info Overview
Name - What is Kydrei Nol’s full name?

Kydrei Nol

Gender - What is Kydrei Nol’s gender?

Female she/her

Other names - What other aliases does Kydrei Nol go by?

The Wandering Mage, The Cloaked Mage

Role - What is Kydrei Nol’s role in your story?

Major side character, love interest

Age - How old is Kydrei Nol?


face Looks
Body Type

Thicker than average but also toned from how frequently she travels.

Height - How tall is Kydrei Nol?


Race - What is Kydrei Nol’s race?


Skin Tone

Medium brown

Hair Color - What color is Kydrei Nol’s hair?

Dark brown, streaked with gray

Hair Style - How does Kydrei Nol style their hair?

Her hair reaches down to her waist and is usually pulled back into a braid, likes to make it elaborate and adorn it with small beads when she has the time. Since it is in a braid so frequently, when she undoes it it's usually wavy.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Kydrei Nol have?



Kydrei usually sticks to practical and simple clothing that is suitable for travelling. She doesn't like to be flashy, thinking that it's more important for her wardrobe to be comfortable and functional. She is well known for wearing a red-orange cloak.

Facial Features

Has a broad bumped nose, big dark brown eyes, full lips, and a round face.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Kydrei Nol have?

A small scar on her right shoulder blade she got as a child from falling on her back. She has also been exposed to eliki, magical essence, for so long that her body has began to change. There is a white twining pattern down her back and upper arms that looks like a tattoo, but seems unnatural because of the way that it shines in the light.


Her voice is in the middle, not very high or low. She often speaks slowly and softly and has a very comforting tone.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Kydrei Nol?

Kydrei is a very kind and gentle person. She's very charismatic and easy to get along with because of her compassion. She is extremely selfless, when she comes across someone in need she will always stop to give them a helping hand, being extremely generous even to strangers. She's very friendly and likes meeting new people. She is usually quite humorous and loves to make others laugh and will occasionally playfully rib those closest to her. She can keep a conversation going, and loves telling people about all of the stories she's heard or experienced firsthand. However, she never likes to get too close to people, knowing she'll eventually outlive them because of her immortality, and is often reserved about her personal life. Although most of the time she acts outgoing and enjoys joking around, she understands which situations she needs to be serious in. She has a level head and can usually act well in stressful situations, but will break down if someone strikes a personal chord with her. She is very dedicated and when she sets herself to a goal not much can dissuade her. She is intelligent and loves to teach others, enjoying being a mentor and seeing her students grow. Even with the years of experience, she's still curious and loves exploring the world, wanting to see as many new things as she can. She is usually quite responsible, trying to care for others and be an upstanding person.

Flaws - What flaws does Kydrei Nol have?

Kydrei is extremely self sacrificing, to the point that she's willing to hurt herself for others. She rarely does anything for herself, thinking that everything she does has to help somebody else. She doesn't like burdening other people with her problems, so keeps them to herself. She can frequently act recklessly when it comes to protecting other people, not fully thinking her actions through. She also struggles with forgiving herself, feeling extreme guilt over everything that she's done wrong. She obsesses over choosing the right actions to the point it can be unhealthy. She also has trouble controlling her emotions, especially her anger and sadness, and sometimes can't stop them from overtaking her. She can be stubborn and it's hard to change her mind when she's already dead set on a decision.

Motivations - What motivates Kydrei Nol most?

Kydrei wants to do whatever she can to help others to make up for her past. Currently, she is working against the Coven of Life and helping Reid recover his sibling and their friends. She also wishes to become mortal again and grow old with Yllmadaya, but doubts that would happen anytime soon or that Yllmadaya would like the idea.


Kydrei is extremely selfless. Whenever she believes someone is in need, she will do whatever she can to help them. This desire to do good is so powerful she often acts irrationally to fulfill it, even going so far as to risk herself if she thinks she needs to. She often thinks about morality and feels conflicted to always do the most selfless option. She feels great remorse when she does wrong and is tormented with guilt and shame for how her past actions have hurt others. She wants to be as kind and giving as she can, hoping that will make up for what she did. She swears to never take another life no matter the situation, blaming the lost lives of the Coven of Life mages entirely on herself.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Kydrei Nol have?

Kydrei tries to be as kind and accepting of everyone as she can. She has a strong distrust of coven mages after her experience at the Coven of Life. She also gets along better with common folk, thinking that the rich and powerful are often selfish and refuse to help those who are less fortunate.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Kydrei Nol have?

