info Overview
Name - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s full name?

Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt

Role - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s role in your story?

the hipster ex girlfriend

Other names - What other aliases does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt go by?

Saff- when friends shorten her name

Sassafras- Haiden, when they were dating

Gender - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s gender?


Age - How old is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s eye color?

emerald green

Skin Tone


Body Type

curvy, but average weight
not athletic

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt have?

rose tattoo on her shoulder

Weight - How much does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt weigh?


Height - How tall is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt?

5' 5"


kind of preppy, but also kind of like a hipster.
lot of flowery patterns, and pastel colours.
flowing skirts, dresses, and cardigans.

Hair Color - What color is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s hair?

orange red

Hair Style - How does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt style their hair?

short and wavy, ending at her chin
bangs ending right above her eyebrows

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt have?


fingerprint Nature


Personality type - What personality type is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt?

quite the social butterfly

Hobbies - What hobbies does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt have?

pretending she's an instagram model, singing, baking, gardening, sketching, interior design

Talents - What talents does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt have?

interior design, sketching, taking a good picture

Flaws - What flaws does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt have?

-kind of superficial
-not good at keeping secrets
-overly concerned with her appearance and reputation

Motivations - What motivates Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt most?

-wants to be popular and well-liked because it makes her feel important and like she matters

groups Social
Favorite food - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s favorite food?


Religion - What religion does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt practice?


Occupation - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s occupation?

aspiring interior designer

Favorite color - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s favorite color?

periwinkle or rose gold

Job - What job does Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt have?

high school- JCPenny (would often carpool to work with Haiden)
college- TJ Maxx

date_range History
Education - What is Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt’s level of education?

High School- Garrett High School
College- Woodbury University

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
favorite_border Relationships
Character chevron_right Love interests link linked Saffron Jaqueline Vanderbuilt

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This character was created by Adddie on

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