info Overview
Name - What is Oliver Mckain’s full name?

Oliver Mckain

Other names - What other aliases does Oliver Mckain go by?


Gender - What is Oliver Mckain’s gender?


Age - How old is Oliver Mckain?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Oliver Mckain’s eye color?

dark green but they are usually covered by either his hair or bandages

Race - What is Oliver Mckain’s race?


Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Petite, small, and thin

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Oliver Mckain have?

Scars that cover his body
New bruises and Healing bruises

Weight - How much does Oliver Mckain weigh?

110 lbs

Height - How tall is Oliver Mckain?


Hair Color - What color is Oliver Mckain’s hair?

orange-ish brown

Hair Style - How does Oliver Mckain style their hair?

messy and at chin length

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Oliver Mckain have?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Oliver Mckain?

quiet and reserved he doesn't like talking about his feelings

Hobbies - What hobbies does Oliver Mckain have?

drawing and reading

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Oliver Mckain’s favorite color?


Favorite possession - What is Oliver Mckain’s favorite possession?

a stuffed rabbit

Favorite animal - What is Oliver Mckain’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Background - What is Oliver Mckain’s background?

his mother gave him his stuffed rabbit the day before she died. His father had started drinking a lot after his mom died. He became extremely abusive. After a beating, He would be left with bruises all over his body. A few times it was so bad he would be sent to the hospital and his dad would come up with a lie that the doctors would believe. After the 13th time, he had to go to the hospital he escaped the hospital and ran away. He took nothing but his Stuffed rabbit at the Hospital scrubs he was given. He has been on the run for 3 months and the whole country is worried and is looking for him. The police in his home town think it was a murder but it was a runaway. The police have questioned his father but never come up with any information that would say murder. After 4 times of going into questioning his father admitted to abusing him and hurting him to the point he bled and but not killing him. His dad was arrested. Thats when He showed up again and everyone was shocked. He was sent into the foster care system. Now he is depressed and coved in the scars of his past.

Birthday - When is Oliver Mckain’s birthday?

September 25

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by IzuDekuMydoria on

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