Kydrei loves travelling. For the past century, she refused to stay still for long and was almost always on the move. She has seen every major city in Bythse and has journeyed to some of the neighboring countries as well. She has spent most nights camping beneath the stars. She also loves socializing and talking with others, frequenting taverns and festivals to meet other people. She often tells stories, having a vast collection after how long she's been alive. Most of her time is spent helping others and being charitable, thinking it selfish to spend too much time for herself.

Talents - What talents does Kydrei Nol have?

Kydrei is a very strong mage since she has been practicing magic for so long. She is intelligent and a quick learner, as well as a good teacher, having had experience. She knows a lot about medicine since her parents were healers and her time in the Coven of Life. Since Kydrei has spent so much time travelling outside of civilization she's become a strong survivalist, knowing how to sustain herself in the wild. She is also a good navigator, able to read the stars in the sky and identify landmarks. She knows many essential skills, such as carpentry, cooking, and sewing, because they have been handy to her throughout the years.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Kydrei Nol have?

Kydrei is a friendly figure, often trying to present herself as nonthreatening. She expresses affection through physical touch, and often pats shoulders to show pride and camaraderie. She has a careful eye and is often looking around her surroundings. She often puts her hands on her hips or stretches while resting. When absentminded, she runs her hands over and fidgets with her braid. While traveling, she is frequently checking over her stuff to make sure she has everything. She has a big laugh and smile. She raises her voice when she's upset and waves her hands around when angry or in an argument.


Kydrei is immortal as long as the periapt is undamaged. She does not age or get sick. She can still be injured but her health will always return to that of when she first became immortal. For example, any wound, even one that is fatal or results in the loss of a limb, even decapitated, will eventually heal over as to what it used to be. However, injuries and scars sustained before one becomes immortal still remain and can not be removed. Kydrei shares her immortality with her lover, Yllmadaya.

groups Social
Occupation - What is Kydrei Nol’s occupation?

Kydrei has no occupation, mostly travelling the world and helping those in need on her own devices.

Former Occupations

Kydrei used to be a member of the Coven of Life, which was dedicated to extending and improving human life by curing disease and aiding the sick and elderly. She was one of the people who caused the Coven of Life to begin searching for immortality, now having completely forgotten its original mission. She also was a teacher for younger recruits at the Coven of Life for a time.

Religion - What religion does Kydrei Nol practice?

Kydrei used to favor the goddess of life, Arymia, in her youth. As she has grown older her belief in the gods has weakened, feeling like they haven't been there for her and having seen so many different kinds of religion across the world. Currently, she is agnostic, not knowing if there is a god and doubting you could prove the existence of one.

Politics - What politics does Kydrei Nol have?

Kydrei is not fond of the current ruler, King Albyr. She thinks him foolish for his desperate search for immortality and does not like the support he gives to the Coven of Life. She is against the monarchy, seeing how past rulers have abused their power, but can't do much about it since she has no political power.

Favorite possession - What is Kydrei Nol’s favorite possession?

Kydrei doesn't get attached to material possessions, knowing how impermanent they are.


Kydrei has gone around helping so many people and is easily distinguishable because of her vividly colored cloak that there is a bit of folklore surrounding her. She is known as the Wandering Mage or the Cloaked Mage in some areas, and is seen as a mysterious but benevolent figure who goes around helping those in need and has seemingly not aged in years, making many believe she is not human. She is often well received, having friends in many places.

Relationship Descriptions

Kydrei is fond of Reid. She admires his curiosity and strive to become a mage, and acts as a mentor to him. Although he isn't very good yet, she tries to support and encourage him and believes he will become stronger. He often reminds her of some of her own past students. While she thinks he has a lot of potential, she sometimes acts patronizing to him because she thinks he is a weak mage. She often feels the need to protect him while he's in danger, believing that he can't hold his own.

Kydrei never knew Nikellai very well, only knowing him as Yllmadaya's apprentice. They didn't spend much time together except when both were with Yllmadaya, Still, she thought he was an intelligent and promising student. She was extremely hurt when he betrayed them. Looking back, she feels terrible that he was one of those who took the false immortality and is worried he died a painful death.

Sexual Orientation


info History
Education - What is Kydrei Nol’s level of education?

Kydrei didn't get a formal education in her childhood, instead having to learn from her experiences helping her parents in their apothecary. She always had a desire for knowledge, and was taught to read by a family friend and spent a lot of time researching on what books she could get her hands on. She finally got a better education when she joined the Coven of Life and was able to learn more about magic than before.

Background - What is Kydrei Nol’s background?

