info Overview
Name - What is Theristis of Setting Sun’s full name?

Theristis of Setting Sun

Age - How old is Theristis of Setting Sun?


Gender - What is Theristis of Setting Sun’s gender?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Theristis of Setting Sun’s eye color?


Facial Hair - What facial hair does Theristis of Setting Sun have?


Hair Style - How does Theristis of Setting Sun style their hair?

Short, wavy

Hair Color - What color is Theristis of Setting Sun’s hair?

Raven black

Height - How tall is Theristis of Setting Sun?

7' 5"

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Theristis of Setting Sun have?

Glyph on the back of his right hand

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale white

Linked Races

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Theristis of Setting Sun have?

Voice is soft and calm
Ruthless in battle
Holds a grudge
Defeat is unacceptable
Angered easily
Cares for his family no matter how little he may show it

Motivations - What motivates Theristis of Setting Sun most?

Protecting his family
Raising a proper successor

Flaws - What flaws does Theristis of Setting Sun have?

Extremely hard for him to show emotion

Talents - What talents does Theristis of Setting Sun have?

Tactical genius

Personality type - What personality type is Theristis of Setting Sun?


groups Social
Favorite color - What is Theristis of Setting Sun’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is Theristis of Setting Sun’s occupation?

Chief Justice of the Courts of Infernis

info History
Birthday - When is Theristis of Setting Sun’s birthday?

July 13th

Background - What is Theristis of Setting Sun’s background?

Summoned familiar in the Nightmare Outbreak War. Fought alongside humans and angels to defeat the Nightmare horde.

Education - What is Theristis of Setting Sun’s level of education?

In our terms, he has a doctorate in magic studies and a master's in criminology and psychology.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

The antagonist of Hekket's entire life is his father, Theristis. He may not be the only antagonist he faces but in terms of impact on our protagonist, his father is the main one. Artorius may have taught him to be patient, Gilgamesh (yes, I named a villain after the Fate character, the name is epic you cannot blame me) taught him to control his anger, and he faces Estiris and Ao after confronting his father, but none of these men come anywhere near close to the emotional and physical struggles Theristis puts Hekket through. As mentioned above, Theristis physically and mentally abused Hekket for the first 12 years of his life, but what drove him to these extremes in the first place was his blind belief in the surface level teachings of Attamar, his father, whom Theristis admired despite having no relationship with him. Theristis took the most basic of Attamar’s teachings and twisted them to fit his view of the world as a cruel place to be subjugated and brought to order through might and power alone. To achieve this goal, he took the title of the Chief Justice of the Courts of Inferis by defeating the previous holder of the title in single combat. This was the day of his eldest son’s birth, a mere two hours after he had been born. The only requirement for a demon to sit at the Court of Inferis is to have a clan or family. Theristis started a family for the sole purpose of taking the highest-ranking position in Inferis and leading it into what he saw as a utopia of order. He then set out to have 9 more children to be his direct subordinates and generals as he expanded his regime of order to the mortal realm. Theristis only believes in strength and order through any means necessary. He believes he is bringing peace by placing the strongest at the top to rule those weaker than them. At 179 years of age, just under halfway through a demon’s lifespan of 400 years, Theristis stands at an imposing 6 feet 11 inches, above average for a demon male (6’ 6”). He has a very muscular build which he mostly hides under his fine clothing, which bear similarities to Chinese Warrior Hanfu. Theristis is fair skinned, with deep red eyes and jet-black hair which he keeps long and styled into a variety of braids or up in ornamental hair ties. His spirit weapon is reminiscent of a Japanese Nodachi sword with an intricately designed blade and a golden handguard.

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Theristis of Setting Sun

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This character was created by Oz Bravo on

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