info Overview
Name - What is Nyles Flock’s full name?

Nyles Flock

Role - What is Nyles Flock’s role in your story?

bad guy

Gender - What is Nyles Flock’s gender?


Age - How old is Nyles Flock?

about 30

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Nyles Flock’s hair?

neon blue

Hair Style - How does Nyles Flock style their hair?

sorta messy

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Nyles Flock have?


Eye Color - What is Nyles Flock’s eye color?

Steel grey

fingerprint Nature
groups Social
date_range History
Birthday - When is Nyles Flock’s birthday?

**** **, 770

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Nyles Flock

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