Kydrei was the only child of her parents, who were immigrants from Calymiad. They were both healers and settled in the small village of Abanine, starting an apothecary that Kydrei often helped out in. Although she was an only child, Kydrei often spent time with other children in her village and became quite outgoing. From a young age she only knew a small bit of magic, not having the education to be stronger, but what little she knew she was very talented at. Her parents were extremely generous as healers, even providing their services to those who couldn't pay, and taught Kydrei to be compassionate. Oftentimes they knew the patients they were treating because of the small size of the village and were always deeply hurt when they lost someone. Kydrei hated to see the deaths and the hurt it caused her parents, and wanted to be able to find a way to prevent the occurrence.

When she was eighteen, Kydrei was traveling out of town for an errand, and came across a coven looking for recruits called the Coven of Life. Their goal was to extend human life so that those who were sick and elderly could live fuller and longer lives. She hoped that by learning magic the apothecary could improve and they could lessen the number of deaths. Most of the coven recruits were from richer families and more magically adept, so it was uncertain that Kydrei could get in, but they saw her affinity for medicine and let her join. There, Kydrei met Yllmadaya Aalsyur, a new recruit who had also joined around the same time. They at first clashed, having contrasting personalities. However, Kydrei saw a kindness she didn't expect in Yllmadaya after she learned Yllmadaya had joined to heal her sister, Safira. Realizing they had similar goals, they began working together. The two made a strong team, becoming close friends and eventually lovers after several years. They found several significant cures, which helped them advance in ranks through the Coven of Life, and Kydrei was excited to help her family business. Still, they weren't able to find a cure for Safira's disease. Yllmadaya began to feel desperate as Safira's sickness worsened. As they advanced in ranks, a dark side of the Coven of Life was revealed. Many mages were cruel and power hungry and preyed on Kydrei's kindness to trick her. Kydrei had to withdraw herself, pushing back her compassion to make a life in the coven.

One day, Yllmadaya brought up the idea to search for immortality to heal Safira. No one had fully succeeded, so the Coven of Life had said the idea was ridiculous. However, Kydrei saw how desperate Yllmadaya was to keep her sister alive and agreed to help her. They spent many years looking over and decoding old texts and eventually came up with a theory on how to create immortality. They realized that one's immortality must be linked with another person's for it to work, and that it had to be tied to a physical object. They spent a long time searching for the main ingredient, only to find that there was only enough left to create one source of immortality. It took several more years to finally create the object, which they named the periapt. Immediately after finishing its creation, Yllmadaya went to Safira. Safira refused and soon Yllmadaya was the only remaining member of the Aalsyur family.

Kydrei was the only loved one left in Yllmadaya's life and tried to be there for Yllmadaya, as well as help her recover from the grief. Yllmadaya asked Kydrei to become immortal, scared she would lose Kydrei next. Kydrei was a bit uncertain, not wanting to outlive her loved ones, but seeing how brokenhearted Yllmadaya was, agreed to it. At the age of thirty eight, Kydrei became immortal. They then realized that they couldn't tell the Coven of Life about their immortality. They'd had experiences with other coven mages who had been ruthless and were scared what would happen if those mages learned that they had created the last available periapt. However, Kydrei still thought they could do good by staying at the Coven and decided to remain there for a few years. Eventually, both of Kydrei's parents died, which she was hurt over, but slowly recovered with Yllmadaya's help.

About twenty years passed and Kydrei and Yllmadaya were in their sixties but hadn't aged a single day since they were in their late thirties. Suspicion was cast on the two and they were about to leave when they were confronted by the Coven of Life. They knew they couldn't keep up the act any longer and admitted they found immortality. They stalled revealing how to become immortal by claiming that they didn't know if there were any side effects and wanted to wait at least a few decades before letting others become immortal. However, they were kept under close watch and knew they couldn't escape and had to stay at the Coven for a few more years. After a while, Kydrei began teaching some students at the Coven of Life. She loved being a mentor and got along well with her apprentices and suggested that Yllmadaya try it and take on her own apprentice. Yllmadaya was reluctant, but eventually took an apprenticed named Nikellai. She eventually finished teaching him and began planning with Kydrei to leave the coven. Before they could escape, the leader of the Coven of Life, Ulwyd died. The Coven was left in chaos for a while until a new leader was appointed. Many turned on Yllmadaya and Kydrei because Ulwyd wouldn't have died if they hadn't given up the immortality. Even Nikellai eventually turned on them, telling Yllmadaya she was being selfish and should reveal the truth. Kydrei came up with the idea that they give them a false recipe for immortality. Then, Yllmadaya and Kydrei would be able to wrap up any ties they had left at the Coven of Life and then escape before the Coven realized they had been lied to. Many members of the Coven were fooled, taking the false immortality.

