info Overview
Name - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s full name?

Garrett Hasaeshi

Age - How old is Garrett Hasaeshi?


Gender - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s gender?


Role - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s role in your story?

"Special Investigator"

face Looks
Eye Color - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s eye color?

Honey brown

Hair Style - How does Garrett Hasaeshi style their hair?

Medium-long, tied back into a ponytail

Hair Color - What color is Garrett Hasaeshi’s hair?

Dirty Blonde

Height - How tall is Garrett Hasaeshi?


Body Type

Lean, well taken care of

Skin Tone


Race - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does Garrett Hasaeshi have?

Garrett has a mind for strategy and excels in cooperating with a partner. He is highly intuitive, and has been extensively conditioned to pick up cues in ghoul body language that help him predict their moves.

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Garrett Hasaeshi have?

Garrett is curt and does not over-extend social encounters. He is often concise in his explanations, and takes into consideration what people may not benefit from knowing. Still, he will engage people socially, and respond well when approached.

Motivations - What motivates Garrett Hasaeshi most?

Garrett's primary goal within the CCG is mitigating the damage Ghouls can cause to the world by culling their numbers, thus making the world a little safer at a time. Every ghoul purged is ten innocent humans saved from consumption.

Flaws - What flaws does Garrett Hasaeshi have?

While totally competent, Garrett cannot operate to his fullest without a partner to collaborate and strategize with. He also vents his frustrations on targets, often killing ghouls in gruesome ways or making them kill themselves against his Quinque.

Lying to fellow humans takes a toll on him mentally.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Garrett Hasaeshi have?

Ghouls are monsters, and monsters should destroyed for the betterment of the world.

Half-ghouls are only slightly less abominable because there's a semblance of human in them. They are still, however, perversions of real people.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s favorite color?

Either blue or brown, he can't decide.

Languages spoken

Favorite animal - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s favorite animal?

Any small dog.

Favorite weapon - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s favorite weapon?

Quinque (see Equipment)

Favorite food - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s favorite food?

Braised beef noodle soup

Occupation - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s occupation?

Being really troubled that he got used by Lam to assist Frank in freeing a high-value prisoner without realizing it.

Politics - What politics does Garrett Hasaeshi have?

Undergoing a rather serious change as he realizes his current life/work situation.

Job - What job does Garrett Hasaeshi have?

Ghoul Investigator, Special Class. Allegedly from Shanghai, working under the Chinese variant of the CCG and visiting Tokyo.

info History
Birthday - When is Garrett Hasaeshi’s birthday?


Education - What is Garrett Hasaeshi’s level of education?

insert list detailing his time working in another city's CCG division

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory

S Rate Chimera Quinque, Ukaku-Koukaku, Poison ability - "Funnel Spider"

A stubby, large quinque that looks like a colorful red and orange spider abdomen. It ejects thin, clear strands of a silk-like kagune that are somewhat sticky and flexible, and have a high tensile strength. Due to how thin and tense a properly arranged strand is, even slight contact with silk strands can cause micro-cuts that leach poison into the victim. Strands can be spun together as thick ropes to avoid accidental cutting, and instead capture an opponent without poisoning and killing them.

Funnel Spider's strands are hard to break without sufficient weight, and are nearly invisible to those without highly trained eyes, or people using sensory-enhancing equipment (they are very warm, so infrared picks them up). A koukaku, unless somehow weakened, can resist their cutting ability and avoid poison leaching. You could also just block the silk with a hard physical object.

The briefcase containing Funnel Spider is fitted with a low-yield explosive device, solely meant to destroy the quinque from the inside in the event of an emergency. This will remain unless Darren vetoes it, because this character wasn't rolled for and it'd basically be a free S weapon if he needed to die.

history Changelog
edit Notes

This character was created by Sp00ky on

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