info Overview
Name - What is Henry Harrison’s full name?

Henry Harrison

Role - What is Henry Harrison’s role in your story?

The Baseball Player

Age - How old is Henry Harrison?


Gender - What is Henry Harrison’s gender?


Full Name

Henry Eric Harrison


Unhappy Families

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning

Estate Ruler

First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

Eternal Ruler

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning

Son of Harry

Surname Pronunciation


face Looks
Race - What is Henry Harrison’s race?


Body Type

Henry is a bit below average height, with a stocky, broad-shouldered build. He's muscular and a bit chubby.

Weight - How much does Henry Harrison weigh?

Above average weight, due to both muscle and fat

Skin Tone

Tanned and freckled

Height - How tall is Henry Harrison?


Hair Color - What color is Henry Harrison’s hair?

Red-gold, leans more reddish

Eye Color - What is Henry Harrison’s eye color?

Light brown

Hair Style - How does Henry Harrison style their hair?

Fairly short, kinda curly

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Henry Harrison have?



Dyslexia, also is heavily implied to be ADHD

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Henry Harrison have?

Has a fairly prominent scar on his right knee due to surgery

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Henry Harrison?

Henry is excitable and a bit rude at times. He's loud, and tends to speak and/or act first and think later. He's very extroverted and enjoys spending time with people, but is fairly easily influenced by the people around him, which can lead to bad things. He's very protective of his loved ones, often offering advice that they don't always want nor need (and that he rarely even follows). He also tends to jump into decisions as opposed to planning them. Deals with a lot of insecurities, mainly about his difficulty reading and being seen as dumb compared to his friends, and his weight when he was younger, and tends to overcompensate when surrounded by large groups of people due to his. He absolutely hates to show fear and/or vulnerability and often refuses to back down even when it's best.

Skills and Hobbies

Very good at math, although he's not interested in a career in it, and at baseball.

Motivations - What motivates Henry Harrison most?

To get through college

Hobbies - What hobbies does Henry Harrison have?

He's very into baseball, either watching it or playing it, and sitcoms.

Flaws - What flaws does Henry Harrison have?

Overprotective, nosy, a bit hypocritical at times, loud, easily influenced by what's happening around him, combats insecurity by overcompensating with everything.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Henry Harrison’s favorite possession?

A bat he bought at the Louisville Slugger museum.

Lovers (Current and Past)

Tyler Russel (past)
Victor Grant (current)

Favorite or Associated Animal

Red pandas

Favorite weapon - What is Henry Harrison’s favorite weapon?

Can throw a solid punch.

Politics - What politics does Henry Harrison have?


Religion - What religion does Henry Harrison practice?

Believes in some sort of god, but not one in particular.

Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Henry Harrison’s favorite food?


info History
Background - What is Henry Harrison’s background?

Born and raised in the south, Henry is the youngest of three kids by a pretty big amount. He ended up moving in with his grandparents (who live in Wisconsin) when he was in high school so his parents could fulfill their dream of travelling the world. Henry then met Alice Lowe and Victor Grant, becoming fast friends with them. He also joined the baseball team and met Tyler Russel, who was a year older than him. Henry would later look back on their relationship as toxic, and cut Tyler out of his life before graduating high school. After Victor was kicked out of his home, Henry took him in and the two began living together, as well as realizing their feelings for one another.

Birthday - When is Henry Harrison’s birthday?

June 23rd

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