info Overview
Name - What is Aria Naxos’s full name?

Aria Naxos

Role - What is Aria Naxos’s role in your story?

The Fourth Catalyst

Other names - What other aliases does Aria Naxos go by?

Nickname: Ari
Full name: Ariadne

Gender - What is Aria Naxos’s gender?


Age - How old is Aria Naxos?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Aria Naxos?


Hair Color - What color is Aria Naxos’s hair?

Pale Blue (formerly dark brown)

Hair Style - How does Aria Naxos style their hair?

Medium length, straight

Eye Color - What is Aria Naxos’s eye color?

Cornflower blue

Skin Tone


Race - What is Aria Naxos’s race?

Human (Catalyst)

Body Type

Lightly toned


  • Regular:
    Haven't come up with anything yet :P

  • Entity Activated:
    Wears a silver circlet with a blue sapphire in the middle and smaller sapphires along the sides. Armor is dark blue with patterns resembling waves. For legs, some kind of skirt armor.

Two blue markings appear on either side of her face, stretching from her cheek to jaw. A pair of light blue fins manifest above her ears. From the base of her spine sprouts a long tail covered in blue scales, and dark blue spines run along the top. The tip ends in a fish's tail. There are also a pair of fins on either side near the start of the tail.

chat_bubble Nature

Aria comes off as a kind-hearted and selfless woman. Raised to become a hero, she believes it is her duty to put her life on the line and save innocent people. She is easy to talk to, but will stand up for herself and others when insulted.

Flaws - What flaws does Aria Naxos have?

Aria was raised in a perfectly loving environment without much hardship other than the effort needed to pass her Container trials. She was universally loved by everyone as a hometown hero before leaving, so any criticism toward her is perceived as a personal attack. She gets defensive in an effort to disprove her flaws even if she knows they are true.

Because Aria is accustomed to being in the spotlight, she is envious of those she believes are stealing it from her. She'll desperately try to get that attention back if it leaves her for too long, even if it means jeopardizing her and the lives of others.

In addition, she hates being seen as useless. It's only until meeting with the other five Containers that Aria realizes she is the weakest one of all. She will actively try to prove that this is not the case, even if it means sabotaging others' efforts.

Motivations - What motivates Aria Naxos most?

Fulfill her duties as a Container and be a hero ---> Prevent the Centennial Ritual from happening by killing all the other Containers and become a hero

Prejudices - What prejudices does Aria Naxos have?

She doesn't believe that being of noble lineage should make one higher than someone else. Humans are all equal, no matter how they look. The only ones higher than any other person are the gods.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Aria Naxos have?

Star gazing, since it is something she can do alone that doesn't require much skill.

Personality type - What personality type is Aria Naxos?

Chaotic Good

groups Social
Relationship Details

At first, she befriends the other Catalysts. But her jealousy of them grows, she begins to distance herself from them until they become complete enemies. Valerie is the only one she talks to because she is concerned for her.

Leviathan acts are her superior and mentor until she goes mad. By the time he tries to stop her, he is too late. Aria shuts him out of her mind while still maintaining her connection to him, thus imprisoning him within her own body.

Religion - What religion does Aria Naxos practice? her own religion? Or at least part of it.

Favorite color - What is Aria Naxos’s favorite color?


Favorite food - What is Aria Naxos’s favorite food?


Favorite weapon - What is Aria Naxos’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is Aria Naxos’s favorite animal?

Dolphin, much to Leviathan's frustration because dolphins are mammals, not fish.

Languages Spoken

Choric (Language barrier nullified by Entity powers)

local_library History
Birthday - When is Aria Naxos’s birthday?

November 12, 6502 E.D. (Cancer)

Birth Place
Education - What is Aria Naxos’s level of education?

Basic education—she's literate, but that's just about it. She was trained with focuses on combat and home ec. stuff.

Background - What is Aria Naxos’s background?

When she was born on New Year's day in the year 1200 B.C.M., her fate had already been set in motion. The island city of Chora knew she was the Entity Leviathan's designated Container, and raised her accordingly. Under strict care, she learned to respect authority, but more so the Entities above all else.

She was forbidden from any romantic partners, and her friendships were strictly monitored so they wouldn't get in the way of her training. Her parents, although proud, were dedicated to the farm and couldn't afford to spend much time with their daughter.

The journey to partake in the Centennial Ritual would be the first time she ever set foot out of town. She had no clue what was waiting for her outside of her little island in the Living Sea.

brightness_7 Magic

Water - Divine Power (belongs to Leviathan)

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
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