info Overview
Name - What is Emily Rose Revis’s full name?

Emily Rose Revis

Role - What is Emily Rose Revis’s role in your story?

The Spark

Age - How old is Emily Rose Revis?

19 (at time of death), would be 24 if still alive

Gender - What is Emily Rose Revis’s gender?


Full Name

Emily Rose Revis

Other names - What other aliases does Emily Rose Revis go by?

Em, Rosie




Happy Few


Executed by Duchess Julianna Marlott

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning


First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning


Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning


Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Emily Rose Revis’s race?


Body Type

Fairly tall, lean but strong

Weight - How much does Emily Rose Revis weigh?


Skin Tone

Tan, some freckles

Height - How tall is Emily Rose Revis?


Hair Color - What color is Emily Rose Revis’s hair?

Medium brown

Eye Color - What is Emily Rose Revis’s eye color?

Dark brown

Hair Style - How does Emily Rose Revis style their hair?

Fairly long, curly, usually tied back in a bun. Once she gets deeper into the rebellion, she cuts it to about chin length.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Emily Rose Revis have?


fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Emily Rose Revis?

Emily Rose is loving and sweet, but also stubborn and reckless. Though at first she seems like a too-good-to-be-true badass with a heart of gold, as the story goes on we start to learn more about her, and her tendency not to notice details that could save herself and others.
Since the story takes place after her death, it's difficult to say what she was really like, because her characterization is affected by how others remember her.

Skills and Hobbies

Inspiring, planning, hand-to-hand combat

Motivations - What motivates Emily Rose Revis most?

To protect Twyllo and end its cycle of corruption

Hobbies - What hobbies does Emily Rose Revis have?

Plotting to overthrow the government, spending time with her family and friends, painting.

Flaws - What flaws does Emily Rose Revis have?

Reckless, stubborn, often so hyperfocused on one or two things that she's oblivious to everything else

Prejudices - What prejudices does Emily Rose Revis have?

Against the court members, after seeing their corruption.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Emily Rose Revis’s favorite possession?

Her engagement ring

Lovers (Current and Past)

Oliver Warren (at time of death)
Amira Linell (prior, both had feelings for each other but they never were officially together)


Jonathan Revis (younger brother)
Marcus Revis (uncle)

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Emily Rose Revis’s favorite weapon?

A pistol

Occupation - What is Emily Rose Revis’s occupation?

Leader of the underground rebellion

Politics - What politics does Emily Rose Revis have?

Wants a free Twyllo, but has no idea what comes after that

Favorite or Associated Color

Deep reds and blues

Favorite food - What is Emily Rose Revis’s favorite food?


info History
Birthday - When is Emily Rose Revis’s birthday?

December 12th

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shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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