account_circle Overview
Name - What is Astra Clarimonde’s full name?

Astra Clarimonde

Gender - What is Astra Clarimonde’s gender?


Role - What is Astra Clarimonde’s role in your story?

Vega's grandmother (source of Vega's powers)



Name Meaning

Astra- Greek origin, from the stars
Clarimonde- German origin, brilliant protector

Age - How old is Astra Clarimonde?

Lived to around 65 (Vega was 13)
Died due to illness and "old age" (even though she wasn't that old according to society.


Zone- Air- Guardian (Aerokinetics)
Was experimented on in an attempt to see the limits of her power- especially as a tempestatic, and to try to have her obtain powers over water---reason she had so many problems later in life

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Astra Clarimonde’s hair?

Light blonde

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Astra Clarimonde have?

Her eyes

Skin Tone

Pale white

Race - What is Astra Clarimonde’s race?


Eye Color - What is Astra Clarimonde’s eye color?

Light blue

Hair Style - How does Astra Clarimonde style their hair?

Long hair, slightly wavy

accessibility Nature
Personality type - What personality type is Astra Clarimonde?

Charming, people person

Hobbies - What hobbies does Astra Clarimonde have?


Talents - What talents does Astra Clarimonde have?

Using her powers, art

Prejudices - What prejudices does Astra Clarimonde have?

Hated the government/system


PTSD- due to her experimentation and torture

Flaws - What flaws does Astra Clarimonde have?

the problems that her PTSD caused

Motivations - What motivates Astra Clarimonde most?

SAFETY- something she didn't have much of, her family, peace

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Astra Clarimonde have?

jumpy, kinda paranoid

local_hospital Health
account_balance History
Background - What is Astra Clarimonde’s background?

grew up as a Regular

Education - What is Astra Clarimonde’s level of education?

Regular education until 10
10-16- special education for Freaks

groups Social
Politics - What politics does Astra Clarimonde have?

Rebel- less violent, more protesting

device_hub Family
work Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
hourglass_empty Timeline

Years 4-10- Regular Education
Year 10- caught for being a Freak
Years 10-16- goes to a special school for Freaks (like Bree)
Year 16- becomes a legal adult- which the gov uses to be able to run experiments
Age 16-20- lives in a almost constant state of captivity and experimentation
Age 21- meets her husband
Age 21-65- lives in a state of caution and PTSD
Age 21-65- supports the rebellion
Age 22- gets married
Age 22- has ____ (Atlas's brother)
Age 23- has Atlas
Age 26- has ____ (Atlas's other brother)
Age 65- dies due to "old age" and illness/ weakness caused by her experimentation

airline_seat_flat Death

This character was created by Kylie on

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