting, not serious all the time, and doesn't get mental help he needs.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Tempest Daniels have?

Mercy over justice

Talents - What talents does Tempest Daniels have?

Inventor, musician and swordsman

Hobbies - What hobbies does Tempest Daniels have?

Video games, tennis and cosplay are what he enjoys

Personality type - What personality type is Tempest Daniels?

Sweet caring and not always willing to use the deadly skills that he has. He is a perfect friend (and maybe more how knows?)


ADHD and heavy depression that he can hide almost perfectly

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Tempest Daniels practice?

Believes in a higher being but isn't sure who they are

Occupation - What is Tempest Daniels’s occupation?

Haven co-leader

Favorite color - What is Tempest Daniels’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Tempest Daniels’s favorite food?

Shell macaroni and cheese with little hot dogs cut up in it.

Favorite possession - What is Tempest Daniels’s favorite possession?

old music box he inherited

Favorite weapon - What is Tempest Daniels’s favorite weapon?

His mother's double edged two foot long sword

Favorite animal - What is Tempest Daniels’s favorite animal?

any sort of wolf or canine

Job - What job does Tempest Daniels have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Tempest Daniels’s birthday?

March 10th 2000

Education - What is Tempest Daniels’s level of education?

Royal Guard training

Background - What is Tempest Daniels’s background?

Tempest and his sister Ember where sent to Earth 99.H after an attack from a dark entity called DarkHeart. THey founded Haven in 2016

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Tempest Daniels

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Tempest Daniels

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Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Tempest Daniels

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Tempest Daniels

Magic chevron_right Deities link linked Tempest Daniels

This character was created by HavenHybrid23 on

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