info Overview
Name - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s full name?

Scott Kathrine Draft

Role - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s role in your story?

Main character

Other names - What other aliases does Scott Kathrine Draft go by?

Scotty, Mrs. Draft

Gender - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s gender?


Age - How old is Scott Kathrine Draft?

40-50, kept vauge for plot reasons



accessibility Clothing
Usual outfits:

She's very professionally dressed, like, always. She's perfectly manicured, her suits never rumple, her hair is never out of place. She wears mostly a light, dove grey, sometimes a very pale blue or silver. Every once in a while, if she's in a particularly foul mood, she'll wear jet black, but those times are rare. She looks stunning in anything she wears, though
Even when she's at home, she doesn't dress down. She just really likes to look nice always.

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Scott Kathrine Draft’s hair?

Chocolate brown

Hair Style - How does Scott Kathrine Draft style their hair?

Perfectly manicured, buzzed on the sides of her head, styled elegantly in curls on the top.

Eye Color - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s eye color?

Steel grey

Skin Tone

Pale, almost translucent it seems. Her makeup is certainly special, as it adds a faint luster to her skin

Body Type

Bony, all jutting edges and few curves, thin and taller

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

Thin eyebrows, rarely seen without perfect make-up, resting severe face, actually has quite a nice smile, if an awfully unseen one. She uses either clear shimmer lipstick or sometimes varying strengths of gold

She has ear piercings, always very small, and quiet colors such as silver, grey clear or blue. Definitely doesn’t have an unused, very regretted lip piercing either, no, no, she was never a young wild thing, not at all.

She has a beauty spot under her left eye, and an odd number of scars on her hands, arms and feet. They’re very faint, but they’re there. These are all from her childhood working on a farm and running around barefoot. She's not afraid of no sticker patch that's for sure, and she'll stick her hands in just about anything, as long as it's not overly dangerous. She's been around mud, weeds, farm equipment, barbwire, nettles, burrs, agriculture and animals for a long time, you're bound to collect a number of cuts that linger around.

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

She does enjoy sewing, embroidery and the like. Cleaning is quite relaxing to her, so she do that often as well. One few people know about, is her glaive, and the fact that she knows very well how to use it. Her youth was a mirage of extra-curriculars, but martial arts she stuck with well into collage, and practices with her glaive regularly.


Still in development. There are some things, but I need to figure out the story's plot before I can work on this part of her.
I know she has trust issues, for a variety of half-baked reasons I won't share yet bc they're very up in the air

Current undeveloped list:
Arthritis. Though she's only 50, she has chronic arthritis, due to stress placed on her muscles and bones as a young thing working on a farm (Not researched!!!!)

Personality type - What personality type is Scott Kathrine Draft?

Scott is a businesswoman at heart, bureaucratic to the fine print. Nothing slips past her sharp eye, and no loophole goes unfound. She can catch the faintest stain on a suit jacket, and call anyone out on their BS before they even get to it. She is a person who believes in necessity above much else. An elegant woman with nary a wrinkle in sight, she holds the envy of all her co-workers who live off coffee and two hours of sleep. All in all, she is the outward picture of perfection, practically a Mary Poppins of her own right. For the most part, she's the inward picture of perfection too, if you count a cool head and constant dignity as perfection.

She also has a sharp streak of wit prone towards sarcasm and irony. Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer sort of stuff. She's very dry and cold-cut

Really, though, she's pretty soft, regularly taking the time out of her day to stop and help co-workers with stuff they should know already, adopting/fostering as many cats as she can handle, and giving her wife all the attention she can. She comes off as intimidating and scary, but she's undeniably kind. She doesn't' have the highest empathy level out there, but she's got great attention to detail, and notices others. though even when she's demonstrating this kindness, she still keeps her professional, distant attitude.

She's loyal, smart, dedicated and trustworthy, frugal, logical, observant, dedicated, punctual, and introverted

Talents - What talents does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

Same as her hobbies, plus public speaking, keeping her wits about her even during a hailstorm of accusatory questions, keeping a cool head, noticing when others are struggling and helping them out/bringing attention to them. She's great at ad-libbing as well as following a strict script. She's imaginative and practical both in different ways. Her job requires that she's versatile, and boy, did she deliver.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

Children. She doesn't like them, doesn't want to be around them, and thinks they're very scary unpredictable. She had very little experience around them, and is entirely unsure how to act. She's used to being professional and using all of a large vocabulary daily, and has no idea what to do if a child starts to cry.

Flaws - What flaws does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

She doesn't make a lot of friends, because she's really not friendly. She's mistrustful, haughty, a little stuffy, strict, easily irritated, has a tendency to think she's better than others, but that one's only a little, only sometimes. She gets frustrated by others if they're not working as hard as her, she's scheduled to a fault, and she has trouble being emotionally there and honest for people, she tends to freeze up in situations that require high levels of empathy.

Motivations - What motivates Scott Kathrine Draft most?

Throughout her life:
0-13: a myriad of things, her goals and focus shifted rapidly, as one's do during early developmental years
14-18: Getting away from the farm life. She doesn't hate it, and she often says it's what taught her her hard work values, but she sees there is better to be had, and she is going to get that.
18-29: Finding herself as a person/dedicating to her company/work
29+: Supporting her family and maintaining her current level of life.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

She's stiff and upright, and you can tell a lot about her mood based off how thin a line her mouth is in any given situation. She moves her hands when talking, but not much else. If she's talking to an interviewer, she has a tendency to cut in with dry remarks whenever they get their facts wrong.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s favorite possession?

Her glaive, probably. She had it special ordered. A glaive is a long staff with a curved blade at one or both ends, depending. Her's is single blade.

Favorite weapon - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s favorite weapon?

Her wit. She prefers to talk through stuff.

Favorite animal - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s favorite animal?

Cat, for sure

Job - What job does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

She's the spokeswoman for the alternate energy company based in Kearney, Nebraska, called Altergy


A few work acquaintances
Bridger Clyde
A few friends from college
A few childhood friends

Religion - What religion does Scott Kathrine Draft practice?

Atheist/previous Christian


Ella Paige Draft (Current, wife)
Mary Talin (College-early 20's)
Geoffrey Kalvin (High School, for like two dates, then she slapped him and walked out in the middle of the movie)

Politics - What politics does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

She was raised more conservative, but as she grew, she definitely started drifting left. She's sort of in scorn of both sides currently, preferring to analyze individual candidates rather than go based off party

Occupation - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s occupation?

She works in business and alternative energy

Favorite color - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s favorite color?

Silver, blue or pearl

info History
Background - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s background?

She was born in Cliffside, North Carolina on the 18th of May, 19xx. She lived on a farm outside the main town, which was quite small. She's been a number of places, her job as spokesperson for the Kearney Energy Committee has her travel to panels, interviews, and conventions a lot and sometimes she stays for months on end. She only considers three places an actual home, however. Cliffside, where she was born, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, where she went to the University of Pennsylvania, and now in Kearney, Nebraska where her work is based.

Birthday - When is Scott Kathrine Draft’s birthday?

May 18th, 19xx

Education - What is Scott Kathrine Draft’s level of education?

She attended Cliffside Elementary and High School, as well as an after-grad program during her in-between year through her Community College called Ahead. It allowed her to get into the University of Pennsylvania and skip the first two years and many of the general education classes since that was what Ahead focused on.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Scott Kathrine Draft have?

7 cats: Willow, Rowan, Dagwood, Oak, Aspen, Myrtle, and Cherry

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
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