info Overview
Name - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s full name?

Cameron Bosshammer

Role - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s role in your story?

Main Character

Other names - What other aliases does Cameron Bosshammer go by?

Boss (Most frequently used name by friends and family)

Gender - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s gender?


Age - How old is Cameron Bosshammer?



Biromantic. He thinks he might be asexual, but he's not sure. He's very much still discovering who he is in that regard.

accessibility Clothing
Usual outfits:

He likes leather jackets, jeans, and hoodies. He wears boots and tight-fitting t-shirts and long-sleeved shirts because, you guessed it, he wants to look cool.
He also wears River's sweaters because they're soft and pastel and smell like hot chocolate. He also steals River's slippers, Cade's jackets, Kiger and Harley's socks, and Fisher's baseball caps. He's a clothes kleptomaniac.

face Looks
Weight - How much does Cameron Bosshammer weigh?

He weighs less than you think he does. He's basically a feather.

Height - How tall is Cameron Bosshammer?

Taller than River, Harley, and Kiger, shorter than Cade and barely shorter than Fisher.

Hair Color - What color is Cameron Bosshammer’s hair?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Cameron Bosshammer style their hair?

Short, soft, fluffy, all over the place. Style? We live of chaos over here

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cameron Bosshammer have?


Eye Color - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s eye color?

Chestnut brown

Race - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s race?


Skin Tone

A nice sun-tan, with a farmer's tan line and everything. Of course, this goes away in the winter, leaving him pale. But he's outside so much, he gets it back in no time.

Body Type

Thin, lanky

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Cameron Bosshammer have?

Dumbass grin, chronic squint from not wearing the glasses he very much needs

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Cameron Bosshammer have?

Sculpting (he's bad at it), pretending to be hot stuff by skipping school to get into trouble with his friends, and painting (He's bad at that too)


None, really, so I'll talk about something else here:
He can hear demons talking to him. Mainly just one, actually, who he's named Nick. This did not sit well with said demon, who's real name is Arctez.
The demons are aware that he can hear them, and think it's terribly amusing to mess with a human who can talk back. They like to poke him and dig their claws in at inopportune moments to try and get him to flinch or twitch. Because of this, he has several muscle tics, but more about those in mannerisms.
He doesn't suffer from any other symptoms of schizophrenia, such as a loss of emotional communication, inability to trust, personality changes, etc. He's fully separate from the demons, and can tell that they're outside of his mind as separate entities. This has lead to a few mental health professionals believing he's faking, or that he suffers from delusions. The demons were very mocking of this, but he doesn't mind. It meant that everyone sort of forgot about his problems once he stopped talking about them, aside from his friends, and he was able to largely carry on as normal. He felt he had all the help he needed with his friends, and to a certain extent, he doesn't care. He's heard the demons his entire life, and doesn't think anyone could get rid of them anyway. He doesn't like talking about his problems with adults, they're always too sympathetic, or they think he's faking. He wants to be remembered for anything but demons, so he largely ignores the issue. That's definitely healthy.

Personality type - What personality type is Cameron Bosshammer?

He's endlessly confident, a rampant trouble-maker and a chronic idiot. He's sure of himself in all the best ways, but let's face it, confidence has never been legally required to equal intelligence. Though he is intelligent in some ways. Don't judge a fish by the tree its climbing and all that. He's VERY not academic, but as far as making observations goes he can conclude things MOST astutely.
He's a powerful leader in his friend group but is not as fearless as he pretends. If there's something coming towards them in the night, he will hide behind Cade, who's actually fearless, and if he's diving into the unknown and is nervous about what might be on the other side, he will grab a friend in each hand and force them to come along, whether they want to or not.
He's a complex individual, who's a mix of seeming amazingly genius at times, and the most stupid at others. But mostly the latter. No one said he had his priorities set out straight. Politics should be way higher, but nah. He don't care at all.
He can be anxious about being alone, and definitely has mild separation anxiety from his friends. When he's alone, he gets very uncomfortable, since it's just him and the demon bois.
He's a peaceable person, who's very loyal to his people and hates to see them fighting. Therefore he's developed quite the set of peace-making skills, and can usually stop any arguments dead in their tracks.
He's very stubborn, a skill set he gained after years of listening to demons and teachers try to get him to do stuff he doesn't want to do. He's made a revelation that no one can actually make him do anything. The consequences for skipping school don't have to affect him if he just doesn't show up for detention.

