info Overview
Name - What is Alice Hunt’s full name?

Alice Hunt

Role - What is Alice Hunt’s role in your story?

Back story character

Other names - What other aliases does Alice Hunt go by?


Gender - What is Alice Hunt’s gender?


Age - How old is Alice Hunt?

5 at time of death

face Looks
Hair Color - What color is Alice Hunt’s hair?


Hair Style - How does Alice Hunt style their hair?

Medium length, straight

Eye Color - What is Alice Hunt’s eye color?

1 green eye.....the other eye is missing

Race - What is Alice Hunt’s race?


Skin Tone

Super pale

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Alice Hunt have?

A missing eye, strings hanging from the back of her hands

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Alice Hunt have?

In life, she had a short fuse, even for a child. If she was upset about something, her unhappiness could last a few days.
In death, she's perpetually angry with the world and enjoys playing games that usually end in someone getting hurt, if not killed.
In both life and death, she was incredibly smart for her age

Flaws - What flaws does Alice Hunt have?

She's dead

Prejudices - What prejudices does Alice Hunt have?

she hates seeing other people happy

groups Social
date_range History
Education - What is Alice Hunt’s level of education?

She died when she was in kindergarten


Her life was cut incredibly short when she was kidnapped and raped followed by being murdered. She hunted down her grieving parents and brutally killed them, writing "your fault" on the wall in their blood. She blames them for never finding her, thinking that they didn't care enough to look

Current Story

Wanders around the world in search of happy people so she can kill them, because if she couldn't have a happy life, then no one can.

device_hub Family
shopping_basket Inventory
edit Notes
folder_open Powers

This character was created by Lulu on

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