info Overview
Name - What is Ansel Beauregard’s full name?

Ansel Beauregard

Role - What is Ansel Beauregard’s role in your story?

The Tagalong Kid

Age - How old is Ansel Beauregard?


Gender - What is Ansel Beauregard’s gender?


Full Name

Ansel Henry Beauregard

Other names - What other aliases does Ansel Beauregard go by?





Happy Few

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

With Divine Protection

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Estate Ruler

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning

Beautiful Gaze

Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Ansel Beauregard’s race?


Body Type

Small and a bit stocky, still growing.

Weight - How much does Ansel Beauregard weigh?


Skin Tone

Light with a slight tan

Height - How tall is Ansel Beauregard?


Hair Color - What color is Ansel Beauregard’s hair?


Eye Color - What is Ansel Beauregard’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Ansel Beauregard style their hair?

Not very long, kinda curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Ansel Beauregard have?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Ansel Beauregard have?

Missing his top two teeth, they were knocked out by a government official when Ansel stood up for his mother.

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Ansel Beauregard?

Ansel is a sweet and lovable kid who's been dealt a rough hand in life. He's been through a lot but tries to stay cheerful throughout. He's a bit naive at times, but is a determined companion to have.

Skills and Hobbies

Checkers, sweeping, cleaning

Motivations - What motivates Ansel Beauregard most?

To help make the world a better place

Hobbies - What hobbies does Ansel Beauregard have?

Working odd jobs, playing checkers

Flaws - What flaws does Ansel Beauregard have?

Stubborn, naive, easily frightened, doesn't know when to hold his tongue.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Ansel Beauregard have?

Against the government officials in Twyllo

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Ansel Beauregard’s favorite possession?

A small 'king' from a chess set that his mother owned.

Favorite or Associated Animal


Favorite weapon - What is Ansel Beauregard’s favorite weapon?

He doesn't like fighting, but has been taught how to shoot.

Occupation - What is Ansel Beauregard’s occupation?

Streetsweeper, helps clean at the Revis Tavern in exchange for a place to stay.

Politics - What politics does Ansel Beauregard have?

He distrusts the government officials

Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Ansel Beauregard’s favorite food?


info History
Background - What is Ansel Beauregard’s background?

The only child of the young Annaleise Beauregard, Ansel had a stable (if not extremely comfortable) childhood. That is until his mother was suspected on charges of treason (the government suspected her of being "Anne Lewis", who had been writing exposes on their less savory actions), and taken into government custody. Young Ansel, understandably frightened, attempted to fight back, and lost two teeth for his trouble. Annaleise was hanged soon after, and Ansel tried his best to make money by streetsweeping before being taken in by the Revis family.

Birthday - When is Ansel Beauregard’s birthday?

July 16th


Annaleise Beauregard and Eliot Varel. Ansel was conceived when Annaleise was only sixteen, when she and Eliot had a "wedding" before Eliot (only seventeen at the time) was sent off to fight in Creston.
He died before ever meeting his son.

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history Changelog
edit Notes
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