Talents - What talents does Cameron Bosshammer have?

Lock-picking, sneaking, sniffing out new places to explore, stopping arguments

Prejudices - What prejudices does Cameron Bosshammer have?

He thinks most adults are pretty much idiots who are too afraid to do anything but follow rules like sheep. This comes from listening to them worry about the war, listening to the news propagate the war, and watching all the color seep from his city without a single adult trying to stop it. They claim he just doesn't understand it, but he thinks he understand pretty well, thank-you very much. (He may or may not, however).
He pays attention, and he sees the military scaring the people with their subtle yet strong presence. No one wants to get on their bad side, and Boss hates the bullying attitude the army has.
He's mainly angry that the government, adults who are supposed to lead the country, let the situation devolve to this point.

Flaws - What flaws does Cameron Bosshammer have?

Lack of common sense, cocky, chronic rule-breaker, self-centered, immature. He's prone to making dumb statements as if they're genius revelations, and then everyone else is like "Well duh."
Except for Harley, River, Kiger, Fisher and occasionally Cade. They'll be like "whAT?! hOw DiD i NEveR thInK oF ThIs?" And they'll mean that seriously, as well. THey aren't the smartest, either.

Motivations - What motivates Cameron Bosshammer most?

Fun, his friends, self-righteous belief, a want to one-up the system. He never really got past the point of just wanting things to be easy and fun. He hates the idea that life involves hard work, and is low-kay angry that the war ever happened at all.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Cameron Bosshammer have?

He rubs his shoulders a lot, because he can feel the claws of demons digging into them, he is always holding onto at least one of his friends and dragging them around after him, has a bit of a tick where he he twitches his head to the right, again, because demons are whispering uncomfy things to him. Sometimes he'll just jerk away from a certain spot, and is just generally very shifty. He tosses and turns in bed, is terrible at sleepovers, and will just strike out at random things occasionally. This comes through in facial expressions too. Micro expressions are constantly shifting across his face, especially when he thinks no one's watching. All in all, he comes off as very weird to those who don't know him.

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s favorite food?

Most anything sweet. Candy, cake, etc. The only dessert he's ever NOT liked was cheesecake. Licorice might be a favorite though

Favorite possession - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s favorite possession?

He doesn't really believe in material possessions. His headphones are pretty useful though. Begone, demons, and all that. That's not to say he doesn't have any, he just doesn't care about them. Life's too fleeting and painful to care about fragile items more than people.

Favorite weapon - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s favorite weapon?

He brings his own brand of chaos to every party

Favorite animal - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s favorite animal?

Weasels. They slinky~

Job - What job does Cameron Bosshammer have?

None. What a lazy slacker.


Cade, Harley, River, Fisher, Kiger

Religion - What religion does Cameron Bosshammer practice?

Atheist. It's more about the principle of the matter than anything else. Nothing annoys the demons like him talking about them like don't exist.



Politics - What politics does Cameron Bosshammer have?

Anarchist, if anything. He's never put too much thought into it. He generally hates politics. He's here to have fun and rebel, not get caught up in the unnecessary details of liars and cheaters.

Occupation - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s occupation?

Well, he sure keeps himself occupied with trouble makin'

Favorite color - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s favorite color?

Spring green has always been pleasing to him

info History
Background - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s background?

