accessibility Outfits
info Overview
Name - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s full name?

Chiaroscuro Canterwell

Age - How old is Chiaroscuro Canterwell?




Chaotic Neutral

Role - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s role in your story?

Lord of the True Underworld

Other names - What other aliases does Chiaroscuro Canterwell go by?


Gender - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s gender?


face Looks
Body Type

His actual one is well-muscled in the arms and legs. This can change according to mood.

Facial Features

His actual ones are:

-Low hairline
-Arched eyebrows
-Eyeshape on the more round side
-High cheekbones
-Grecian nose
-Full lips

But only his parents and his grandparents have ever seen it. (And Foxglove. Once.)

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

The only identifying mark is his hand of enchanted aluminum, which is often hidden in a glove.

Height - How tall is Chiaroscuro Canterwell?

6'6. Usually appears 6'1 to make people think he's shorter in actuality, but just glamouring himself taller.

Hair Color - What color is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s hair?

Depends on the guise, usually platinum blond. (His hair is naturally that way in his actual guise.)

Hair Style - How does Chiaroscuro Canterwell style their hair?

Depends on the guise, usually cropped short

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

Depends on the guise

Eye Color - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s eye color?

He favors green eyes. This is because he has Scheele's green eyes in his actual form. However, to keep from tying himself down to an identifying mark, this can change easily.

Race - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s race?

In actuality, he's a god halfspawn.

But nobody but his ancestors know that.

Skin Tone

Shifts with the guise, but frequently a sort of freckled tan

fingerprint Nature
Hobbies - What hobbies does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

Planning fresh heists and cons, daydreaming about Foxglove, appraising valuables

Physical Quirks

His forms are so varied and different that nobody's got him pinned down. However, those who claim they're Marofiro have a kind of subdued flair to them and talk like they're from a well-educated, affluent family. (Often. Not always.)

Myers-Briggs Personality Type


Personality type - What personality type is Chiaroscuro Canterwell?

Ever-vigilant, determined, liable to little dramatic touches which embellish his legend.

Talents - What talents does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

Piano, actually, but he rarely plays.
Also the ability to balance a very complicated plan and have it ignore Murphy's Law completely.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

He laughs in the face of common folk who think that just because he cleans out one villain's pockets, he'll distribute the wealth.

Flaws - What flaws does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

Greedy and rarely values any being that's not serving him or his interests

Motivations - What motivates Chiaroscuro Canterwell most?

Maintaining his status as King, gathering yet more wealth

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

Paranoia is the subtext beneath every question he asks, pride in every statement he says.

groups Social
Favorite weapon - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s favorite weapon?

Any kind of gun. Simple, easy, gets the job done.

Job - What job does Chiaroscuro Canterwell have?

King of the True Underworld

date_range History
Education - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s level of education?


Background - What is Chiaroscuro Canterwell’s background?


device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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This character was created by J.H.B. on

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