info Overview
Name - What is Anya Arbeitstier’s full name?

Anya Arbeitstier

Age - How old is Anya Arbeitstier?


Gender - What is Anya Arbeitstier’s gender?


Role - What is Anya Arbeitstier’s role in your story?

Goddess of the Multiverse.



face Looks
Hair Style - How does Anya Arbeitstier style their hair?

Tied back in a half ponytail

Hair Color - What color is Anya Arbeitstier’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Anya Arbeitstier’s eye color?

Large but dark; can see galaxies and stars inside of her eyes.

Body Type

Unnaturally tall; towers above all. Can shrink herself at will to be more on-size with the other gods. Lean body, but has a baby face.

Height - How tall is Anya Arbeitstier?


Linked Races

fingerprint Nature

Quiet and calm, collected. Is immensely powerful but is generally negligent to use her powers, preferring to take on a more symbolic role. Seems like she's a pushover, when in reality she can be quite stubborn in a "no, I musn't" sort of way.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Anya Arbeitstier have?

Quiet and polite. Soft-spoken. Indistinct accent; rolls her R's like someone from Spain would, but also has a downward, harsh consonance to some letters that could be mistaken for an Arabic accent.

Motivations - What motivates Anya Arbeitstier most?

Not often motivated; takes more of an observer role.

Flaws - What flaws does Anya Arbeitstier have?

Doesn't tend to act and lets things proceed as they are.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Anya Arbeitstier have?

People/universe watching.

info History
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history Changelog
edit Notes
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