info Overview
Name - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s full name?

시 기생 (Shi Kisang)

Role - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) go by?

준니 형 sanggi-hyung
형기 hyunggi

Gender - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s gender?

Cisgender male

Age - How old is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ?

18 International



face Looks
Weight - How much does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) weigh?


Height - How tall is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ?


Hair Color - What color is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s hair?

Naturally black but likes to experiment with bold colors: namely red, grey, and blue

Hair Style - How does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) style their hair?

Loves the undercut, side-shave, and BTS Mic Drop era look

Facial Hair - What facial hair does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

None. can't grow it

Eye Color - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s eye color?

Chocolate brown eyes

Race - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s race?

Human {Looks based off Woo Dohwan}

Skin Tone

Pale white

Body Type

Fit and built with nice toned muscles

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

White scar about 2 1/2 inches long under right eye, starting at cheek and running to temple. Small birthmark on the back of his neck. fading scars on his upper thighs and other inconspicuous places.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

can't sit in a chair properly to save his life
bounces his leg whenever seated
right eye twitches (he's got in under control most of the time)
eats a lot very quickly and sometimes ends up choking
[this was a habit developed in childhood in fear of his parents taking his food away because they used to force him to fast because they believed it would serve as penance to God for his "sins" i.e. being gay]

Motivations - What motivates 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) most?

Perfection and the satisfaction of others

and acceptance

Flaws - What flaws does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

Afraid of abandonment

Quick and severe mood swings

determination to never disappoint which lead to the neglection of health

Prejudices - What prejudices does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

Those who are lazy or uneducated without good reason (for the latter)

Those who are narrow minded (sensitivity to those who oppose lgbtq+)

Talents - What talents does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

Very well-rounded
Rapping singing swimming photography math
extremely logical

Hobbies - What hobbies does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

Aside from job, swimming photography

Personality type - What personality type is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ?

Serious and maybe a little harsh upon meeting
Extremely hardcore work ethic
Serious and professional in nature around those he's not close to
Punctual and never late
sleazy, but when you get to know him in that way, he's a hopeless romantic
a little emotionless [his extensive vocabulary makes him sound a bit robotic and non-human]
despite the above, is the life of the party and everything about him flips when he parties or has a drink or two


Bipolar tendencies and PTSD from childhood neglect and trauma

Interesting facts

Aside from K-pop and the music that his band produces, he adores old American Grunge bands from years and years ago e.i. ACDC, Green Day, Nirvana ect. Though the music has lowkey been forgotten and never really popularized in South Korea, he's one of the few people that keep the memory alive.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) practice?


Politics - What politics does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

steers clear because of company policy, and therefore in no place to form political opinions

Occupation - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s occupation?

idol, leader of a four-membered Korean pop band

Favorite color - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s favorite color?

black and red

Favorite food - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s favorite food?

bulgogi, japchae, lamingtons, and pavlova

for his birthday, Haneul made him pavlova instead of a traditional cake. Yoojoon fell in love with the Australian dish and prefers it over any other sweet pastry.

Favorite possession - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s favorite possession?

a beat-up Nirvana sweatshirt from his older step-brother Eunsang

Favorite weapon - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s favorite weapon?


Favorite animal - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s favorite animal?

cats because he secretly befriended and fed a cat out on the streets because he wasn't allowed to have pets growing up

Job - What job does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?


date_range History
Birthday - When is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s birthday?

October 27

Education - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s level of education?

currently finishing high school

a senior

Background - What is 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) ’s background?

   He’s wanted to be an idol since he was young, but his parents hated the idea. They both had stable and high-paying jobs and they knew that becoming successful in the idol industry was a rarity, even if you pour years of hard work into training. He never felt loved and was abused by both parents well into his teens. His older brother in law (nearly 7 years his hyung) mostly cared for him when he was younger and became his protector. He pursued his career anyway despite his parents' forceful objections. When he was 15 (international, 16 Korean), he came out as gay. He only did this because he thought the company was going to move him in that month. But due to complications with the agency, they weren't able to for another 6 months. Those eight months were hell for him. His parents were disgusted by him for that and abused him verbally and physically even more until he was finally able to move away. He left them behind when he transferred into the agency and never looked back. His brother-in-law is the only family that has expressed pride in his accomplishments and hard work. They regularly message each other, and Eunsang will occasionally attend Pandemonium related events when he has the time. 

Other trainees bullied him because they were jealous of him because of his well-rounded arsenal of skills. He'd only trained for about three years but was already placed in the position of leader of the upcoming band, to much of the other longtime trainees' dismay. Though he wasn't the oldest or the only one who spoke English in the lineup, because of the standards of Korea, the burden fell on him. He was the only native born and raised, full Korean that spoke Fluent English (which is what critics like the most), and he soared over the older trainees when it came to drive and determination. This made him somewhat jaded and a little bit twisted on the inside. He’d been abused as a child but can’t seem to get away from the hate in his life even after he moved out. When he was grouped for a debut, and he quickly made friends with the members, and for once in his life, he truly felt home. Unlike the other trainees, his group accepts him for who he is and respect him as their leader.
Though he’s working hard at things he loves, he's easily bored with other more mundane things. He’s debuted, and his band was immensely successful, but the monotony of his new idol life is starting to set in, and he usually seeks distractions and adrenaline. Though his pride and position won't allow him to go out every night and get black-out drunk, he finds other ways to cope with the pressure.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does 시 기생 (Shi Kisang) have?

no official pet
but took care of a stray kitten throughout its life until he moved away
he fed it with his own money in secret
he named it 운명

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

i made this character a while ago and just now got around to tweaking things.

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This character was created by kanemoto_asuga on

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