info Overview
Name - What is Caly Sharax’s full name?

Caly Sharax

Role - What is Caly Sharax’s role in your story?

Dragonborn Advisor

Gender - What is Caly Sharax’s gender?


Age - How old is Caly Sharax?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Caly Sharax?


Weight - How much does Caly Sharax weigh?

140 pounds

Race - What is Caly Sharax’s race?

Tiefling - Dispater

date_range History
Birthday - When is Caly Sharax’s birthday?

June 10th, 1393

Background - What is Caly Sharax’s background?

Caly was born normal enough and lived a normal enough life, until one day a dragon invaded her home and took its capitol city where she had been born. It slaughtered everyone in its path save the children, which were quickly captured by its minions. Caly was only six when this happened, and didn't understand what was going on but she tried her best to protect the others who were kidnapped with her anyway.

Something about the young tiefling caught the dragon's eye, though. Her defiant spirit, even in the face of such obviously great danger. Her desire to protect the other children, taking their punishments onto herself when they displeased their new mistress no matter how bad. Caly was strong willed and would not be easily broken, exactly the kind of thing the dragon was looking for.

In twelve years Caly endured more than most would in a lifetime, even seasoned warriors on a field of battle. Her body was beaten and broken, healed and then broken again. The dragon toyed with her mind, putting her through every worst nightmare to break her and then putting the pieces back together again. She turned Caly into the perfect weapon, experimenting on the other children and using only the most perfect test results on Caly. Soon a tiefling became more like a dragon, looking every bit as dangerous as she really was.

But once that challenge was over and done with the dragon set Caly lose into the world and completely abandoned the once-kingdom she had claimed as her own. All the other children were dead and Caly was alone, without even her dragon mistress to guide her. She didn't know what to do, and started to take it out on everyone and everything around her. When the rage and fear subsided Caly was left she was. Raised, trained and modified to be a perfect weapon and with no place to go.

Knowing that the dragonborn were oppressed by dragons Caly took it upon herself to try and help them. She was also searching for revenge, trying to track down the dragon that raised her and make sure she paid for what she'd done. So the king and queen of the dragonborn territory happily let Caly in to their inner circle, taking her advice seriously when it came to dealing with dragons and giving her access to whatever she would need to help hunt down and kill her now former mistress.

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