info Overview
Name - What is Elgroth Greymouth’s full name?

Elgroth Greymouth

Other names - What other aliases does Elgroth Greymouth go by?


Gender - What is Elgroth Greymouth’s gender?


Age - How old is Elgroth Greymouth?


face Looks
Weight - How much does Elgroth Greymouth weigh?


Height - How tall is Elgroth Greymouth?

1,32 m

Hair Color - What color is Elgroth Greymouth’s hair?

greyish blond with a few subtle ashen streaks.

Hair Style - How does Elgroth Greymouth style their hair?

wild and wavy to the length of under his shoulder blades when loose. Most of the time he wears it in a messy knot or, if Opal offers it, a set of braids decorated with flowers

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Elgroth Greymouth have?

a thick bushy beard of a somewhat darker colour than the hair on top of his head. he keeps it short for the sake of practicality as it happened quite often in the past that it would be hanging in paint cans or batter depending on what he was helping with

Eye Color - What is Elgroth Greymouth’s eye color?

a deep dark brown with a few grey spots

Race - What is Elgroth Greymouth’s race?


Skin Tone

typicaly white but weathered and tanned by his work outside as well as occasionally reddened by a sunburn when he fell asleep under a tree or outside his wagon.

Body Type

short and sturdy with a round belly. despite not looking it on first glance, underneath the furs and loose clothing is a dwarf built for heavy lifting and hand to hand combat.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Elgroth Greymouth have?

big 'oll friendly eyes in a round face marked by pudgy cheeks due to a permanent content smile partially hidden by his beard. He has a round nose which children have often marked as looking like a potato.
the many scares and cuts that are visible on his hands indicate his past as both a mercenary and worker on construction sites.

General clothing style

Elgroth is often dressed from head to toe in clothing.
He typically wears heavy leather boots or leather boots with fur lining depending on the climate, basic leather armour over a boring brown or greyish woollen shirt and black or brown baggy pants that hold his working tools.
The only splash of lively colour he wears daily is the hand-felted bright blue pointhat with purple and yellow flowers the Opal's mother had made for him when they ventured together.

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Elgroth Greymouth have?

Elgroth always laughs heartedly after jokes, even if they're not that funny, and constantly reminds people to clean up their things.
If he notices something needs fixing or maintenance he gets right to work even if it's the middle of the night. He has often awoken people from their slumber when deciding to fix a wobbly cartwheel or refurbish a chair.

Motivations - What motivates Elgroth Greymouth most?

Elgroth was entrusted with Opal as her godfather after his former friend and her mother died and by the gods, he shall honour the final wishes of that woman and be the best father he can be.

Flaws - What flaws does Elgroth Greymouth have?

His "don't postpone but get to it right away "attitude can be very annoying a mentioned before.
His extreme efforts to be a good dad can also mean that he takes things a bit to far when she needs to be lectured, protected or when he's praising her.

Talents - What talents does Elgroth Greymouth have?

baking, building houses/ wagons (what's the difference, wagons are houses on wheels right?) as long as they are wood, tracking prey, sword and spear fighting

Hobbies - What hobbies does Elgroth Greymouth have?

Baking, painting with Opal, talking about the children with Ki-chin

Personality type - What personality type is Elgroth Greymouth?

Elgroth is a very hands-on and caring dwarf determined to do everything he does as best he can. He supports people unconditionally and is always ready to get into a fight with whoever is bothering the ladies at a bar.

star_half Magic abilities
groups Social
Job - What job does Elgroth Greymouth have?

carpenter, one of the designated bakers within the circus, stagehand, maintenance man

filter_vintage Tidbits and relationships to other chracters
Inworld facts about the character

  1. There's a cult of dwarves (which Rostal mistook for a secret service that one time) who believe Opal to be a child of their god and are constantly trying to find her. Elgroth isn't aware of this.

  2. between his 95th and 200th years of life, Elgroth took on jobs as a mercenary besides his job as a carpenter and earned the nickname Blooded grin due to his tendency to look at things brightly while covered in the blood of his enemies and his own. "It could've been worse. we could be attending the court jester's play."

