info Overview
Name - What is Dorota’s full name?


Role - What is Dorota’s role in your story?

MC - Dyszui turned goddess
Diego’s twin sister

face Looks
Facial Hair - What facial hair does Dorota have?


Hair Style - How does Dorota style their hair?

Loves messing around with hairdos
Thick, curly waist-length hair

Hair Color - What color is Dorota’s hair?

Pale golden, sleek and healthy looking

Height - How tall is Dorota?

Stands at just above 5'7

Weight - How much does Dorota weigh?

150 lbs, more or less

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Dorota have?

Her eyes and hair

Body Type

A full, curvy, muscular figure

Skin Tone

Dark brown

Race - What is Dorota’s race?

Dyszui- closest comparison is a nymph

Eye Color - What is Dorota’s eye color?

Bright golden

fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Dorota most?

She has a huge amount of love for Lysia and Diego .
She relies on her unrelenting positive outlook to keep her sane.

With where she is in her life, she can stay satisfied with what she has. Her motivation is being there for her friends and for people in need, and pushing herself to be an excellent soldier because that’s all she’s able to do with her life as it is.

Flaws - What flaws does Dorota have?

  • If she gets riled up, there’s literally no way to get her to back down. Her temper flares and it makes her explosive. She has an explosive and unpredictable temper, which leads to losing all of her filters.

  • She’s confident and cocky, and it can get to the point of being self-centered.

  • She pushes people to their extremes and doesn’t always know when to back down and leave them be.

  • She can be absolutely terrifying; her mood operates at extremes and either way she has very little self control.

  • She’s afraid of being called out and people pinpointing her flaws. - ---- She’s terrified of being forgotten-- she acts as brash as she does because, though people may not like her, at least she's memorable.

  • She’s very good at manipulating people, what with her beauty and charm.

  • She’s stubborn and determined and smart enough to get her own way in any situation. She’s a wild card, and it’s impossible to not follow her lead, meaning she can get undeserving people into a lot of trouble.

  • She’s blunt though not brutal, and it offends a lot of people- however, they often deserve to be called out.

  • Dorota has an excellent relationship with her brother on the surface, but she’s profoundly jealous of how effortless kindness and gentleness is to him.

  • She uses her magic a lot and obviously that’s highly dangerous and somewhat illegal.

Talents - What talents does Dorota have?


Personality type - What personality type is Dorota?

She would be broken by missing out on her potential. She feels unique, and knows how much she could be if she got the chance.
She fights with the militia because she needs to: channel for the angst through the actual fighting and for the need to do good through saving innocent lives. But she’d love a normal life where she could build something for herself.
She wants to be incredible. She doesn’t know what to do with all of her ambition, because as a Dyszui it’d be near impossible for her to lead a normal life.
She thinks of better of herself than those around her, and she’s scared it means she’s self-centered and not as great a person as everyone thinks she is.
She'd give up her life for her brother's, because she knows he's the better person. She’s regarded as a shining star, a beacon of kindness and good will. She’s a louder person than her brother, and takes advantage of that. Diego is the better person but she assumes that role publicly.
She wants to constantly be surrounded by love and life and laughter. She could never have too many friends. She’s dedicated to Lysia, but she’d reduce her time with Lysia if it meant building herself a richer social life, even understanding the full extent of how much Lysia needs her.
She’d make a scene if someone was trying to fool her or take advantage of her.

info History
device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
child_friendly Dyszui
Dyszui of:

The Sun

Affected Features:

Her eyes and her hair- both bright golden

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Character chevron_right Personality type link mentioned Dorota

This character was created by Amber on

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