info Overview
Name - What is Maxine Brynlee ’s full name?

Maxine Brynlee

Role - What is Maxine Brynlee ’s role in your story?

Female Protagonist

Other names - What other aliases does Maxine Brynlee go by?


Gender - What is Maxine Brynlee ’s gender?


Age - How old is Maxine Brynlee ?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Maxine Brynlee ?


Hair Color - What color is Maxine Brynlee ’s hair?

Chocolate brown

Hair Style - How does Maxine Brynlee style their hair?

Shoulder-length hair w/ bangs

Eye Color - What is Maxine Brynlee ’s eye color?

Arctic blue

Skin Tone

White with a pinky tint

Body Type

Slim, almost too thin because of eating disorder

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Maxine Brynlee have?

Kind and friendly but doesn't take shit from anyone. She can be very confronting and isn't afraid to speak her mind. Very strict with her diet, but gets to be unhealthy which develops an eating disorder

Flaws - What flaws does Maxine Brynlee have?

Gets taken advantage of sometimes, especially by her toxic ex boyfriend, likes to argue, gets into trouble once in a while. Sometimes sticks her nose into places she shouldn't.

Talents - What talents does Maxine Brynlee have?

Contemporary Dancer

Personality type - What personality type is Maxine Brynlee ?

She presents herself as very laid back but in reality she worries a lot about people. She's very kind to everyone, but can be very snarky and argumentative when needed. She stands up for herself and doesn't care how people think of her. Very bright and playful at times as well, but likes to be alone and contemplate things independently when she's upset. Very serious about her dancing.


Eating disorder

groups Social
Occupation - What is Maxine Brynlee ’s occupation?

Student; Contemporary dancer & Student teacher for contemporary dance class

Job - What job does Maxine Brynlee have?

Teaches contemporary dance to amateur college class

date_range History
Education - What is Maxine Brynlee ’s level of education?

Junior in college

Background - What is Maxine Brynlee ’s background?

Max grew up with relatively nurturing parents. They were the typical parents with their typical faults. However, her mom began doing drugs after her own parents died which landed her in a deep depression. She became a drug addict which eventually caught on to Max's older sister Marnie, who she was very close to. Her sister's dream was to become a contemporary dancer and was quite known for it and almost making it big, Max only having slight interest in it at the time. Marnie eventually had started getting into drugs much like her mother, which inevitably caused Marnie to OD when she was 17, Max being 15. After Marnie's death, her mom left and Max was stuck to live with her father. She has a good relationship with her father despite him messing up the typical mom job sometimes, but is getting better.

device_hub Family
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edit Notes

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Keeps going back to Adryan, her toxic ex boyfriend. He used to be good to her in the early stages of the relationship but then became neglectful, commented on her body and eating a lot which incorporated into her developing an eating disorder, and then even commented on those habits, and occasionally was physically abusive as well.

Unaware of her best friend's love for her.

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This character was created by Savannah on

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