info Overview
Name - What is Grace Starling’s full name?

Grace Starling

Role - What is Grace Starling’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Grace Starling go by?


Age - How old is Grace Starling?

14 / 19

Gender - What is Grace Starling’s gender?


wifi_tethering Online Presence
face Looks
Weight - How much does Grace Starling weigh?

112 / 126 pounds

Height - How tall is Grace Starling?

5 feet 2 inches / 5 feet 4 inches

Hair Color - What color is Grace Starling’s hair?

light brown

Hair Style - How does Grace Starling style their hair?

rightside bangs are clipped up with a gold circle

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Grace Starling have?


Eye Color - What is Grace Starling’s eye color?


Race - What is Grace Starling’s race?


Skin Tone

light, peachy

Body Type


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Grace Starling have?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Grace Starling have?

bites her lower lip when she's nervous

Motivations - What motivates Grace Starling most?


Prejudices - What prejudices does Grace Starling have?

the "in" group

Talents - What talents does Grace Starling have?

drawing, psychic and chameleon-like powers

Hobbies - What hobbies does Grace Starling have?


Personality type - What personality type is Grace Starling?

wants to be accepted

groups Social
date_range History
Education - What is Grace Starling’s level of education?

up to 8th grade, still in school / high school graduate

Background - What is Grace Starling’s background?

carries a short dagger with her, a syringe, and a bottle of what she calls "Kill-All" which she uses as a secondary defense. She is very withdrawn, and is one of those popular girls. She's never been in the "in-group", but more on the edges. She wasn't forgotten, but she wasn't known for being popular. The kids at school call her creepy, and that's how she appears to other humans as well. (Oh yea this is a last-minute addition-) Since Grace would love to disappear sometimes, her mother, who was like really powerful granted her chameleon-like powers, to blend in with her surroundings. It doesn't mean people can't find her, just makes it harder for them. When Grace is startled, her initial reaction is to disappear.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

clothes-black tanktop with a blue jacket, black skirt with gold flats


This character was created by saoirse!! on

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