  3. The large sword he carries with him at all times was the last gift he got from his father before he passed and he used it to kill a young red dragon.

secrets they have

Opal's mother knew she would never return when she went on her last mission and requested that he wouldn't tell Opal what the mission was, why she took it or how she died until she would be at least 12 years old.

He was banished from his hometown due to his friendship with Opal's mother who was scorned and hated by the higher society dwarves of his hometown. He does not talk about it as he is afraid that vigilantes will take it upon themselves to punish him for this "crime" even more.

secrets that are kept from them

Malin and Nax have a rough idea of why he was banished after some investigation as they questioned why he would want to join them.

One time while Rostal was babysitting Opal he lost sight of her and couldn't find her in the camp. He immediately took his dinosaurs and several other "pets" to search for her after notifying both Malin and Nax. He found her by the end of the day in the possession of dwarves who seemed to be of some secret service. He killed all of them, made it look like an attack by wild predators from a nearby forest, and had Malin give the girl a protective amulet and wipe her memory. This was never told to Elgroth as it would likely make him worry to the point of insanity.

Relations to other chracters

Malin du Val: though he appreciated her advice on buying gifts for Opal and how to take care of non-dwarf girls and her constant reminders that Thieflings grow up faster than dwarves... He absolutely does not want Opal to look up to this reckless woman. He respects her as his employer and overall protector of the circus but is careful about letting her alone with his godchild.

Ki-chin: a fellow member of the proud parents club and wagon mate. He likes and respects her as a friend but is worried about her pranking habit and sweet tooth rubbing of on Opal

Pip: second child/ nephew/ niece and wagon mate.

Rostal: an okay fellow and the first person he would entrust to look after Opal for a day if needed.

Naxaschirqal: Elgroth is 100% certain that this is a dangerous person who should be avoided at all times for whatever reason. It's not necessarily because Nax is half snake but because he lacks emotions and gives off a permanent aura of intimidation.

Opal: He's Opal's godfather. the seven-year-old Thiefling girl is the daughter of a woman he saw as a close friend and he acted as her uncle during the first four years of her life. He cares for Opal as her own person and is constantly worried about setting a good example and providing a happy youth.

info History
Education - What is Elgroth Greymouth’s level of education?

education in reading, geology, sword fighting, war tactics, carpenter and the basics of baking.

Background - What is Elgroth Greymouth’s background?

He was born in the sunset mountains to a rather wealthy family with a father who earned his money as a craftsman and merchant.
Up to his 56th year, Elgroth spent his time studying geology and sword fighting.
from the age of 51 to 62, he worked as an apprentice under a carpenter after which he started his own small company.
He specialised in building house frames and intricate staircases/balustrades and remained a small bussiness until he moved away roughly 140 years later.
At 97 years old he started to find his life as a smalltime carpenter to be rather boring and longed for some action. In the century that followed, he took on jobs as a mercenary during which he gained the name Bloody grin due to his positive personality.
At the age of 198 years, he took on a job to exterminate a red dragon who had taken control over a village a few days travel by horse away. Elgroth was paired up with a purple and red skinned Thiefling woman who had clearly been in a lot of tough fights as one of her horns was broken and one of her mouth corners was made into a permanent smile by a scar that ran up to her ear. (Opals mother)
She was scorned by the dwarven society for her race but a kindhearted and skilled cleric of the sun-god nevertheless. Her magical abilities were the only thing that allowed her to stay in the dwarven city.
The two of them barely survived their encounter with the young red dragon and became good friends. After a year the Thiefling convinced him to quite his mercenary work and take up baking. it was during this period, between starting to bake and Opal's birth, that he met a very young Malin travelling around in an adventuring group
When Opal was born he was immediately appointed as her godfather and acted as her uncle. Opal came into his care permanently when her mother was sent on a mission with minimal chance of survival and never returned.
He moved to a small village with Opal, judging it to be a safer and less socially taxing environment for the child. After a year he heard about the circus coming to a nearby city and quickly decided to join as he Malin had told him about her vision when they first met..

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
adjust Goals and stuff
history Changelog
edit Notes

Elgroth had met Malin du Val several years before she started her circus and knew she was a very open and accepting person which is why he sought her out as soon as he heard her circus would be passing through a large semi-nearby city.

Character chevron_right Fathers link linked Elgroth Greymouth

This character was created by M.W. Poel on

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