info Overview
Name - What is Harper Smith’s full name?

Harper Smith

Age - How old is Harper Smith?


Role - What is Harper Smith’s role in your story?

Explorer or the world i guess

Other names - What other aliases does Harper Smith go by?

Harp, H, Smith

Gender - What is Harper Smith’s gender?


face Looks
Eye Color - What is Harper Smith’s eye color?


Race - What is Harper Smith’s race?


Skin Tone

a light tan

Body Type

Lightly muscled and not super skinny but not big.

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Harper Smith have?

A scar on her bottom lip from falling on a rock and cutting it.

Weight - How much does Harper Smith weigh?

135 lbs.

Height - How tall is Harper Smith?


Hair Color - What color is Harper Smith’s hair?

brown that is super close to a black

Hair Style - How does Harper Smith style their hair?

hair is down all the time unless she is being active. she will do a quick braid before running or doing activities.

Facial Hair - What facial hair does Harper Smith have?


fingerprint Nature

poor eyesight, wears glasses or contacts but mostly contacts

Personality type - What personality type is Harper Smith?

She is funny but serious. She is more shy than anything. Harper is super creative.

Hobbies - What hobbies does Harper Smith have?

arts and crafts, writing and singing.

Talents - What talents does Harper Smith have?

Baking (cooking on the other hand might end in a house fire.)

Flaws - What flaws does Harper Smith have?

she isn't that great at making friends, she will usually push people away.

Motivations - What motivates Harper Smith most?

Being from a bad past
Trying to make up for lost time with her Dad

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Harper Smith have?

-Stutters when talking to people she likes, doesn't happen all the time.
-Makes eye contact a lot when in a conversation.
-Fidgets with her shirt hems or watch when she is nervous.

groups Social
Favorite color - What is Harper Smith’s favorite color?

a pale purple, not lavender but like a pastel purple.

Religion - What religion does Harper Smith practice?

No views but respects others choices

Politics - What politics does Harper Smith have?

no views

Favorite food - What is Harper Smith’s favorite food?


Favorite possession - What is Harper Smith’s favorite possession?

her black watch that she got on her 10th birthday, before her Mom passed away

Favorite animal - What is Harper Smith’s favorite animal?


Job - What job does Harper Smith have?

Assistant at Parker Computers (Her Dad's company)

info History
Education - What is Harper Smith’s level of education?

all the way through high school

Birthday - When is Harper Smith’s birthday?


Background - What is Harper Smith’s background?

She comes from a rich family, Her dad was her main parent because at the age of 10 her mom passed away.

device_hub Family
Pets - What pets does Harper Smith have?

a border collie named Bear. Bear is very protective but lets people pet him.

shopping_basket Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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Item chevron_right Current Owners link linked Harper Smith

This character was created by K. on

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