info Overview
Name - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s full name?

Constantine Israel Montegue

Role - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s role in your story?

Sekhmet's Prodigy

Other names - What other aliases does Constantine Israel Montegue go by?


Gender - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s gender?


Age - How old is Constantine Israel Montegue?


face Looks
Height - How tall is Constantine Israel Montegue?


Hair Color - What color is Constantine Israel Montegue’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Constantine Israel Montegue style their hair?

Short, straight

Eye Color - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s eye color?

blue gray

Race - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s race?


fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Constantine Israel Montegue have?

Constantine is a very family oriented vampire. He loves showing off his kid Trisan whenever he can, and gushing about times when his son was a child. He's a talker, and very knowledgeable in history, especially the history he has been though. Constantine had a hoard of artifacts that were given to him from over three thousand years of protecting kings and traveling all over the world. His home is practically a museum of perfectly preserved artifacts dating back to King Tut era Egypt.

Motivations - What motivates Constantine Israel Montegue most?

Constantine is highly motivated by his son Tristan. With every promise of a visit, a new story, or even a phone call it excites Constantine. Alongside his family, Constantine had a surprising love for life.

Prejudices - What prejudices does Constantine Israel Montegue have?

Constantine is heavily prejudice against German people. He is like this because of the Nazis and the killing of his daughter in Dachau. While he tries very hard not to think of the German people like those who killed Avril and almost killed Tristan as well.

Talents - What talents does Constantine Israel Montegue have?

Constantine is a pyrokinetic. He is very experienced with fire, so much so he taught himself to walk in the sun by suppressing the flame that would engulf his body otherwise.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Constantine Israel Montegue have?

Constantine occasionally opens his home to the public as a free museum so he can teach people about history.

groups Social
Religion - What religion does Constantine Israel Montegue practice?

Constantine believes heavily in the Egyptian gods. He still prays to them, and refers to them when he is in trouble with anything.

Occupation - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s occupation?

Constantine's current occupation is the owner of a museum where he shows off his artifacts.

Favorite color - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s favorite color?

Constantine's favorite color is gold

Favorite food - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s favorite food?

Constantine's favorite food is corn bread.

Favorite possession - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s favorite possession?

Constantine's favorite possession is the mask of Sekhmet that is made of pure gold and onyx. He wore this when protecting King Tut.

Favorite weapon - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s favorite weapon?

Constantine's favorite weaponry are swords.

date_range History
Birthday - When is Constantine Israel Montegue’s birthday?

March 22 1320BC

Background - What is Constantine Israel Montegue’s background?

Born in Grease, I was taken in my infancy by my mother to Egypt in 1320BC. As a child I grew with humans and vampires alike, always dewling in the darkness but never questioned. In those times we vampires were considered close to the gods, and almost pampered in the same way. When I was little I played with humans and my own kind alike, learning what I could about the desert I had been brought into, and about our kings. I'd heard stories of assassins of the night called Magi. They were vampires just like myself who served the Pharaohs and hunted their enemies in the dark. Since I was small I wanted to be like them. They fascinated me much like superheros now enlarge the imaginations of children. As a teen I would sneak into their camp and watch the Magi train with their abilities and their swords. Their leader who bore the mask of Anubis, Trykumaan, was who I aspired to be. There were many nights where I was caught sneaking around, though instead of punishing me like I thought they would have, they allowed me to stay and watch in my admiration as they demonstrated their power. In my twentieth year I got that wish under the reign of the great, young King Tutankhamun. Despite being a child, the Pharaoh was wise beyond his years. I could tell something in my caught the young King's eyes. I was brought into the Magi, given my first curved sword and taught how to use it. I quickly excelled in sword battle, so much so that I gave my Trykumaan a run for his money. With my training as a Magi, birthed my blood ability as a vampire of the Westsinner bloodline. Fire. It started with sparks from my fingers and grew from there. No one else had my ability, and in that growth I was much more to them than met the eye. With my manipulation of fire I was seen as an embodiment of the lion goddess Sekhmet, and that fire and vengeance ran through me stronger than anyone else. I was promoted captain of the Magi Division of the Lion, a band of those who worshiped Sekhmet wished to follow her ways into brutal battle. A gold smith made me a mask of the lion, and I was deemed not only a Magi, but the speaker for Sekhmet herself. I took great pride in my new title, as it was given me by King Tutankhamen himself before he died. While my King's life was short lived, I was well aware of the fact that his uncle had killed him, yet just like the other Magi, I was unable to act upon my need to avenge the young King. Instead the Magi memorialized him by etching his hieroglyph into our weapons.

Moses was a Sham
Sekhmet/Seti/Ramesses II

Romans are Unoriginal
Mars/Roman Kings

Ceasar is... Okay

Jesus Stepped in a Puddle

Nords are Weird

Did someone say English Royalty?
No god association/Queen Elisabeth/ Royal Guard

I'm the Mayor of Crazy Town
Pheonix/Western Town/ Best friend wendigo

Wanna See my Collection
Vampire/ Runs a museum

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open After Being Turned

This character was created by TantricTrances on

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