info Overview
Name - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s full name?

Hayden the Uber Driver

Role - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s role in your story?

Interdimensional Uber Driver, side-character

Age - How old is Hayden the Uber Driver?

Possibly billions

Gender - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s gender?


face Looks

Hayden’s clothing can be described as odd, or "out of place," to some. Hayden wears a charcoal grey gas mask and a hood. The hood belongs to a dark green coat, which Hayden is fond of. Their pants are a dark brown-black colour, and they wear black winter boots. Also thick black gloves. They refuse to state the reasoning behind their clothing choices.

Body Type

Thin and tall.

Skin Tone


Race - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s race?

Appears humanoid, but is what is known as an Efingir.


Much of Hayden’s true appearance is unknown due to their clothing.

True appearance is semi-humanoid; a being that reflects almost all light from its featureless body. It has no tails or anything like that, not even ears or eyes, or even nose. Or mouth. It does possess the ability to sharpen itself; meaning that its normally smooth body becomes a lot spikier; and basically something you do not want to face in battle. ESPECIALLY AT CLOSE RANGE.

This true form differs from other members of their race, implying that they could be a subspecies, abnormal, or something else. However, they carry the same traits as before (attracted to electricity)

Hayden also seems to lose personality in their true form, becoming a blank slate; or something that seeks to eliminate the threat/leave the area.

Weight - How much does Hayden the Uber Driver weigh?

162 lbs

Height - How tall is Hayden the Uber Driver?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Hayden the Uber Driver have?

Can talk VERY VERY fast. Also has a good memory. Driving at extremely high speeds too.


Described as insane, but Hayden says they are remarkably sane for someone of their kind and age. They're very talkative, extroverted, and friendly, and they like to learn more about their clients (even if they might not see them again.) They are protective over their cars however, and WILL NOT let anyone besides themselves drive the car. Basically, any attempts to steal Hayden’s car = no more Hayden uber rides for you, and maybe getting dropped off in a dimension with giant man eating space worms. Hayden isn't very forgiving at all. They also like the taste of revenge.

As their true self, they're more of a blank slate. Almost animal like.

Fighting Style

While not observed in combat very often, Hayden is assumed to be a powerful being..that prefers to hit people at the speed of light with their car. Hayden isn't observed in close up combat very often, and seems to prefer using long ranged weaponry if forced to fight.

Their long ranged weaponry consists of typically guns; not of the bullet sort but rather plasma and stun guns. Obviously, the former will do some damage to the unprotected foe. The latter is for mid-range to close range, in case Hayden wants to get out of there fast and get some distance.

Hayden AVOIDS (and seems to dislike) close distance and hand to hand fighting. A trick is to well..trick them into coming close. Set a trap. Take advantage of their odd love for electricity. Just remember; it empowers them, so if you're going to set a trap, be careful of how much electricity there is.

Hayden can absorb electricity, but uses this as a last resort. Can fire electricity back as well.

In their 'revealed/true' form (appearance) they seem to embrace close combat, and prefer it. They move very quickly and use sharp projectiles to pierce and bleed out/tire their foe. Most of their fighting takes time, and they aren't very quick at dealing with foes (unless they have their car.)
In this form, they also will attempt to leave the area if they decide that the foe is too strong.

In general, they're kind of cowardly, preferring not to fight. They don't enjoy hurting people. With one exception; their true self. Which, again, is a last resort.

Motivations - What motivates Hayden the Uber Driver most?

When asked why Hayden does what they do, they answer, "I enjoy the thrill of the ride, and meeting new beings!"

Flaws - What flaws does Hayden the Uber Driver have?

Talking way too fast for others to understand. Also misunderstandings; as I mentioned before Hayden is unforgiving so you might not be able to clear up a mistake with Hayden.

Moves fast. Can miss details of importance. Weak to the cold or areas with lack of electricity, though they keep some batteries on them so this doesn't always apply.

Can be stunned in their true form by immense bursts of electricity, but other then that it doesn't really damage them too much.)

They give their foes TOO MANY chances when fighting. They do not want to fight, or harm them (so often they may have the lower hand at the beginning, unless Hayden was provoked first)

Hobbies - What hobbies does Hayden the Uber Driver have?

