info Overview
Name - What is Claude Van Buren’s full name?

Claude Van Buren

Other names - What other aliases does Claude Van Buren go by?

Dutch (For friends only)-- Comes from his nation of origin, the Netherlands

Van Buren (Formal setting/teachers only)-- Last name

Age - How old is Claude Van Buren?


Gender - What is Claude Van Buren’s gender?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Claude Van Buren?


Hair Color - What color is Claude Van Buren’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale white
Clear skin

Race - What is Claude Van Buren’s race?


Eye Color - What is Claude Van Buren’s eye color?

Cornflower blue

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Claude Van Buren have?


Hair Style - How does Claude Van Buren style their hair?

Low bun
Medium (shoulder length)

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Claude Van Buren have?

  • Slightly gapped teeth

  • Thick somewhat bushy eyebrows

  • Longest hair in the school

Weight - How much does Claude Van Buren weigh?

170 LBS
77 KG
12 Stone

Clothing style

  • Light, neutral tones

  • Lots of sweaters over collared shirts

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Claude Van Buren have?

just because he has them doesn't mean he's any good at them
- Oil Painting
- Stamp Collecting
- Calligraphy
- Reading (Philosophy & Classic Literature Specifically)
- Pressing Flowers
- Poker/Card Games
- Speech/Debate (Specifically Lincoln-Douglas & occasionally Public Forum)


Smokes like a chimney

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Claude Van Buren have?

  • Power stance 24/7

  • Nervous eye twitch

  • Bites thumb when in thought or in stressful situations

Motivations - What motivates Claude Van Buren most?

  • Money

  • Friends

  • Self

  • To stand out

  • Curiosity ("What's the worst that could happen?")


  • Horses

  • Being destitute

Flaws - What flaws does Claude Van Buren have?

  • Aggressive speaker

  • Stubborn

  • Cocky

  • Impulsive

  • Great liar

Prejudices - What prejudices does Claude Van Buren have?

  • Homophobic (Internalized)

Personality type - What personality type is Claude Van Buren?

ENTP-T (Debater)
- Extrovert
- "Crackpot" speaker when he's not in a debate
- He's the student every teacher wants
- If it has legs and it breathes (optional) he'll flirt with it
- He probably bought his way into school. He's smart enough to get in it's just that that's very in character for him
- Loves (big) dogs, hates cats
- Kind of like Mercutio (Romeo & Juliet), just a lot worse
- ADORES playing devil's advocate

Talents - What talents does Claude Van Buren have?

  • Great at card games. Possibly a cheater but who knows, really?

  • Amazing debater- will absolutely crush in ANY argument

  • He's an alright painter. He thinks he's a lot better than he is. Thinks he's a Van Gogh when all of his portraits look like medieval babies (His landscapes are nice though)


  • Dutch accent

  • Somewhat gritty from smoking


  • Seemingly unable to sit properly in a chair, almost always sprawled out just a little

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Claude Van Buren’s favorite food?

  • Hachee

  • Mint tea

  • Herring

  • Black licorice

Favorite animal - What is Claude Van Buren’s favorite animal?

Borzoi (Russian wolfhound)

Favorite weapon - What is Claude Van Buren’s favorite weapon?

Smashed Bottle(s)- although he's definitely not a fighter at heart, a bottle is easy to get his hands on and easy to break.

Favorite possession - What is Claude Van Buren’s favorite possession?

Leather bound journal- given to him by his grandfather

Favorite color - What is Claude Van Buren’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Claude Van Buren’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does Claude Van Buren have?

Centrist, left-leaning with a few right-leaning ideologies

Religion - What religion does Claude Van Buren practice?


Job - What job does Claude Van Buren have?


Languages Spoken

  • Dutch (Native)

  • English (Second)

info History
Birthday - When is Claude Van Buren’s birthday?

April 4th (Aries)

Education - What is Claude Van Buren’s level of education?

UK Year 13
US Senior/12th

Background - What is Claude Van Buren’s background?

  • Wealthy family

  • Only child

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Claude Van Buren have?

A borzoi at home (not at school, so he doesn't see it often) named Bacchus

history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by GoblinKing on

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