info Overview
Name - What is Ambrose Milo Castell’s full name?

Ambrose Milo Castell

Role - What is Ambrose Milo Castell’s role in your story?

Demon Slayer | Council member

Gender - What is Ambrose Milo Castell’s gender?


Age - How old is Ambrose Milo Castell?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Ambrose Milo Castell weigh?


Height - How tall is Ambrose Milo Castell?

5'9 / 1.75 m

Hair Color - What color is Ambrose Milo Castell’s hair?

Pale blonde, nearly white

Hair Style - How does Ambrose Milo Castell style their hair?

Short, scruffy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ambrose Milo Castell have?


Eye Color - What is Ambrose Milo Castell’s eye color?

Watery blue

Race - What is Ambrose Milo Castell’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Motivations - What motivates Ambrose Milo Castell most?

Desires to prove that he can be the greatest Demon Slayer of the era and will stop at nothing to climb all the way to the top... believing that anything less will make him a disgrace to his family's proud name.

Flaws - What flaws does Ambrose Milo Castell have?

Emotionally distant, openly disregards others' feelings when inconvenient for the present situation.

Selfless to a fault, would throw away his own life if it meant proving that he wasn't afraid of anything.

Lives in the future rather than the present.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ambrose Milo Castell have?

Firmly believes that demons are inherently evil beings and only exist to inflict suffering on others.

Talents - What talents does Ambrose Milo Castell have?

Accurate prediction during combat

Independent thinker (or, at least he likes to think so)

Excellent strategist

Decent field medic


Chronically ill - but does his best to disguise it. If it was not for the magical salve which he carries with him wherever he goes, he might have already perished from the incurable disease that affects his airways.

groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Ambrose Milo Castell’s birthday?

24th of May

Education - What is Ambrose Milo Castell’s level of education?

Fully literate, as one of the six Council members.
Vigorously trained from early childhood to slay demons

Background - What is Ambrose Milo Castell’s background?

Despite being in the direct line of descent of a Demon Slayer Corps founder, he was never particularly privileged and was expected to prove himself by rising up through their ranks to follow in his ancestors' footsteps, becoming one of the greatest slayers of the era.

Possessing exceptional skill and intellect like so many of his ancestors before him, he became one of the youngest Council members at the age of 19, having single-handedly taken down one of the eight Demon Lords.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Ambrose Milo Castell have?

A plain brown hawk. Used for delivering and receiving messages.

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

This character was created by Moi on

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