info Overview
Name - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s full name?

Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia

Gender - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s gender?


Age - How old is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia?


Role - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s role in your story?

Queen of Aquixia, and main character of the story.

Other names - What other aliases does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia go by?

Twig (Given to her by Dawn when they were 11)

face Looks
Race - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s race?


Skin Tone

Fair with cool undertones

Body Type

Slim, but not thin. She has light muscle, despite her small frame, although her wrists are so small that a leather band given to her had to have three extra holes added just to fit her wrist.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

On her right hand she has three faint freckles on her pinky knuckle that form a triangle.
She has a small scar at the base of her thumb on the back of her left hand.
Back of her right shoulder has a scar in the shape of a crescent moon from an accident as a child involving a watering can, a pet fish, and a temper tantrum.
Reflective eyes (but only identifying for those who aren't accustomed to those eyes)

Weight - How much does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia weigh?


Height - How tall is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia?

5' 6"

Hair Color - What color is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s hair?

Cinnamon brown, however it has darker brown pieces near the roots and more rusty blonde near the ends. Very pretty in direct sunlight.

Hair Style - How does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia style their hair?

Long, wavy, unkempt ends but she still manages to keep it silky

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

Eyebrows haha

Eye Color - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s eye color?

No specific eye color, but her iris's are reflective, an aquix identifier. In the darkest of dark and the lightest of light, however, it's possible to see a slight rainbow sheen on the surface of her eyes, kinda like what you would see in a bubble.

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

Singing, fencing, acting, gulljerine (Aquix type of instrument)


Flying bugs, fish, unknown forces, losing loved ones, dying



Personality type - What personality type is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia?

Puts out a happy aura as often as she can, hoping that she can cheer those around her. She cares for everyone she can, and is incredibly sympathetic. Tries to find the good in everything, and is always trying to have a positive outlook even in the most dire situations. Along with that, she also tries to stay tough when she can, trying to hold back tears and certain emotions, while letting others flow freely. Generally is always ready to jump in and try new things, unless it comes to certain types of food.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

Singing, fencing, reading, watching plays, reading out play scripts, keeping a small indoor garden

Prejudices - What prejudices does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

People who talk over her. People who ignore her input completely. Blackmail. Bullies. Spies and assassins.

Flaws - What flaws does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

She is still a young girl, meaning that she still has immense fear. She isn't like the noble, brave hero like in most stories. She fears death, and worries for her own safety, along with the safety of others. She wants to protect everyone, but that is impossible, so she is in a constant state of worry, and she tries too hard to cover up her real emotions by constantly putting up a wall of a kind and happy queen.

Motivations - What motivates Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia most?

Becoming better. Getting people to finally understand that different is okay. Peace among Sylferie and Aquixia. Getting the "guy." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Saving Dawn from the infinite time loop she believes him to be in.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

Plays with necklaces when bored or nervous and will spin around the pendant on long necklaces for her own entertainment. Drumming random patterns on her thigh or on any surface when thinking. Will mouth out or act out imaginary interactions or things that she is thinking (which sometimes can make her look crazy.) Also will have conversations with herself in the mirror to boost confidence and self-image.
When crying, she tries to stop herself by biting the back of her hand, although it hardly ever works.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s favorite color?

She really likes any color, but she leans more towards burgundy and shimmering teal when forced to choose. Also really enjoys black and white TOGETHER.

Politics - What politics does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

Peace and freedom even though she knows that's practically impossible to achieve. Kinda hates politics in general though. Ironic for a queen haha

Favorite possession - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s favorite possession?

The leather wristband given to her by her best friend, Dawn, when they were twelve. He made it for her and the backside (the side that doesn't show) has the phrase "There is no hair to a friend like you," a joke of theirs when Maia once misspelled "heir" in a letter. He meant to say "There is no heir to a friend like you."

Favorite weapon - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s favorite weapon?

She hates fighting cause she's no good at it, but a fencing sword if she had to choose because she's decent at that.

Favorite animal - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s favorite animal?

Flare Flies because "they glow and flicker like the warmth of a loving hug."

Job - What job does Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia have?

Full time job as a qwweeeeen

info History
Background - What is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s background?

