filter_list Overview
Name - What is Chester Abraham’s full name?

Chester Abraham

Role - What is Chester Abraham’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Chester Abraham go by?


Gender - What is Chester Abraham’s gender?

He/Him or whatever



Age - How old is Chester Abraham?

14/15 (Earth years)

accessibility Physical Description
Weight - How much does Chester Abraham weigh?

120 lbs

Height - How tall is Chester Abraham?


Hair Color - What color is Chester Abraham’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Chester Abraham style their hair?

Chin length, Thick, wavy hair

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Chester Abraham have?


Eye Color - What is Chester Abraham’s eye color?

Cloudy grey, usually narrowed, annoyed with the world

Race - What is Chester Abraham’s race?

Life form

Skin Tone

Pale, not for his type though, just as a general skin tone

Body Type

Fragile, scrawny. slightly curvy, though he hides it under his clothes.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Chester Abraham have?

The bags under his eyes, his purple hair.


Lots of black and dark grey. Sweat pants, sweat shirts and socks

Bottom to top description

Black High neck shoes, black/grey pants, white shirt with grey over shirt, lavender hair.

account_box Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Chester Abraham have?

Anywhere: Slouches. Never looks anyone in the eyes. Tries to avoid everyone. Pulls his ring finger on and off when he's bored or nervous.
In comfortable places: Goes from zero to one hundred real quick. Ignores anyone when he doesn't want to talk to them. Zones out during conversations. Yells when someone comes in his spaces

Motivations (desire)

Try not to think about his cavity. Control it, don't let it run his life (though it already has)
Make it through the day. Get out of this world and this body.

Motivations (need)

Find self-worth.

Flaws - What flaws does Chester Abraham have?

His own mind. He gets winded easily. Gets sick often. Doesn't share how he feels. His disgusting body. dangerous habits (taping his cavity)


Affection cavities, the very thing he fears most, becoming the very thing that's everywhere. It reminds him of everything he thinks he is, which isn't much. it reminds him of what he was, how it used to not matter. It reminds him of what started, all of that, all until he started staying in his room, he could control it when he was in there. it made it easier.

Beliefs about themselves

He is a worthless piece of trash, He's broken, he'll never be able to live like them. He has to deal with all of that stuff. And it's so hard.

Talents - What talents does Chester Abraham have?

Not caring about other's emotional states

Hobbies - What hobbies does Chester Abraham have?

Being a waste of space


None, that he wants to admit.

Worst fear

Never being able to get rid of it.
everyone he knows, everyone who would directly change his life finding out what goes on inside that room. Having to use his cavity/it being used by someone else.

Who are they around others

Loner who wants everyone dead, including himself

Who are they truly

A piece of trash that has given up on the world, who really needs help, a child, unable to control his own mind and body.

Depression level (9)

Extremely severe (41)

Anxiety level (7)

Severe (17)

Stress level (14)

Severe (31)

groups Social
Occupation - What is Chester Abraham’s occupation?


Favorite color - What is Chester Abraham’s favorite color?

light lavender

Favorite food - What is Chester Abraham’s favorite food?

Wow, what a silly question. He is unable to eat.

Favorite possession - What is Chester Abraham’s favorite possession?

His room, he can hide in there.

Favorite weapon - What is Chester Abraham’s favorite weapon?

Silver wear (the decorative kind)

Favorite animal - What is Chester Abraham’s favorite animal?


date_range History
Birthday - When is Chester Abraham’s birthday?

He started existing, enough said.
(And would really like to stop)

Education - What is Chester Abraham’s level of education?

The education system in Asphodel, it has a history of changing the past. (pun intended)

Background - What is Chester Abraham’s background?

His childhood was fine, which only adds to the problematic system he is operating in now. He blocked himself so far away from others he now lives in his world completely.


When he was very young, he would have to go to appointments, far more than any of the other children.
At the appointments they would ask him to pull off his shirt. they would then insert their gloved hands into the slit at the base of his rig cage (Affection cavity), he could feel their hands inside, he didn't like. It made him feel strange, uncomfortable. They'd pull these small, soft, slime covered spheres out, they'd then put them in sterile bags and take them away. after that, the gloved hands would go back in, this time with a damp clothe wiping it out. The clothe came out wet and discolored. Then the gloved hands would take a needle, insert it into the uncovered skin in his cheeks, the needle was attached to a tube attached to a containment vessel. Golden liquid filled the containment vessel. once it was full the gloved hands took the needle out. place a bandage around the bit of flesh the liquid was extracted from. the gloved hands then placed his face plate on his face. Then the gloves would come off the hands. He'd be told to put his shirt back on, sent on his way out of the checking room. Those were the easy tests. The harder ones were longer.

Past trauma(s)

When he was assembled, his body rejected some of the synthetic parts, but his brain adjusted, now rejecting the original parts, making his mutation worse, in every way. His procedure was stopped and never started again, it would have killed him to continue. He has had to live with an affection cavity that produces orbs, he can't stop it, it has also changed the way his body has developed in certain places. He can hardly handle any of it, it makes him feel sick, he'll let the cavity fill to the point of stretching, it hurts him so bad, he'll be doubled over on the floor just groaning in pain. he has to wait for the pain to lessen before emptying the cavity.

currant trauma(s)

He can't get rid of it all, he's only ever just above the water. His whole life is just trying to deal with it. All he can think about is the terrible body part he can't get away from.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Chester Abraham have?

Lincoln (Not really though.)

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Lincoln shows Chester the medication he takes to stop the cavity from producing unwanted orbs, also Lincoln gives him a cover piece, that he can wrap around the slit in his chest (the entrance to his cavity) so nothing leaks out.

Never to be told

(1) Chester was going to sign up for an expiration date . But he couldn't figure out how to leave the house without anyone knowing. He went into thinking about it. But he couldn't figure out why he wouldn't do it. He wanted to, he needed to feel like he could, he needed to stop existing like this.
(2) He used to hang out with the kids who were unfinished like him.
(3) Chester believes he did it to himself. He made himself that way, he kinda wants to stay that way too, but.. he also is kinda glad that if it got too bad he wouldn't have to continue. (This is about his depression not his physical features)

grade Categorization

Cotton candy (To Lincoln after he comes around) Burned Out (after he finds out and Lincoln). Misanthropic drunken loner Death cup



Fight, Flight, Freeze

Usually freeze


Audience Surrogate, Loner, Pessimist


True Neutral


"Don't touch me"
"Fuck, are we gonna have to hug?"
"I fucking hate life"

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This character was created by Leshierian on

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