Six years passed, one of the mages who had taken the false immortality, Mwylin, suffered a fatal wound. Yllmadaya and Kydrei were worried she would actually die because she didn't have the true immortality, so they began getting ready to leave. However, she continued to live, although with a pain that should have killed her. Yllmadaya still wanted to leave, but Kydrei started to become concerned about Mwylin and convinced Yllmadaya to stay. The Coven expected Mwylin to heal, but as she didn't, suspicion was cast on Yllmadaya and Kydrei who had suffered equal wounds but healed quicker. Soon, they were confronted and attacked by Nikellai, but they both barely escaped. Yllmadaya, selfish and scared wanted to run as far away as they could from the Coven, but Kydrei was worried her students would be hurt by the Coven trying to find the truth about immortality and wanted to protect them, even if it meant being reckless and needlessly endangering the periapt. They got into an argument, both criticizing each other for their flaws and hurting each other badly. They headed separate ways, Yllmadaya keeping the periapt.

Kydrei helped her students escape the Coven and spent several years helping them find safe places to hide away. She then started to wander around, trying to keep tabs on the Coven of Life. She heard horrifying stories about what had happened to the Coven members that had taken the false immortality, their bodies still aging and able to be grievously injured but their minds immortal and living on in their decaying bodies. She even experienced it when her one student who had taken the false immortality was horribly injured in a run in with the Coven of Life, in pain that should have killed them and unable to heal. Eventually, the student's periapt was destroyed to spare them. Not only that, but the Coven of Life was beginning to desperately search for true immortality, experimenting on people in hopes that would uncover the secret. Kydrei felt immense guilt for what she had done, realizing how her mistake was hurting people and how she had acted selfishly. There were a few years she spent grieving, not having the energy to do much anything and hating herself for her actions. Realizing she was immortal and couldn't spend centuries wallowing in her grief, she decided to try and make up for it by helping others and working against the Coven of Life. She did her best to restore the compassion that she had shed aside during her time at the Coven. She spent the next century traveling the world, helping others and fighting against the Coven of Life where she could. She still kept in touch with her students, and was deeply hurt as she watched her once young apprentices grow old and die before her. She began to hate her immortality as she outlived her friends and started to become scared of making close relationships.

A hundred and seven years passed. Kydrei had traveled much of the world and had become well known throughout Bythse for aiding others. While going through Northern Bythse, she ran into a boy named Reid, who was desperately searching for help. Reid explained that his older sibling and some of their friends had been working with the Coven of Life, but all of the sudden had stopped keeping in contact with their home village. Reid had heard rumors that the Coven of Life was kidnapping mages and forcing them to work and were experimenting on them to find immortality, and was worried his sibling was in danger. Kydrei hadn't directly gone against the Coven of Life yet, only cutting off some of their resources and trying to make their work harder. However, she decided that now she need to face the Coven head on and agreed to help Reid. She began heading to Eastern Bythse with Reid to enter the Coven of Life's halls and rescue Reid's sibling and friends. She knew that a small town named Varloe was a small detour off her route and that Yllmadaya had settled there. Scared to face Yllmadaya, she asked Reid to take the detour and deliver a letter to Yllmadaya, before continuing on her way.

device_hub Family
Family Relationships

Omahz and Zadessia were Kydrei's mother and father. They immigrated from Calymiad, hoping to start a new life. Both were very supportive and loving of Kydrei. They taught her about compassion and hard work and were extremely generous people.

Yllmadaya is the love of Kydrei's life. Many people are confused how Yllmadaya and Kydrei could stand each other, Kydrei warm and friendly where Yllmadaya is cold and standoffish. They also have very clashing ideologies, which often gets them into disagreements. Yllmadaya believes in self preservation first and to protect herself and those she loves, even if it means hurting others, while Kydrei believes in helping others no matter what, even if it means being reckless and endangering herself. Still, they deeply love each other, both being intelligent and ambitious people driven towards similar goals. They have an extremely deep bond, having spent more time with each other than many other couples have had the opportunity to. They each know the other well, memorizing all of each other's quirks and able to tell when the other is lying. Even when they get into fights, they never want to hurt the other and quickly forgive one another. Kydrei often gets frustrated with Yllmadaya for her selfishness, which she thinks has become only gotten stronger once Yllmadaya became immortal, but also sees great compassion deep within and hopes to draw that out. Yllmadaya loves Kydrei's intellect and kindness, often feeling like she has to protect her, as Kydrei often acts recklessly. Kydrei is one of the only people who can bring out softness in Yllmadaya.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
Character Evolution

Kydrei was first created for the book she is currently in, the Undying Mages. Unlike some of my other characters who were based on previous characters or who have changed drastically over time, she has greatly stayed the same.


I can't pin down any direct inspirations. I suppose she is somewhat based off of wise wandering wizards, like Gandalf from Lord of the Rings and Ged from Wizard of Earthsea.

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