Maia, being the rightful heir to the throne, was raised into a comfortable life, filled with laughter and adventures. Her parents were busy as King and Queen of Aquixia, but they always found time for Maia. She was taught what true love is from a very young age, thanks to the great care of the servers, maids, and workers in the palace, along with her mother and father. When young she would always find a reason to go up to strangers and tell them something nice. Maia's mother distinctly recalls a diplomatic meeting happening when Maia was but three, and she managed to toddle into the meeting, go up to the Svetlin prime minister and tell her "you've got very nice ears and I want ears like that when I grow big." Svetlins have been peaceful towards Aquixia ever since.
When Maia was 10 she met Dawn Fathing, the son of the captain of the guard at the time. She found him incredibly intriguing and actually attempted to follow him around the castle in secret, although she didn't realize he was trying to do the exact same thing. The two of them clicked instantly and since then were hardly ever seen apart. They took fencing lessons together and would seek out adventure in their free time, getting into all sorts of trouble.
When Maia was fourteen, she began to feel more insecure about herself and who she was. She went through a period of depression in which she fell behind in her duties as princess, stopped attending fending lessons as often, and could only be cheered up truly by Dawn, who she felt awkward to be around, as all the other girls her age were falling over themselves to be with him. She thought that because they were boy and girl they HAD to be together, which she didn't want because she knew that would ruin their friendship, so she even stopped hanging around him as much for a time being. After a month of her sultry mood, she didn't even come out of her room for a whole day. Worried sick, the king and queen pleaded for Dawn to go try and talk to her and see if she was okay, as Maia wouldn't open her door for anyone else. He tried knocking on her door ten times, and when she didn't answer he just sat against the door, waiting, and eventually fell asleep there, to be found in the morning by Maia who had gotten hungry and was planning to leave unnoticed by anyone. They had this great big conversation about how they would never be together unless they decided that was right in the very far future and Maia was far happier after that. They were even closer after that, and couldn't be seen apart during waking hours unless forced apart by their personal duties.
Everything was hunky-dory for Maia until disaster struck when she was 16. Her parents had suddenly gone missing. They hadn't said where they were going or why, they were just gone. A search for them went on for two weeks, the time of which Maia was Queen Regent. After endless searching, the guards found the king and queen's broken bodies at the bottom of a cliff. The mourning period for them lasted for the same amount of time they had been missing, after which it was decided Maia be crowned the official Queen of Aquixia. She was coronated on a sweet spring morning, only to have her already shattered life broken once more and thrown into the garbage disposal.
Enemy warships broke the atmospheric barrier of Aquixia and came down, raining fire onto the kingdom. War broke out immediately, but Aquixia was unprepared for war, having hardly taken part in it. They were losing badly when Dawn told Maia there was a way to save those still living. But before he could say anything a mass explosion happened at the palace garden (where they were.) Dawn managed to tackle Maia to the ground before the blast, but both got hurt badly. Dawn's back, arms, and some of his neck even were burned and he had taken a long gash on his face, along with multiple broken ribs. Maia also got a lot of scrapes and cuts and burns, but the worst for her was her left arm, broken by the impact.
The two of them managed to make it to a secluded corner in the palace, where Dawn did his best to tell Maia about the way to save everyone. He tells her to go to the realm gate, leave her own blood on the statue at its center, take the realm staff and leave Aquixia. The process is said to put the planet in a 15 minute time loop until the one that left their blood on the statue returned.
When Dawn reveals he can't go with Maia, she is overcome with desperation and grief and sobs uncontrollably in that small alley where they were hiding. Dawn told Maia he loved her before she was forced to leave him behind and go to the realm gate.


We later learn that the whole process to save Aquixia was a ruse created a long time ago to protect the reigning family or heir. If there is no escape otherwise, may as well save the royal blood. The time loop is fake, and when Maia returns to Aquixia she finds her home in complete ruin, bodies littering the street. When she finds this she rushes to try and find Dawn in that secluded alley where she last saw him. She finds his corpse, rotting and foul. Maia finds a note clutched in his cold fingers, and manages to take it before fleeing her planet for a second time, planning to never return.

Birthday - When is Maia Arean Foresta Aquillia’s birthday?

5th feather moon of a round, 24 days past. 854 R. Aquillian Reign
(May 24th)

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