info Overview
Name - What is Violet Oberon’s full name?

Violet Oberon

Gender - What is Violet Oberon’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Violet Oberon go by?


Role - What is Violet Oberon’s role in your story?

Side Character

Age - How old is Violet Oberon?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Violet Oberon?


Hair Color - What color is Violet Oberon’s hair?

Dark brown hair with purple highlights

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Violet Oberon have?

a small birthmark on her left forearm, it looks like a splash

Body Type

Thin, Violet is a small girl

Skin Tone

She has very pale, almost snow white skin

Race - What is Violet Oberon’s race?


Eye Color - What is Violet Oberon’s eye color?

A light purple colour, looks almost like a dull shade of blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Violet Oberon have?


Hair Style - How does Violet Oberon style their hair?

Medium in length, ends just below her chest. She has loose curls and long side bangs. Her hair is normally tied up in two ponytails or braids with a silver butterfly clip holding back some hair. When open it is held back by a ribbon and her butterfly clip.

Weight - How much does Violet Oberon weigh?

About 30 to 35 Kgs (66-77 lbs)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Violet Oberon have?

Solving puzzles and mazes, reading star charts, summarizing


A stutter, more noticeable when she is nervous or scared. She stumbles on big words and has a slight problem reading out loud.

Violet is also very shy, she may have social anxiety, but she was never formally tested or given a diagnosis.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Violet Oberon have?

Fidgeting, tends to focus her nervous energy on her fingers or clothes which is why she has a bracelet to fidget with.

Violet also has a hard time speaking up so when she has something to say, but doesn't know how to input it into conversation, she bites her lip and plays with her necklace.

Motivations - What motivates Violet Oberon most?

Violet was left at an orphanage as a baby and she never got along with any of the other kids.
Her greatest wish is to have a family. She has found a family in Nate, Magnus, Alia, and Izara, and she do whatever it takes to keep it

Flaws - What flaws does Violet Oberon have?

Because of her childhood, Violet has some abandonment issues. She tends to agree with things people say even if it may or may not benefit her. She is very self-deprecating, constantly putting herself down if she makes a mistake, and not believing others when they tell her she is ok.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Violet Oberon have?

Doesn't like kids her age who come up to her first, she was bullied and so has trust issues.
Trust issues go towards adult females as well.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Violet Oberon have?

Singing, making jewelry, dancing

Personality type - What personality type is Violet Oberon?

As quiet as she may be, this silent mouse has the heart of a lion. as Nathan would say "Her heart is too big for her body!" Violet is kind and warm-hearted. She loves very easily but doesn't trust in the same way. Once you do something nice for her, she will remember it forever and think of ways to return the favour. Violet is the type of person who writes in a diary/journal but not just what happens in her day-to-day life, she fills the pages of tat leather bound books her raw emotions. Though she may not speak up a lot during conversations, if you want to get any thoughts from her, all you have to do is look through her journal.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Violet Oberon’s favorite food?

Violet knows a lot about the different kinds of berries, and it's because of this reason that she loves to eat them. Her favourite kinds are strawberries and blueberries

Favorite animal - What is Violet Oberon’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is Violet Oberon’s favorite weapon?

She used a needle pointed sword before she met up with Sparrow and the others. After their meeting, Sparrow designed and created a special sword with a triangular blade for her. It is foldable into a hairclip that she wears all the time.

Favorite possession - What is Violet Oberon’s favorite possession?

A stuffed animal. It was left in her basket along with a note when she was abandoned.

Favorite color - What is Violet Oberon’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Violet Oberon’s occupation?

She is a child assassin-in-training

Politics - What politics does Violet Oberon have?


Religion - What religion does Violet Oberon practice?


Job - What job does Violet Oberon have?

Her job in the team is to be the strategist. She is able to solve problems and is one of the main problem solvers in the team.

info History
Education - What is Violet Oberon’s level of education?

heavily physical education based but she had an interest in problem solving and puzzles so she got extra training in that field.

Background - What is Violet Oberon’s background?

Like Sparrow, Violet didn't have a great childhood. Unlike Sparrow, she had no clue who her parents were or what happened to them. Violet was abandoned at the doorstep of an orphanage as a baby. All she had with her was the basket she was sleeping in, the blanket and clothes she was wrapped in, a teddy bear, and a note explaining that her parents would not be able to care of this child anymore. Violet didn't speak much, her stutter was worse as a kid, and she didn't get along with the other children either, they didn'tt want to play with the freak who couldn't talk. That was why it was so surprising to everyone when a wealthy looking man came in and said he was a distant relative of hers and came to take her with him. He was not.

Violet, along with a few other kids, were taken to Black Claw assassins guild after the original Cubs left, to become the new cubs. They were trained hard and rough but they formed a bond, understanding each other without talking. Violet became protective of her "found family" and vowed to escape with them. On a training trip into the woods, she and her team decided to run from their 'trainers'. They made it where the Cubs had made their new guild and were taken in by them.

Birthday - When is Violet Oberon’s birthday?

August 14, 2154

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