info Overview
Name - What is Vincent Miller ’s full name?

Vincent Miller

Role - What is Vincent Miller ’s role in your story?

Friend of Will

Other names - What other aliases does Vincent Miller go by?


Gender - What is Vincent Miller ’s gender?


Age - How old is Vincent Miller ?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Vincent Miller ?


Hair Color - What color is Vincent Miller ’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Vincent Miller ’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Vincent Miller have?

Dark circles under his eyes, self-harm scars on his arms and thighs

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Vincent Miller have?

Sleepy, sluggish, and paranoid 24/7

Flaws - What flaws does Vincent Miller have?

Very paranoid a lot of the time and worries too much.

Personality type - What personality type is Vincent Miller ?

Very kind but not very approachable since he always looks like he doesn't want to be spoken to. He can be very blunt and monotone when he speaks and is usually more so depressed than in a happy mood. Despite this though, he's friendly and cares a lot about the people around him.


Depression and insomnia

groups Social
Occupation - What is Vincent Miller ’s occupation?

Student; major is theater production but doesn't actually participate in the plays

Job - What job does Vincent Miller have?

Grocery Store cashier (Ralphs)

date_range History
Education - What is Vincent Miller ’s level of education?

Sophomore in college

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

Sexual orinentation: Asexual/Straight

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This character was created by Savannah on

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