info Overview
Name - What is Jack Thomas’s full name?

Jack Thomas

Gender - What is Jack Thomas’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Jack Thomas go by?

Mr Thomas, by people who don't know him. Everyone at the office calls him Jack since he's both the office assistant and the baby of the team.

Occasionally "kid" by Coleman and Mitchell.

Role - What is Jack Thomas’s role in your story?

Side character, FBI storyline

Age - How old is Jack Thomas?


face Looks
Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Jack Thomas have?

Michelle (the main character) notes that he has unusually kind eyes. He has a dimple on his left chin. Many think his kind eyes in combination with dimple gives him a very radiant and sweet smile.

Body Type

Pretty skinny

Height - How tall is Jack Thomas?

175 cm

Hair Color - What color is Jack Thomas’s hair?

Light brown

Hair Style - How does Jack Thomas style their hair?

Short, wavy, very messy and unruly; no matter how much he tries to brush it and control it, it just finds a way to stand in every direction anyway.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Jack Thomas have?


Eye Color - What is Jack Thomas’s eye color?

Cloudy grey

Weight - How much does Jack Thomas weigh?

67 kg

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Jack Thomas have?

Jack smiles a lot. He's worked a lot in customer service professions, so he naturally greets people with a smile at work. But even outside of work he's simply the kind of person to whom smiling comes easy.

He has a tendency to pull his hand through his hair when talking, especially if he's either nervous or embarrassed. In that case, he might begin to stammer a little as well; he easily loses his train of thoughts and words in general and it doesn't get better when he's nervous. The poor guy has very light skin and is prone to blush; when he gets embarrassed it's very noticeable.

If he becomes excited he becomes very excited. He then begins to gesture quite widely and has a tendency to overexplain things.

Motivations - What motivates Jack Thomas most?

To Jack, it's very important that people like him. So at work, his desire to do a good job is often what motivates him. This also applies to life outside work, friends, family etc. He often attempts to think actions and alike through properly so he won't upset anyone.

He's also driven by a strong desire to help. Be it someone in need, or just generally assist in whatever way he can. For example, he might ask someone at work if he can do anything to assist them in whatever they're doing, even if it technically goes out of his line of work.

Talents - What talents does Jack Thomas have?

Jack is a skilled barista; he worked at a local Starbucks during his highschool years. He can't cook food to save a life but is really good at making pastries and desserts. (Growing up he always found it boring to cook food, but he's always had a sweet tooth, so he taught himself to bake instead.)

He's a good listener. He might not be great at finding words and giving advice, but if someone just needs someone who listens and supports, he's the man.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Jack Thomas have?

Baking (see Talents), especially things containing berries and/or chocolate.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Jack Thomas practice?


Politics - What politics does Jack Thomas have?

Probably a Democrat

Occupation - What is Jack Thomas’s occupation?

Jack is the office assistant as well as office secretary. He assists in just about everything in the office; making coffee, making sure appointments and similar are logged into the office calendar, taking phone calls coming to the office, printing papers, etc.

Favorite color - What is Jack Thomas’s favorite color?

Blue, any shade. He likes wearing blue because it brings out the blue in his grey eyes.

Favorite food - What is Jack Thomas’s favorite food?

Hamburgers, but not the cheap McDonalds kind. He likes homemade hamburgers or the sort you'd get at a better restaurant.

Technically not food, but he likes whiskey.

Favorite possession - What is Jack Thomas’s favorite possession?

His sister won a little (roughly 10cm high) teddybear for him at a carnival when they were kids; it now sits on his desk next to his computer.

info History
Education - What is Jack Thomas’s level of education?

Highschool education. He studied psychology in college but had to drop out; see Background.

Background - What is Jack Thomas’s background?

Jack grew up with his mom and older sister Jessica in [insert state bordering to Washington DC]. His dad was in the military and died overseas before Jack was born. His mom worked as a nurse at a local hospital and growing up he had a very close relationship with both her and Jessica. When their mom worked late or had a night shift, Jessica would take care of him. Jessica was a prodigy ice skater and attempted, up until the discovery of her illness, a career as a professional ice skater. Jack himself was always pretty bad at it; his balance is essentially nonexistent. But he loved watching his sister skate and compete. He himself became fascinated by the human mind at an early age, after listening to a teacher hold a short presentation about psychology (in biology class). He managed to get into Columbia University in New York on a scholarship, and his mom and Jessica helped him finance his move upstate. (Jessica worked part time training younger kids to skate to earn money.)

He studied there for two years before moved back home when his sister Jessica got sick from leukaemia. His mother couldn’t manage her on her own, and couldn’t finance both his education and his sister's medication.) A relative of his was an old friend of Agent Walker and contacted him to see if Walker needed someone who could work in his office. Jack now officially works as an office assistant, but gets regular schooling from all the agents, although mostly Coleman and Myers. He hopes to go back to school in a year.

Birthday - When is Jack Thomas’s birthday?

December 3rd, 1998

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
folder_open Trivia
Favourite tv-series

Breaking Bad and Chernobyl

Favourite movie

Lord of The Rings

Fashion Style

Tries his best to dress professionally for work, but is much more comfortable in jeans and a hoodie. As a result, he often wears a shirt and tie, possibly with a suit jacket, and jeans.

Languages Spoken

English, highschool Spanish, and as revealed later on, is fluent in French.

folder_open Relationships

Michelle: Jack is sweet to everyone, Michelle no exception. Despite her initially being somewhat cold to him, he managed to break through her shell. He's just the type of person you can't resist smiling back at. They do also spend a lot of time together when the team is in the field and the two of them stay behind together. However, when Michelle realises how close she's begun to let him get, she attempts to push him away. This only works for a while though, mostly because Jack refuses to let her push him away. They talk things through and rekindle their relationship. Eventually, they become almost like brother and sister; each reminding the other of their own sibling.


This character was created by Anna on

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