info Overview
Name - What is Aria Zahkirina’s full name?

Aria Zahkirina

Role - What is Aria Zahkirina’s role in your story?

villain + Indigo's ex

Other names - What other aliases does Aria Zahkirina go by?


Gender - What is Aria Zahkirina’s gender?

cis female

Age - How old is Aria Zahkirina?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Aria Zahkirina weigh?


Height - How tall is Aria Zahkirina?


Hair Color - What color is Aria Zahkirina’s hair?

dark dark brown

Hair Style - How does Aria Zahkirina style their hair?

medium length, mostly straight but with a slight wave

Eye Color - What is Aria Zahkirina’s eye color?

dark hazel

Skin Tone


Body Type

lean, strong

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Aria Zahkirina have?

sharp teeth, claws, leathery feathered wings

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Aria Zahkirina have?


Motivations - What motivates Aria Zahkirina most?

revenge, power, dominance

Flaws - What flaws does Aria Zahkirina have?

petty, aggressive, manipulative

Talents - What talents does Aria Zahkirina have?

manipulation, strong, good fighter

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Aria Zahkirina have?


Favorite weapon - What is Aria Zahkirina’s favorite weapon?

Sword, or her own teeth and claws

Job - What job does Aria Zahkirina have?

leader of the Voitahl

Languages spoken

Voitahn, English

import_contacts History
device_hub Family
favorite Sexuality
Romantic partners

Indigo Castle, + 5 previous girlfriends



Sexual partners

Indigo Castle, + most of her previous girlfriends

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Location chevron_right Leaders link linked Aria Zahkirina

This character was created by Claire on

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