Ella Eveque
A candidact to the throne
She's skinny and doesn't weigh more than 65 kilos
Medium-height (almost 160 cm)
Blonde (tho it's almost red)
Long hair ( till the waist ) curly
Most of the times use braids
Doesn't have (:
Jasmin Green ;
Brownish Green
Pale white
She's a very dark birth-mark on her shoulder ;
She's left-handed (witch is considered witch-craft)
She's used to be really paronoic and to doubt about everyone
She wants to prove she's worth it
She's fragil and not very experient
She's actually very good controlling others with her sweetness and kindness
She's determined but also Paranoic
She's allergic to flowers
3rd of June
Literatture & Tales classes (Book 1)
She's the daughter of a QUEEN
Ella é uma bela princesa , com uns invejáveis olhos verdes , contornados de tristeza , luzentes como jasmim e safiras , porta incomparáveis vestidos , cada um diferente por dia , é dito , que quando se passa por ela , sente-se um cheiro inigualável a álisso , uma flor que apenas existe nos jardins orientais e que os delícia com o seu perfume a mel.
This character was created by Alice Dale on Notebook.ai.
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