He comes from a fairly affluent family, him being the only child. He met his friend group when he was three, and has been hanging out with them ever since. He realized he had the demon thing after he told his mother about the whispering and she told him it was just his imagination. He doesn't talk about it much. Over the years, his parents have taken him to get evaluated by a few mental health professionals, who have all tried their best, but let's face it, it's hard to diagnose a brain with something a brain doesn't have. Eventually, they gave up, since Boss would just brush off their concerns. He has a pretty good relationship with his family, and they love him like nothing else. There's a little bit of a tense atmosphere in their house, because they fear what's going to happen to him due to his rebellious nature, but because of the demons, Boss actively seeks out their companionship. He tends to bush off their worry and and concern, but not in a mean way. He cultivates as close a relationship with them as he can, and they're one of the closest families he knows. The stress of the war doesn't affect them like it does all the other families, and he places it down do how much time they spend together. He's actually more often than not the one who breaks up arguments between his parents, mediating until they stop fighting. They fully recognize how much potential he has, and worry that he's either going to do great things, or get himself killed before the age of twenty.
He was almost 16 when America broke in half, and his city was quickly claimed by the American Army. He thinks everything about that's stupid, what's so bad about a sinkhole opening up in Hungary?
Many things, my lad. You just don't know.
Anyways, the summer before his 18th birthday, he got into some real trouble with the military, and ended up getting drafted into the war along with all his friends.

Birthday - When is Cameron Bosshammer’s birthday?

Ah, the birthdays. Him and his friends all have something in common there. Their birthdays lined up like a domino chain, ending with the arrival of the summer solstice. Was that a point of significance, considering they all had some extra sense on some sort? Probably. But the boys didn’t care, they changed their birthdays once they had all turned ten. They figured that if their birthdays lined up like that, with some sort of penultimate celebration at the end, why shouldn’t it be a holiday that allowed them to extort even more candy from their nearest and dearest? A week’s worth of cake just wasn’t enough, and never ended with the bang they thought it should.
So they convinced their parents to change their birthdays to the week before Halloween. And while you may cry out how silly that is, I’ll have to side with my boys here. Halloween was far better than the solstice, no one gives out two months worth of candy on the changing of the sun. After a while, everyone forgot where their birthdays had originally fallen, and had just accepted the blind luck of it. His birthday now lands on the 28th of October.

Education - What is Cameron Bosshammer’s level of education?

He could be great at school, if he tried, but he believes it's mostly propaganda. (He's right, mostly) He does like math, though. Math can't lie to him. He's terrible at it, but he likes it. He reads, a lot. Like a lot a lot. He sees all sorts of discrepancies from the books in the library vs the textbooks from school. And everything in the school is very geared towards their side of the war, without really explaining what they're fighting over. It's all very clever, but Boss is cleverer, and when they shut down the library due to 'Low funding,' he began to steal the books one by one until he had quite a stash hidden in one of his many hidey-holes. He's determined to protect them at all costs, he's heard what happened in the library from a neighboring city.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Cameron Bosshammer have?

None, Father would not allow. "Not in this economy" and all that jazz. Plus, his dad really doesn't care for animals all that much. Boss would have loved even a goldfish, honestly, but nope. Now Boss is just counting down the days until he's a legal adult and can adopt a ferret.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Theme Songs:
I'm so Sorry - Imagine Dragons

Hogwarts house: Bonafide Hufflepuff. He's a softie with too much heart.

Element: He'd be a firebender. He's got all the energy, leadership, and want for bold strokes.

He needs glasses. He does not wear glasses. He thinks he's too cool for glasses. He also is too squeamish to wear contacts, so that just leaves him with bad eyesight. He also doesn't have a driver's licence, because his friend does, and the always drive together.

He's actually quite prone to loneliness, and therefore always surrounds himself with his friends and family. When he's alone, it becomes harder to ignore the demons, and they always tell him he's unwanted and unloved anway, so why hang out with them?

Don't tell Boss, but all the demons that regularly visit him are actually quite fed up with him. They've been working on this dude since he was a baby for crying out loud, why isn't he a serial killer or something yet?

Nick, his perpetual shoulder demon, remains optimistic, however. He tells the others to just be patient. He thinks Boss is well down the path of misery already, and they just need more time. Most of the ther demons think this is hogwash and have given up, but Nick never has, and he's convinced.
Besides, none of the others are with Boss constantly, they don't know everything there is to know about him, like Nick does. And maybe Nick isn't so wrong in the first place.

