info Overview
Name - What is Cain Valerius’s full name?

Cain Valerius

Age - How old is Cain Valerius?

Appears to be in his later 30's to early 40's
Exact age is unknown

Gender - What is Cain Valerius’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Cain Valerius go by?

The Lost Rider, The Wanderer, The Immortal Swordsman, The Broken Lord,
Mahlaangein - A name given to him by the dragons meaning 'fallen one'

face Looks
Race - What is Cain Valerius’s race?

Human...or so he appears to be

Hair Color - What color is Cain Valerius’s hair?

Dark brown, to nearly black

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Cain Valerius have?

Usually stubble

Eye Color - What is Cain Valerius’s eye color?

Normally an amber, but have changed to bright yellow

Body Type

Well tone, muscled

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Cain Valerius?

Cain leans more towards a mysterious individual showing very slim hints of emotions now and then
Though, there are times he will loose himself in what could only be described as a fit of insanity
Reasons for this are rumored to be due to Cain's past. When he's in this state, nothing and no one can stop him. Even his dragon tends to stay out of the way when Cain goes on a murderous rampage

groups Social
info History
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shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Around his neck is a piece of twine as a makeshift necklace. Attached to the string is a single, pure white scale. Cain keeps the scale close, it being the only reminder of someone who had been very dear to the man, but was lost long ago
If anyone even so much as tries to touch it, Cain won't be afraid to beat the hell out of whoever dares try

folder_open Powers/Abilities

Cain seems to have control of fire, wielding and bending it to his will
Seems to be impervious to pain

folder_open Favorite Quotes/Excerpts

"Not all who are lost, want to be found..."
The stranger paused. He raised the shot glass to his lips, tipping his head back, swallowing the whiskey. The male set the glass back on the counter.
He slowly closed his dark, amber eyes. The stranger seemingly motioned for the barkeep to pour him another shot. Once his glass was filled again, did he open his eyes again.

"Many think immortality is a blessing, but in's a curse. It feels as if you are being forced to sit and watch as the people around you, people you loved and cared for...grow old and weak, until they finally pass away. Yet, you cannot..."

He took a moment to down his drink again, "You are helpless, unable to do anything but simply continue to live. Even the world around you grows old, but you do not..."

The man simply grinned. Behind him, the massive red dragon sat, eyes glowing brightly, pupils thin slits. The dragon's jaws slowly opened, flames licking the sides of his muzzle.

As for Cain, he continued to stand. Blood spattered the ground below him, yet the man seemed to pay no mind to his wounds, "Some seek to recruit even the madness to their cause. You would do well to learn your place child, before someone puts you there."

He seemingly froze as he heard Zodiac mention 'Be Like you'. Dark amber eyes glanced over towards her. His gaze was cold and harsh.

Even his voice had taken a turn to something menacing, "You would be wise to not become like me. I am what many consider a curse, a bad luck charm. They may very well be right, I am no one's blessing. So do not become me, become something better than me."

~You needn't be so harsh. The girl is young, barely a hatchling compared to a dragon's age~.

Cain growled softly, "She has no clue about what I have done, what I am capable of…no one should strive to be a monster."

The dragon's voice was an annoyed growl in his mind ~Cain, you cannot live on hatred alone. I have told you this many of times, yet you still cling to the bitterness of it~.

The drunkard never finished. Cain was up in an instant, not giving anyone a chance to move or react until it had already been done. The dark man had the other pressed against the wall, shoving his arm against his throat. Cain's eyes seemingly swirled, changing to bright yellow, a yellow all too familiar to a certain dragon, his own dragon. His pupils narrowed into thin slits, becoming even more dragon-like. Cain's voice was a dangerous growl.

"Don't.You.Fucking.DARE.Bring that into this. You so much as say another word, I will more than happily slit your throat."

Cain's voice became even darker, "And you know it's true, cause I won't give a damn about what the Elders will say. I may work for them, but they sure as hell don't control me. So watch your tongue, or you'll soon find yourself without one."

The dark male finally stepped back, releasing his hold on the drunken fool. Cain glared after the other as they swiftly staggered back to their place. His yellow eyes once again returned to their normal amber, pupils round. Cain glared over the other villagers, all who sat in silence, staring.

"Anyone else have a smartass remark," Cain growled.

The tavern was completely silent. None dared say a word. After he seemed satisfied, if you could call it that, Cain grabbed the second bottle, tucking it away. He then stalked out of the tavern, heading back to the fields where his dragon waited.

Random Scene with both him and Jun:

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