info Overview
Name - What is Andrew Robertson’s full name?

Andrew Robertson

Role - What is Andrew Robertson’s role in your story?

The Butler

Age - How old is Andrew Robertson?


Gender - What is Andrew Robertson’s gender?

Cisgender man

Full Name

Andrew Joseph Robertson

Other names - What other aliases does Andrew Robertson go by?

Mr. Robertson


The Pursued and the Pursuing

folder_open Name
First Name


First Name Meaning


First Name Pronunciation


Middle Name


Middle Name Meaning

God Will Add

Middle Name Pronunciation




Surname Meaning

Son of Robert

Surname Pronunciation


Out Of Universe Relevance

Named after Robertson Ay from Mary Poppins

face Looks
Race - What is Andrew Robertson’s race?


Body Type

Tall and skinny

Weight - How much does Andrew Robertson weigh?


Skin Tone

Light, some freckles

Height - How tall is Andrew Robertson?


Hair Color - What color is Andrew Robertson’s hair?

Light brown

Eye Color - What is Andrew Robertson’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does Andrew Robertson style their hair?

Tousled, often tries to have it styled more strictly due to his jobs.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Andrew Robertson have?



  • Asthma, which adds some difficulty to living in the very industrial Creston

fingerprint Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Andrew Robertson?

Andrew is shy and quiet, and quite awkward. He's a mentor figure to Stephen Erikson, who looks up to him as a role model. Andrew tries his best to stay optimistic about life, although he has little to be optimistic about, and just wants everyone around him to stay safe. Although he's generally reserved and strict around Natalia Dawes-Brecker, he will not hesitate to banter with Stephen, who he views as a sort of younger brother. Despite his moral reservations, he takes a job with the Dawes-Brecker family out of desperation, and while he more or less is just a butler, he still feels a sense of dread over who he's aiding.

Skills and Hobbies

Staying under the radar

Motivations - What motivates Andrew Robertson most?

To keep his head down and stay alive while providing for his family.

Romantic Orientation


Sexual Orientation


Star Sign


Myers-Briggs Type

ISFJ (Defender)

Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn?

Somewhat reluctantly, fight. Andrew isn't much of a fighter, but if push comes to shove and he feels there's no other option, he will fight.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Andrew Robertson have?

Not many, he has to work for most of the day and when he isn't working, he's with Francesca Robertson and her family.

Flaws - What flaws does Andrew Robertson have?

Doormat, quiet, awkward, clumsy, ineloquent, overexerts himself a lot.

groups Social
Favorite possession - What is Andrew Robertson’s favorite possession?

A knit blanket from Francesca's family

Lovers (Current and Past)

Francesca Robertson, his wife.

Favorite or Associated Animal

Fennec foxs

Favorite weapon - What is Andrew Robertson’s favorite weapon?

He tends not to fight, due to health reasons, but Francesca can protect the both of them.

Occupation - What is Andrew Robertson’s occupation?

He workers as a cleaner at the Aurum Center, and also at the Dawes-Brecker home. Eventually gets promoted to Stephen's personal assistant.

Favorite or Associated Color


Favorite food - What is Andrew Robertson’s favorite food?


info History
Background - What is Andrew Robertson’s background?

Born to a poor family in Aurum City, Andrew worked odd jobs for most of his life. He got what seemed to be his big break when he was hired to work at the Aurum Center, but over the years his pay dwindled. When an explosion at the Center ending up permanently injuring Leah Cobalt (a surrogate sister of Francesca's), Andrew took on a second job with the Dawes-Brecker crime family out of desperation.

Birthday - When is Andrew Robertson’s birthday?

January 11th

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shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
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