Boss and his friends don't talk much about their abilities, but since they share the burden, it's easier to bear. Kiger, (who sees angels), remains hopeful, and tries to encourage Boss to do the same. The two talk about their abilities the most, generally to each other. Late nights to help Boss sleep are a more than common occurrence. The two practically live together at this point.

As just mentioned, Boss doesn't get much sleep. Hard to when there are things watching you, and in the dark, the demons are almost visible. This lack of sleep leads to a permanent set of shadows under his eyes and a languid louch to his step, but doesn't generally affect his daily energy levels. He's a massive extrovert, just being around other people can keep him going for days.

He HATES his real name, Cameron, which is why he usually goes by Boss. The name just sounds stupid to him, and he doesn't like the way it sounds.

As mentioned, Nick's actual name is not Nick. Nick hates this nickname, and constantly reminds Boss what his actual name is, but lookie there, Boss doesn't really care.
Nick hasn't thought of calling Boss "Cam" yet, but when he does, oh, it is on, demon boy.

Quote of the day:
"Hey demons. It's me. Ya boi."

group_work Social Status

He was fairly popular among the parents of his friend group, they saw him as an encouraging leader in the beginning, but the more he and his pals deviated from the straight and narrow, the less they started to think of him. However, by this point, the kids were old enough to properly rebel against their parents. The would follow Boss wherever he took them, at this point. He doesn't care what the parents think, they aren't the important ones in this equation.
But, to be more specific:

River's Parents: They think it's awful that their precious son is being corrupted into a life of 'crime.' River has tried reasoning with them several times; it's not like exploration and the ocasional accidental vandalism is going to land him in jail, but they won't have it. They've tried several times to forbid River from seeing his friends, but River isn't as soft and innocent as he would have you believe, and has no trouble sneaking out, or just flat out refusing to do what they ask. He makes his own choices, and loving Boss is one of those choices.

Cade's Parents: Cade's parents don't care so much. He was raised in a fairly permissive, uninvolved family, and at this point, they're too busy fighting with each other to pay much attention to what he's doing. They don't care one way or another about Boss, and Cades prefers to keep it that way

Kiger's Parent: Kiger's father would be concerned. But he works within the military, and is constantly away from home, sleeping, or stressed out of his mind. He trusts Kiger to keep it together, and ever since his mother ran off with a bus driver, then died a subsequent day after, their house has been largely abandoned. Kiger doesn't like to bother his dad, just tries to show support on the few times their both home. His dad doesn't know much about what he's up to these days.

Harley's Parents: Divorced though they may be, the two of them care fiercely for him, and for his sake, maintain a neutral relationship. They meet over coffee to discuss him and his life, and are both very distressed about the path he's taking, as they fear it's a one-track path towards being drafted into the army. Unfortunately, they're left too busy feeling like failures to actually do anything about it, and Harley just brushes them off with flippant reassurances. They've only met Boss a couple times after the boys got old enough to have unsupervised play-dates, but were fairly charmed each time.

Fisher's Uncle: Fisher doesn't have parents, not anymore. He doesn't know what happened to them, the adults keep it pretty hush-hush, bt their family is all quite anti-war, so it's not hard to take a guess. Fisher knows they're not alive anymore, in any case.
His uncle is a quiet but passionate man, who if anything, encourages Fisher to break rules and get out. He doesn't think Fisher takes good care of himself, and is thrilled whenever Boss and his friends come around to get him out and moving.


Having an entire town of 35k people be able to recognize your face, wow. But this boy been trouble makin' for many a year, and there's not a square acre of town he's not explored. Now, only a few now his name, but the town itself is very aware of his friend group. Fewer still have an optimistic view of them. Mostly they consider the boys a harmless nuisance, who will probably get into more trouble than they're ready to deal with someday. Does Boss care? Nah. After spending so much time not listening to the bad things the demons had to say, why should he listen to people?
He's the kind that would go up to execution and have some witty joke to tell when asked if he wanted one last chance to repent.

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This character was created by Oakley on

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