info Overview
Name - What is Lavinia Grey’s full name?

Lavinia Grey

Role - What is Lavinia Grey’s role in your story?

The Bride of Oleander

Age - How old is Lavinia Grey?


Gender - What is Lavinia Grey’s gender?


Full Name

Lavinia Helen Grey

Other names - What other aliases does Lavinia Grey go by?

Vin, Lady Grey, Lady Lavinia


Brandish Your Iron and Ash, Toss Your Sorrows to the Stones

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Legendary Mother of the Roman People

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Torch, Shining Light

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning


Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Lavinia Grey’s race?


Body Type

Fairly tall, skinny

Weight - How much does Lavinia Grey weigh?


Skin Tone

Very pale

Height - How tall is Lavinia Grey?


Hair Color - What color is Lavinia Grey’s hair?

Deep red

Eye Color - What is Lavinia Grey’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Lavinia Grey style their hair?

Long and ragged, tangled.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Lavinia Grey have?



Had one of her hands cut off and the other broken for attempting to stab Oleander when his back was turned. He also cut her throat and mutilated her tongue for speaking out against her.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Lavinia Grey have?

One hand is missing at the wrist, and cannot speak

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Lavinia Grey?

Lavinia is polite and withdrawn, frequently avoiding conversation even before she had her tongue cut out. She tends to seem disoriented or dazed, often staring into space, and seems cold and unwelcoming to those who don't know her. When she latches onto someone, she latches on tightly and will do anything to protect them. All she wanted was to find a place where she could move above her position as a peasant woman, and she got dragged into all of this.

Skills and Hobbies

Manipulation, used to be a talented musician

Motivations - What motivates Lavinia Grey most?

To survive, or to die taking Oleander with her.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Lavinia Grey have?

Formerly music

Flaws - What flaws does Lavinia Grey have?

Formerly reckless, doesn't think things through, pessimist, withdrawn.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Lavinia Grey have?

Against the fae


Cannot bleed to death, Oleander still uses this to mock her, lewdly referring to her as 'the inpenetrable Lavinia'

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Lavinia Grey’s favorite possession?

A pendant, which she received from her parents.

Closest Friend

Marya Lenotes (deceased)
Ophelia Carinter
Christopher Norwood

Lovers (Current and Past)

Forced into marriage with Oleander, she loved him at first before realizing his true nature. Felt very strong love towards Marya while she was alive, but she isn't sure if it was truly romantic or just a desire to keep her safe. Eventually meets Prince Christopher Norwood and they become friends, bordering on romantic.

Favorite or Associated Animal

Any and all songbirds

Favorite weapon - What is Lavinia Grey’s favorite weapon?

Her small silver knife

Favorite or Associated Color

Red and silver

Favorite food - What is Lavinia Grey’s favorite food?


info History
Background - What is Lavinia Grey’s background?

Lavinia was an orphan of the first faery raid, living in the village of Saturnae when it was burned down. She traveled to Bassen, where she worked as a maid and later a waitress. At age seventeen, she met Oleander as he returned from a trip to Oro. He offered her a position in the faery realm, along with the power and glory it would give her, and Lavinia (tired of working long hours for next to nothing) accepted his offer. She returned with him to the Court of Darkness, meeting his current wife Marya Lenotes and his second-in-command Calla, with whom she spent most of her time. Oleander eventually tired of Marya Lenotes and began to make advances on Lavinia. At a dinner party, one of Oleander's nobleman friends (Lord Cypress) made a series of remarks towards Oleander about his many past marriages, implying that he would eventually leave Marya Lenotes for Lavinia. Oleander used his magic to suffocate Cypress as the other guests watched in horror, eventually releasing him after an amount of time that would be fatal to a human. Lavinia left the table soon after in shock, and Oleander followed her, cornering her in a hallway. She repeatedly asked him to let her be and he refused, forcing a kiss on her. Lavinia kneed him in the groin and ran to her room, where she stayed until she heard a shrill scream in the early morning. Oleander had forced Marya Lenotes to stab Cypress repeatedly in the chest, and then plunge the knife into her own heart. Oleander then cheerfully announced that he planned on marrying Lavinia that afternoon. He used his magic to force her to say her vows and marry him, but she managed to sneak a knife from Calla's supply and hid it, strapping it to her thigh. When he arrived in her bedroom that night, she attempted to stab him but failed. Oleander dragged her to the dining hall and forced her to cut off her own hand, then cut her throat so she wouldn't be able to speak, as well as mutilating her tongue. After nearly dying in the cells downstairs, Lavinia convinced Calla to let her go to the Pond, which is filled with a thick silvery water that grants immortality and is housed within the palace. Lavinia threw herself in and managed not to drown, gaining immortality (as in an inability to die via old age, disease, or natural causes) and the inability to bleed to death, which keeps her from dying of her injuries. She stayed in the palace for three years, being dressed up and paraded around, until she met Oleander's newest bride-to-be, Ophelia Carinter, and decided she couldn't let Ophelia Carinter end up like her.

Birthday - When is Lavinia Grey’s birthday?

October 5th

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Art credit to the Girl Maker picrew by Ummmmandy

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