info Overview
Name - What is Starfarts’s full name?


Role - What is Starfarts’s role in your story?


Other names - What other aliases does Starfarts go by?

Skittle, Scumbus, Taimi, No.8675309

Gender - What is Starfarts’s gender?


Age - How old is Starfarts?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Starfarts weigh?

about 10 oz.

Height - How tall is Starfarts?

about 7 in

Hair Color - What color is Starfarts’s hair?

mostly a dark brown with some darker stripes and speckles, black ear tufts

Hair Style - How does Starfarts style their hair?

absolutely bonkers

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Starfarts have?

not really
she has a kinda-noticeable not-quite-mustache sometimes, and she hates it, and anyone who points it out
OH! and eyebrowź, thikc brown eyebrows!

Eye Color - What is Starfarts’s eye color?

brown-ish with some green

Race - What is Starfarts’s race?

most likely Wied´s Marmoset

Skin Tone

Apricot-tan on her face, hands and feet are purple-grey, tons of acne and scars and gross

Body Type

Muscular, shorter, not quite chubby yet but has a big face

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Starfarts have?

OwO-pattern on her head fur, purple-grey hands and feet

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Starfarts have?

angry, awkward

Motivations - What motivates Starfarts most?

usually her anger; she´s a bit of a spaz

Flaws - What flaws does Starfarts have?

Rage, socially-inept, opinionated, couldn´t cook or sing if her life depended on it, rarely shows emotion unless she's throwing an absolute fit

Prejudices - What prejudices does Starfarts have?

doesn´t like dogs, doesn´t trust people very much, THoSe HeCkinG LiBeRaLs, and she´s pretty mad at Bill Trinen right now

Talents - What talents does Starfarts have?

balloon animals, kazoo, writing

Hobbies - What hobbies does Starfarts have?

karate, attempting to play guitar, videogames, (she has an edgy Tumblr blog about Meta Knight, but that´s a secret!)

Personality type - What personality type is Starfarts?

is ¨Republican Meta Knight fangirl with a kick-tuchis guac recipe¨ a personality type?


tons from being a lab monkey and hoyging around Pittsburgh, but she refuses to go to a vet and have them identified...
her skin´s grody and she almost always has a sinus infection, also grody toenails
afraid of doctors and medical scientists

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Starfarts have?


Occupation - What is Starfarts’s occupation?

I mean... she´s a literal monkey... I dunno

Favorite color - What is Starfarts’s favorite color?

matcha green

Favorite food - What is Starfarts’s favorite food?

sushi, tacos, tea, British biscuits

Favorite possession - What is Starfarts’s favorite possession?

Meta Knight plushie, probably
What a dweeb

Favorite weapon - What is Starfarts’s favorite weapon?

She has a stick she sharpened and she likes to pretend it´s a sword. She´s also pretty mediocre at karate.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Starfarts’s birthday?

September 17!

Background - What is Starfarts’s background?

Lab monkey

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Starfarts have?

potato bugs

shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes

-Shoutouts to Simpleflips
-has no circulation due to a traumatic Billy Idol impression accident as a child
-talks to a Meta Knight plushie
-eats pineapple pizza
-no style
-no grace
-a funny face
-has more mucus than the rest of the galaxy combined
-probably has no soul
-outspoken Trump supporter
-really likes Weird Al
-80’s kid at heart
-terrible Pittsburgh accent
-vomits a lot
-allergic to grapefruit seed extract
-matcha addiction
-steals people’s phones and looks at their search history
-volunteers at Manor Care to steal gloves to drink Mtn. Dew from
-illegally downloaded the entire Kirby anime in German
-probably hacked your email a few times
-mentally 97, and couldn’t use a phone if her life depended on it
-tried to sell her appendix on Ebay
-only member of the BEEF LIP’Z crew who can’t draw
-has a mini hot pepper farm
-wrote a self-insert TMNT Weird Al Kirby fanfic back in 3rd grade
-may destroy a nearby planet or two but such is life
-Bill Trinen blocked Starfarts on Twitter.
-has an unironic Tumblr account
-ingrown toenails

traffic Other Very Important Mramsoet Stuff
Favorite Steve Vai Song

Ya Yo Gakk

60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s?


Overused words and phrases

Groovy, grody, heck, libtard, wow, spleen, tuchis

bug_report Likes and Dislikes

Nintendo, the 80s, computer science, Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom, British biscuits, Christmas, Peppa Pig, cherry blossoms, peppers, tea, kazoos, slide whistles, 80s metal, evergreen trees, those strawberry candies every grandma has for some reason, Billy Idol, karate, Weird Al, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Spinal Tap, The Shaggs, Gordon Ramsay, The Residents, Falco, Better Off Dead (the movie), Muppets, yelling, sushi, goats, the word "tuchis", r/sbubby


coffee, chemistry, cooking, arrogance, whining, dogs, Twenty One Pilots, Buzzfeed, Starbucks, Rick and Morty, public displays of affection, having her picture taken, when people call things that are not literal cinnamon rolls "cinnamon rolls", pasta, drama, being inside, modern art

Item chevron_right Original Owners link linked Starfarts

Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Starfarts

This character was created by BEEF LIPŹ on

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