Driving, racing, Ḫ̶̵̵̡͓̤̹̝̞̺͋͐͊͗ͣ̾͒͛̈́ͮͩ̾̕Ų̴̯̮̮̯͕̮̞͓̼̩̩̖̹͎̰̈ͭ̔ͥͫ̍̈́͒ͦͥͭͥͯ̆̋̀ͫͫ͘͢͝ͅNͧ̓ͩͧ͏̡̪͎̰̲̫͘͢T̶̐̅͂͑̂̒ͥ̌ͪ͛̿̅͋͑҉̸̡̖͍͍̯͎͔͔͇̳̱̞Ī̊̃͑͛̏ͯ͏̶̢̀͏̳͙̹͙͓̘N̷̵͓̭͍̞͍̘̩̼̺͖̘͉̞̫̳̉͂ͭͭ͘͞͡Gͪ̈́̽̍ͯͧ͋ͦ͊̔ͦ̀̈̈̚͏̞̯̯̼̪̼͍͙͈ ̅͑ͦ̇͒ͯ̋͗ͩ̾͌ͮ̐ͯ҉͏̵̫̝͈͍͈̘̙̗̝̪T̵̡̙̜̞͈̗̪̞̰̟̍͑̑̅͆ͪ͛ͤͦ͊̇̏̓̕̕H̵͕̳̹͓̺͙̪͈̦͚̹͌́̀ͬͥͤ̚͡É̛̬̳̮̺̹̫ͧ̊ͣͭ̈́̀̌ͮ͌ͪ̋́̂ͪ̃͋̕ ͚̦͎̯̼̹͕̟̰̣̱̦̙̍ͧ̄̌̑ͮͪ̋ͭ̾̏͆ͪ̀̀̚̚͟Ḏ̹̼̲͙̫̼̦̲̞̓̈̌̌͌͋ͬ̏̓̚͝͞Ȩ̶̴̪̹̖̩̜͎͉͔͚ͭͥ̔̀͌ͭ̃̃A̢̐̄ͤ͂̎͑͑͗͋͆ͣ͒̈͗͏̴̗̠̘̝̱̘̕ͅT̥͓̳̹̣̤̦̬̝͍͈̳̮̲̬̝͈͓ͪ̃̀̽̀͢Ḧ̸̞̙͓͕̟̺̘̠́͗̈̇̂̂ͨ̄̑̍͠ͅͅĻ͔͓̯̯̮͖̥̤͈̗͇̠̤̩͐̉ͪͤ̿̈́͟E̡͍̣̜̥͊ͧ̐̔ͬͤ͋͊̄͌̈̇̚͞S̴̵͉͉̙̙̺̼͖̮͓͚͕̐ͦͣͮ̾ͨͮ͑̉̈̄̎ͭͥ̃̍̏͘͡ͅS͚̱̤̰͕̰͓͔̙͔͉̉̃̽ͤͮ̐̑̔ͨ͊̽ͦͩ͑͑͗̇̃́̚͡, has mentioned they enjoy travelling and taking photos.

Personality type - What personality type is Hayden the Uber Driver?

To be added in later.

groups Social
Favorite animal - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s favorite animal?

Of Earth, Hayden likes Tigers.

Favorite weapon - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s favorite weapon?

Something they said so fast no one was able to comprehend what they said, but we just call it a Bomb Launcher. It does exactly what it sounds like.

Favorite possession - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s favorite possession?

The mask they wear.

Favorite food - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s favorite food?

Hayden has said they like anything sweet.

Favorite color - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s favorite color?

Purple; any shade.

Politics - What politics does Hayden the Uber Driver have?

To be decided.

Religion - What religion does Hayden the Uber Driver practice?

Hayden believes in a higher being called The Red Mountain.

Job - What job does Hayden the Uber Driver have?

Interdimensional Uber Driver, Racing

info History
Background - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s background?


Education - What is Hayden the Uber Driver’s level of education?

Unknown, but most likely did pretty well in Driver's ED (if they even had one.)

Birthday - When is Hayden the Uber Driver’s birthday?

Hayden’s unofficial birthday is on May 28th.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

Car: Hayden’s Mercedes Benz Hayden’s Limo Bus

It should be noted that Hayden has no last name. Or their last name is simply "The Uber Driver."

Currently wanted by the UEA, but they haven’t been able to do much because 1. Hayden’s gotten away each time, 2. Some of the Eldritch have threatened unspeakable acts that they could do if the UEA dare try anything.

Does not have blood, or internal organs (at least ones identifiable to human. and considering they are not human..)
Despite this, they can be wounded; they are not like the Eldritch where it takes another Eldritch to incapacitate each-other.

Their true form is almost always revealed as a last resort. They seem to be hesitant when revealing it, or unwilling.


Able to teleport; though not actually. Just moves extremely fast. An equally fast foe could probably stop them; if they have the strength to stop them from moving at those speeds.

Absorbs electricity; has a limit but it's hard to reach. If it's reached, the surrounding area, very very shocking. Can be bad for both Hayden and whoever's around. Bad for things made of metal or conduct electric currents

Able to fire back electricity. Can use it to prevent 'reaching' the limit. Can use it for good (like powering cities) or for bad..

In their true form, able to 'sharpen' their form, as in change from a smooth form to a very sharp one. Like a cactus. A walking cactus that shoots its spines at you.

In their true form, can 'go into' electric currents. As long as there's nothing stopping them, they can travel through wires to escape foes or reach an area quickly.


This character was created by Mojack on

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