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info Overview
Name - What is Caden Josefsberg’s full name?

Caden Josefsberg

Other names - What other aliases does Caden Josefsberg go by?


Role - What is Caden Josefsberg’s role in your story?

A main character, possible love interest to Val

Age - How old is Caden Josefsberg?


Gender - What is Caden Josefsberg’s gender?


face Looks
Hair Style - How does Caden Josefsberg style their hair?

Cade's hair is curly, short on the sides & back, and longer on the top. He doesn't do much with it, just lets it flop around. It's constantly getting in his eyes. He runs his hands through it as a nervous tic of sorts

Hair Color - What color is Caden Josefsberg’s hair?

Dishwater blond, bordering on brown

Height - How tall is Caden Josefsberg?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Caden Josefsberg have?

Has a jagged scar on the inside of his right ankle from when his little brother broke a light fixture in their apartment and sent glass pieces flying everywhere.

Body Type

Sturdily built and athletic, broad-shouldered

Skin Tone

Tan, lightly freckled, ruddy cheeks

Race - What is Caden Josefsberg’s race?

Human (caucasian)

Eye Color - What is Caden Josefsberg’s eye color?

Honey brown, "but they look golden in the sunlight"

fingerprint Nature

Cade has a diagnosed anxiety disorder, which he takes meds for.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Caden Josefsberg have?

He drums his fingers on tables, his thigh, etc., often in the pattern of whatever scale or piece he's working on (Val finds it incredibly irritating).

Motivations - What motivates Caden Josefsberg most?

Cade wants to be liked, is the root of it. He tries to be charming and effusive, but non-threatening, and not "too much" either, which is a confusing mix of ideals that usually ends up with him coming off as fake or smarmy. He genuinely enjoys piano and wants to improve because he, well, enjoys it. Is removed from much of the competition of orchestra, etc. and is super confused (and insensitive about) Noah's fixation on it

Flaws - What flaws does Caden Josefsberg have?

As mentioned above, he can outwardly come off as insincere or too-faced. His ego is quite easily bruised, and he gets defensive about criticism. He's pretty even-tempered, in contrast to Val, and is very self-conscious about expressing anger, selfishness, or excess emotion in general (a result of being the oldest sibling and being the 'responsible one').

Talents - What talents does Caden Josefsberg have?

Plays piano (since age 5), likes to compose music. He's very smart with math and theory

Hobbies - What hobbies does Caden Josefsberg have?

When he's not practicing, in class, or doing homework, Cade can be found messing around at the piano, doing improv or working on some new composition. Being a teenager, he also watches TV and fucks about on his phone. He hangs out with friends, of course, but is more of an introvert and is most comfortable by himself or in one-on-one conversation.

Personality type - What personality type is Caden Josefsberg?


groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Caden Josefsberg’s favorite animal?

He thinks snakes are super cool. He used to always ask to get one as a pet when he was a kid, but his parents never let him.

Favorite possession - What is Caden Josefsberg’s favorite possession?

He has a (rather worn-down) plush giraffe that he's had since he was a baby. At school, it mostly sits in a dresser drawer but he'll take it out sometimes if he's feeling nostalgic or sad.

Favorite food - What is Caden Josefsberg’s favorite food?

He's not the most adventurous eater. He likes spaghetti, pizza, and the latkes his dad makes for Chanukah. At Rutherford, he mostly sticks to making himself sandwiches.

Favorite color - What is Caden Josefsberg’s favorite color?

He likes yellow, but not the super bright kind. More of an orangey-yellow.

Occupation - What is Caden Josefsberg’s occupation?

Caden is a student at Rutherford School of Music.

Politics - What politics does Caden Josefsberg have?

Liberal (as are basically all my characters, evidently), tries to follow politics but doesn't understand it all that well. Grew up listening to NPR in the car with his dad.

Religion - What religion does Caden Josefsberg practice?

Cade is Jewish, and possibly agnostic (he hasn't thought about it too deeply). He had a Bar Mitzvah, keeps (mostly) kosher), and his family celebrates the holidays, though he doesn't always get to be in on that while away at school. Their temple is reconstructionist.

Job - What job does Caden Josefsberg have?


info History
Background - What is Caden Josefsberg’s background?

Cade is from a Jewish family living in Brooklyn. He has three younger siblings (Irene, 13, Luke, 9, Joshua, 7) and was frequently responsible for them growing up.

Education - What is Caden Josefsberg’s level of education?

Educated in public schools up to high school, then Rutherford from ninth grade to present. Currently a junior.

Birthday - When is Caden Josefsberg’s birthday?

January 17

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