info Overview
Name - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s full name?

Felix Hammerstrike

Role - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s role in your story?

supporting character

Other names - What other aliases does Felix Hammerstrike go by?


Gender - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s gender?

Male (trans ftm)

Age - How old is Felix Hammerstrike?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Felix Hammerstrike weigh?

162 lbs

Height - How tall is Felix Hammerstrike?


Hair Color - What color is Felix Hammerstrike’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Felix Hammerstrike style their hair?

Long straight hair, ponytail

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Felix Hammerstrike have?


Eye Color - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s eye color?


Race - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s race?


Skin Tone

Light tan

Body Type

Thin and agile, lightly muscled

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Felix Hammerstrike have?

A few burn scars on his hands and arms, and one prominent scar on his thigh, all from forging accidents

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Felix Hammerstrike have?

Crosses his arms and generally has a closed stance a lot of the time, like he's afraid to let people in

Motivations - What motivates Felix Hammerstrike most?

To save his friends
At a time, he was also driven by becoming a good enough tailor to change his job

Flaws - What flaws does Felix Hammerstrike have?

A little bit of a pushover
Slight inferiority complex

Talents - What talents does Felix Hammerstrike have?

Really good at fabric crafting, sewing, embroidery, knitting, etc
Also a pretty solid fighter with poleax-type weapons

Hobbies - What hobbies does Felix Hammerstrike have?

Sewing, tailoring clothes, drawing

Personality type - What personality type is Felix Hammerstrike?

Generally a nice guy (but like actually nice, not fake)
Has an odd meekness about him
Also sometimes gets really tense and can be sensitive to the words of others

Style of Speech

Relatively proper speech style
Has a pretty welcoming presence, and the properness is not offputting
Swears a pretty normal amount

folder_open More Personality

Always put down as worse than his brother, generally inferior
Self-esteem lowered when Valkyrie came around and picked up the smithing trade flawlessly
Has a good amount of confidence in some of his other skills
But generally, he knows others see him as the worse Hammerstrike brother, and it hurts


Mostly optimistic, but he does say very dreary and pessimistic things from time to time

Proud of

Skills in fabric crafts
His friendships and general abilities to interact with others


Living in his brother's shadow forever
Dying before he's satisfied with what he's done

Ashamed of

How much he sucks at blacksmithing
Living in his brother's shadow
How much he gets scolded by his father, even as an adult

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s favorite color?


Favorite weapon - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s favorite weapon?

War scythe

Job - What job does Felix Hammerstrike have?

Blacksmith, though he usually handles more delicate wares rather than weapons. Most days, he's the one running orders into town, handling finances, and other people-oriented tasks because he's not so good at the actual smithing part



device_hub Family
info History
Education - What is Felix Hammerstrike’s level of education?

Equivalent of high school plus trade school

attach_file Other Facts


Style of Dress

Loose pants, long brown boots, collared button-up with rolled-up sleeves

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Felix Hammerstrike

This character was created by Bec on

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