grade Overview
Name - What is Лю Стъярмарк’s full name?

Лю Стъярмарк

Gender - What is Лю Стъярмарк’s gender?


Age - How old is Лю Стъярмарк?


face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Лю Стъярмарк’s hair?

bleached from black

Hair Style - How does Лю Стъярмарк style their hair?

curly and damaged

Race - What is Лю Стъярмарк’s race?

human - 1/2 siar, 1/2 mountaindweller

ac_unit Nature

good with axe, is a hexblade—warrior who knows dark magic. also is decent with swords and spears

HP: 23
MP: 7
ATK: 10
SPD: 4
DEF: 5
RES: 8
STARTER SKILLS: Sword (N2), Spear (N2), Axe (E4), Dark (N1), Shadow (S)

groups Social
Name meaning

his true name is 燦 (Can), meaning light—same as his new name. he was named in honor of [[Deity-14666]]

Religion - What religion does Лю Стъярмарк practice?


Favorite weapon - What is Лю Стъярмарк’s favorite weapon?


casino History
Birthday - When is Лю Стъярмарк’s birthday?

october 3

flash_on Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Siblings link linked Лю Стъярмарк

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked Лю Стъярмарк

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Лю Стъярмарк

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked Лю Стъярмарк

Character chevron_right Other notable relatives link linked Лю Стъярмарк

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