info Overview
Name - What is Louis Rennerman’s full name?

Louis Rennerman

Role - What is Louis Rennerman’s role in your story?

The Agitator

Age - How old is Louis Rennerman?


Gender - What is Louis Rennerman’s gender?


Full Name

Louis Patrick Rennerman

Other names - What other aliases does Louis Rennerman go by?

Rennerman, Lou


Brandish Your Iron and Ash

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Renowned Warrior

First Name Pronunciation

Lou-eese (or Lou-ee, it can go either way)

Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Noble, Patrician

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning


Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Louis Rennerman’s race?


Body Type

Fairly small and wiry

Weight - How much does Louis Rennerman weigh?


Skin Tone


Height - How tall is Louis Rennerman?


Hair Color - What color is Louis Rennerman’s hair?

Golden blonde, on the darker side

Eye Color - What is Louis Rennerman’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Louis Rennerman style their hair?

Long and straight, tied back in a low ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Louis Rennerman have?



Louis suffered a bad break to his right ankle during the faery raids, and it never quite healed correctly. He walks with a heavy limp and a crutch due to this.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Louis Rennerman have?

Walks with a heavy limp due to an ankle injury that didn't set right, usually uses a crutch to get around. Also tends to wear a grey newsboy cap.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Louis Rennerman?

Rennerman is loud and considered obnoxious by some, but gets some slack due to the fact that he witnessed the faery raids and was one of the oldest surviving children. Though he talks a big game and gets into some fights, his skills aren't nearly as great as he claims they are. He gets angry very easily, and is almost always ready to throw hands with someone. Despite that, he's fiercely loyal to his cause of protecting Bassen and its citizens, and is known for offering help to those who need it, whether that be through shelter, food, jobs, or dueling in their honor. He harbors a good deal of anger and resentment towards the Norwood family, particularly Prince Gabriel, due to their lack of action towards Bassen and their general disrespect towards him.

Motivations - What motivates Louis Rennerman most?

To keep the humans (especially Jack) safe and ensure that the raids don't happen again. Also to try and plant the seeds of democracy in Alchester.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Louis Rennerman have?

Acts as a self-appointed protector of the remaining humans in his town, and helps some with self-defense. He also helps Trinity Delegard with her tavern (which he co-owns) and tries his best to raise Jack Bardel.

Flaws - What flaws does Louis Rennerman have?

Rude, aggressive, occasionally all talk and no action, arrogant, braggart, very easily irritated, know-it-all, bitter, angry.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Louis Rennerman have?

Initially against the fae, even more so than the others since he witness the raids firsthand and was old enough to remember them vividly, but works through that once he becomes more angry over the king's lack of respect for him and his city. He despises the royal family, especially King Phillip and Prince Gabriel, for their refusal to aid (or even lend money to) the rebuilding of Bassen after the raids.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Louis Rennerman’s favorite possession?

His iron pendant

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Louis Rennerman’s favorite weapon?

His knife, which he is quick to brandish and slow to use

Occupation - What is Louis Rennerman’s occupation?

Tavern owner/bartender

Politics - What politics does Louis Rennerman have?

Something of an anarchist, Louis wants Alchester to reevaluate its status as an absolute monarchy, especially due to the king's lack of caring for the counties razed in the faery raids.

Favorite or Associated Color

Greens and golds

Favorite food - What is Louis Rennerman’s favorite food?

Any sort of soup

info History
Background - What is Louis Rennerman’s background?

Louis Rennerman (or Rennerman, as he's usually called) was 16 when the faery raids happened, and attempted to take shelter with Cecily Bardel and her younger brother, Jack. Cecily took an arrow to the back while locking Jack and Louis in the shelter, and they were trapped there for two days before other survivors helped them out. Louis suffered a severe break to his ankle during the fall into the cellar, and it never fully healed. He went on to rebuild the county of Bassen as best he could, and acted as leader (being among the oldest of the survivors). He met Trinity Delegard, a young woman from Spera, and the two become fast friends. He also met Carter Roe, who dreamed of an adventure beyond Bassen; Darlene Mayfield, a former prostitute who was recovering from a toxic relationship; and Arthur Nest, a shy bookkeeper who later became the herald to the king, as well as Jack Bardel, who Louis attempted to raise. Alec Mortimer served as a mentor to Louis, before falling ill and dying, leaving him with his tavern to take care of.

Birthday - When is Louis Rennerman’s birthday?

July 28th

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Louis Rennerman have?

Lottie, a street cat that lives in his tavern.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Art credit to the makowka character maker II Picrew by makowka


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