Equivalently in her early 20s
Main character
? Lesbian? Maybe?
3 feet 6 inches from talons to head
Has a prominent scar somewhere from some important point in the book, still haven't figured out where.
Tall and athletic
Her scales are green with brown stripes
Skarmin, a race of snake-lizards that live in the forest at the base of Feather Heights.
Good at beating people up I guess.
When everyone else is sunbathing, she coldbathes. No one knows why.
We'll figure this out as I figure out what the plot is...
Her motivation can sometimes cloud her judgment and make her do life-threatening things. Has a sense of rude humor that doesn't endear her to many people, although she usually regrets what she says.
Not a fan of Rok, the pack leader. Disgusted by her own lack of disgust at violence.
She trains daily with her friend Ercae to keep herself on the athletic level of the males.
Ambitious, independent, brash. Makes use of forced optimism. Snappy.
Taught how to hunt and climb by her father Xak.
Haven't fully plotted out the book yet so this is kind of fuzzy. Grows up in a male-dominated skarmin pack and rises to the high rank of guard, which females usually aren't allowed to be. Her best friend Mure died in a freak water-tree related accident when they were kids.
Xak, a rust-colored male at the rank of hunter.
Flik, a large green female.
Half-moon glider, a large bird that migrates to Feather Forest for a short time. every year.
Skarmin tongue
Her venomous fangs
Pack Guard
The skarmin religion believes that the bodies of the dead give luck to those who remain. They eat the remains of their dead relatives and place the skulls in the branches of the trees where they sleep.